- #1
aruwin said:Hello.
I know what factorial means but how do I calculate this? Could someone explain to me on how to do it?
Prove It said:$\displaystyle \begin{align*} \left| \frac{\frac{ \left[ \left( n + 1 \right) ! \right] ^2 }{ \left( 2n + 2 \right) !} }{ \frac{ \left( n ! \right) ^2 }{ \left( 2n \right) ! } } \right| &= \left| \frac{\left[ \left( n + 1 \right) ! \right] ^2 }{ \left( 2n + 2 \right) ! } \cdot \frac{ \left( 2n \right) !}{\left( n! \right) ^2} \right| \\ &= \left| \frac{ \left[ \left( n + 1 \right) n! \right] ^2 \left( 2n \right) ! }{ \left( 2n + 2 \right) \left( 2n + 1 \right) \left( 2n \right) ! \left( n! \right) ^2 } \right| \\ &= \left| \frac{ \left( n + 1 \right) ^2 \left( n! \right) ^2 }{ \left( 2n + 2 \right) \left( 2n + 1 \right) \left( n ! \right) ^2 } \right| \\ &= \left| \frac{ \left( n + 1 \right) ^2}{\left( 2n + 2 \right) \left( 2n + 1 \right) } \right| \end{align*}$
Can you evaluate the limit now?
aruwin said:Sorry, I am not sure how to evaluate the limit. I just know that n should be substituted with infinity.
Prove It said:NO! You NEVER "substitute infinity", as infinity is NOT a number. Besides, $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \frac{\infty}{\infty} \end{align*}$ is a meaningless indeterminate expression.
My advice would now be to expand out all the brackets, and then multiply by $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \frac{\frac{1}{n^2}}{\frac{1}{n^2}} \end{align*}$. Once you have done this, you should be able to see what happens to each term as $\displaystyle \begin{align*} n \to \infty \end{align*}$.
aruwin said:I got 1/4. One more question, why do we have to multiply by $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \frac{\frac{1}{n^2}}{\frac{1}{n^2}} \end{align*}$ ?
Prove It said:1/4 is correct. I think you've answered your own question - when you divide by the highest power of n, you can see what the "negligible" terms are (i.e. the ones that go to 0).
A factorial is calculated by multiplying a number by all the numbers that come before it, starting from 1. For example, 5! (read as "5 factorial") is equal to 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.
The formula for calculating a factorial is n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x ... x 2 x 1. In words, it means that the factorial of a number is equal to that number multiplied by all the numbers that come before it, until 1 is reached.
No, factorials are only defined for positive integers. This is because the factorial function involves multiplying numbers together, and it doesn't make sense to multiply a number by a non-whole number.
Technically, there is no limit to the size of numbers that can be used in factorial calculations. However, as the numbers get larger, they become more difficult to work with and may require special mathematical techniques or computer programs to calculate.
Factorials are only defined for positive integers. To calculate factorials for numbers with decimals or negative numbers, you can use the Gamma function, which is a generalization of the factorial function. It is defined for all complex numbers except for negative integers.