How to Calculate Drag Values Using Matlab and Blade Element Theory?

In summary, using Matlab to calculate drag requires the use of the formula Drag = 0.5 * rho * V^2 * CD * A, as well as built-in functions like "dragcoefficient" and "winddrag". The drag coefficient (CD) is a dimensionless quantity that can be determined using experimental data or numerical simulations. Air density (rho) affects drag calculations by directly impacting the drag force on an object. Matlab can also be used to model different types of drag, such as skin friction drag, pressure drag, and induced drag. Other factors to consider when calculating drag in Matlab include the velocity of the object, its shape and size, and external forces like wind.
  • #1
I am trying to estimate the Thrust and Torque generated by a propeller blade by utilising the Blade Element Theory. I was able to get Lift but not Drag. Below is the code generated by Matlab.

The calculation procedure is,

T1 = twist pitch ratio
RTheta = root pitch angle
Phi = atan(V/(Omega*r))
ro = 1.225 (density)
C = 0.15 m
Cdo = 0.008 (zero lift drag)

Alpha = RTheta + T1*r - Phi

Here the twist is negative which makes the tip to have a small pitch angle.

for i = 1:3:132 % Forward Speed of the A/C
for j = 1:3:39 % rps (rpm/60)

syms r

omega(j) = 2*pi*j;
W2(i,j) = i^2 + (omega(j)*r)^2;
Alpha(i,j) = deg2rad(RTheta) + deg2rad(T1)*r - atan(i/(omega(j)*r));
CD(i,j) = Cdo + K*(a*Alpha(i,j))^2;

W2CD(i,j) = expand (W2(i,j)*CD(i,j));

Drag(i,j) = double(0.5*ro*Cr*int(W2CD(i,j),r,Hr,D/2));

As the calculation is run, I always gets a message saying below details,

? Error using ==> sym.maple at 87
Error, (in IntegrationTools:-Utils:-Simplify) too many levels of recursion

Error in ==> at 51
r = reshape(maple('map','int',f(:),[x.s '=(' a.s ')..(' b.s ')']),size(f));

Error in ==> New at 74
Drag(i,j) = double(0.5*ro*Cr*int(W2CD(i,j),r,Hr,D/2));

I would like to know how to get the drag values. I have tried every possible method, but I still get this message.

Furthermore, independent to the above question, is it OK to get the real part of a complex number to calculations?

Say if,

R = 2*D

D = 0.45 + 09i

and if you take only the real number then,

R = 0.90

Is it correct? or possible? if so or not, is there is an exception where you can take R=0.90?
Advice me on both questions please. Thank you in advanced
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  • #2

I understand that you are having trouble calculating the drag values for your propeller blade using the Blade Element Theory. I will try my best to provide some advice and insights on your questions.

Firstly, in order to accurately calculate the drag using the Blade Element Theory, it is important to have a good understanding of the theory and its assumptions. One of the main assumptions of this theory is that the lift and drag coefficients are only a function of the local angle of attack, and not the local airspeed. This means that the lift and drag coefficients should remain constant along the span of the blade. However, in your code, you have used a variable Alpha which is dependent on the local airspeed. This could be causing the error message you are receiving. I suggest double-checking your equations and making sure they align with the assumptions of the Blade Element Theory.

Additionally, it is important to note that the Blade Element Theory is a simplified model and may not accurately capture all the complexities of propeller blade performance. Therefore, it is always a good idea to validate your results with experimental data or other more advanced methods.

Regarding your second question about taking the real part of a complex number, it is possible to do so, but it is important to understand the implications of doing this. In your example, if you take the real part of the complex number D, you will lose the information about the imaginary part which represents the complex geometry of the propeller blade. This could affect the accuracy of your calculations. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider whether taking the real part is appropriate for your specific case.

I hope this helps and good luck with your calculations!A scientist

Related to How to Calculate Drag Values Using Matlab and Blade Element Theory?

1. How do I calculate drag using Matlab?

To calculate drag using Matlab, you can use the following formula: Drag = 0.5 * rho * V^2 * CD * A, where rho is the air density, V is the velocity, CD is the drag coefficient, and A is the frontal area. You can also use built-in functions in Matlab such as "dragcoefficient" and "winddrag" to simplify the calculation process.

2. What is the drag coefficient and how do I determine it?

The drag coefficient (CD) is a dimensionless quantity that represents the resistance of an object moving through a fluid. It is dependent on the shape and surface properties of the object. To determine the drag coefficient, you can use experimental data or numerical simulations to find the drag force and then use the formula CD = Fd / (0.5 * rho * V^2 * A).

3. How does air density affect drag?

Air density (rho) plays a crucial role in drag calculations as it directly affects the magnitude of the drag force. The higher the air density, the greater the drag force on an object moving through it. This is because denser air molecules create more resistance and slow down the object's motion.

4. Can I use Matlab to model different types of drag?

Yes, Matlab can be used to model various types of drag, including skin friction drag, pressure drag, and induced drag. You can use different formulas and methods to calculate these types of drag, and Matlab has built-in functions that can assist with the calculations.

5. What other factors should I consider when calculating drag in Matlab?

Aside from air density and drag coefficient, other factors that can affect drag calculations include the velocity of the object, the shape and size of the object, and the properties of the fluid. Additionally, you may need to take into account external forces such as wind, which can impact the overall drag force on the object.

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