How to Calculate Damped Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude Change?

In summary: T_d}{2m}})where Td is the time for the energy to drop to 5.00% (or 0.0500 of the original).In summary, the section on damped oscillations involves solving equations of motion for a damped oscillator. The natural and damped frequencies can be calculated using the given equations, and the natural frequency can also be expressed as the damped natural frequency. The frequency can be converted to Hertz by dividing by 2*pi. To find the percentage decrease in amplitude, the position at t=0 and t=Td (time for energy to drop to 5.00%) can be compared using the given formula
  • #1
Okie, doing homework for physics and I'm stuck. The section is on damped oscillations, question is as follows:

A 10.6 kg object oscillates at end of a vertical spring that has a spring constant of 2.05 * 10^4 N/m. The effect of air resistance is represented by the damping coefficient b=3.00 N*m/s.

a) Calculate the frequency of the damped oscillation.

b) By what percentage does the amplitude of the oscillation decrease in each cycle?

c) Find the time interval that elapses while the energy of the system drops to 5.00% of its initial value.

Now the section in the textbook on this is extremely sparse, there are no examples and basically only one equation. Fortunately the answer is in the back of the book so I can at least tell that I am doing it wrong, but I cannot figure out how to do it correctly.

The equation I believe to be relevant to (a) is

the angular frequency of oscillation is w = sqrt((k/m) - (b/2*m)^2)

and it also says it is convenient to express the angular frequency of a damped oscillator in the form w = sqrt(W0^2) - (b/2m)^2)

where W0 is omega not and W0 = sqrt(k/m)

It seems to me these are both the same equation, but the book distinguishes between the two, and between the two frequences (one as omega not, one as simply omega), and I doubt you would need the answer to find the answer, however I get the same answer regardless. Everything I've tried for a has given me 43.97, while the answer in the back of the book is 7.00 hz.

Any help appreciated. Thx.

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  • #2
Has your class gone over the equations of motion for a damped oscillator? That is, do you know how to solve the differential equation:

[tex] m\ddot{x} + b\dot{x} + kx = 0 [/tex]

The natural frequency is given by:

[tex] \omega_n = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} [/tex]

and the damped frequency is given by:

[itex] \omega_d = \omega_n \sqrt{1-\zeta^2} [/itex]

(where zeta is defined by:
[tex] 2\zeta\omega_n = \frac{b}{m} [/tex]

It looks like your book labels the natural frequency ωo and simply ω as the damped natural frequency; same difference. The equation you have written is a valid expression for the damped natural frequency. The expressions for ω and ωo are not equivalent; you only get the same number because there is so little damping in this system.

Anyway, all of the ω's in these equations are in radians per second. If you want to find a frequency in Hertz, you will have to divide by 2π. How are you doing with the other two parts?
  • #3
ahaha right answer wrong units, duh :(

Hmm I'm working on the second part atm, my thoughts are that now that I have the frequency I also have the period so all I have to do is find the Amplitude at t=0 then find the amplitude at t=T then divide them to find the % difference between the two. Not sure if I have enough information to do that though. The formula it gives is the position as a function of time:

x = A*e ^(-bt/2m) * cos (W*t+phi)
so I figure solve for A and punch in the numbers but I need to find x (and phi?) to do that and not sure how to find it. Only equations I see for position have amplitude in them :/
  • #4
Leave A as a variable and start t = 0 at a maximum (choose your initial condition to be that at t = 0, x = A, forcing φ = 0).

Now the percent change can be found by comparing the next peak to the peak at t = 0 (compute x(Td)).

The percent change would then be:

[tex] 100\frac{A-Ae^{-\frac{bT_d}{2m}}}{A} [/tex]

Related to How to Calculate Damped Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude Change?

What is a damped oscillating spring?

A damped oscillating spring is a physical system that consists of a spring attached to a mass and a damping component, such as friction or air resistance. When the system is disturbed from its equilibrium position, the mass will oscillate back and forth due to the restoring force of the spring, but the amplitude of the oscillations will decrease over time due to the damping force.

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The equation of motion for a damped oscillating spring is given by m(d^2x/dt^2) + c(dx/dt) + kx = 0, where m is the mass, c is the damping coefficient, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position.

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The damping of an oscillating spring is affected by several factors, including the material and shape of the spring, the weight of the suspended mass, the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations, and the surrounding medium (e.g. air or water).

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In underdamped oscillations, the damping force is relatively weak and the mass will continue to oscillate with a decreasing amplitude. In critically damped oscillations, the damping force is just enough to prevent any further oscillations and the mass will return to its equilibrium position quickly. In overdamped oscillations, the damping force is too strong and the mass will return to its equilibrium position slowly without any oscillations.

How is a damped oscillating spring used in real-world applications?

Damped oscillating springs can be found in a variety of real-world applications, such as shock absorbers in vehicles, suspension systems in buildings and bridges, and tuning mechanisms in musical instruments. They are also used in scientific experiments to study the effects of damping on the motion of a spring-mass system.

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