How to Calculate Expectation Value of Product State in a Potential-Free System?

In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving two particles with orthonormal states and coordinates. The goal is to show that the expectation value is a specific formula involving product states and the binomial theorem. The conversation also includes a discussion about using the tensor product to simplify the equations. The expert suggests expanding and "acting" on the appropriate subspaces to solve the problem.
  • #1
Hi everyone

Homework Statement

I have to particles without a potential. The coordinates are r_1 and r_2 (for particle 1 and 2). Both have orthonormal states |↑> and |↓>. I shall show that the expectation value is the following, where as |↑↓> is a product state

[tex] d^2=\langle \uparrow \downarrow \mid (r_1-r_2)^2 \mid \uparrow \downarrow \rangle = \langle \uparrow \mid r^2 \mid \uparrow\rangle +\langle \downarrow \mid r^2 \mid \downarrow \rangle -2 \langle \uparrow \mid \vec r \mid \uparrow \rangle \langle \downarrow \mid \vec r \mid \downarrow \rangle[/tex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Well, my attempt so far isn't very good I think because I have many problems understanding this.

I think I can write my r_1 as:

[tex] \vec r_1 = \frac {1}{\sqrt 2} (\mid \uparrow \rangle + \mid \downarrow \rangle) [/tex]
and the 2nd one as

[tex] \vec r_2 = \frac {1}{\sqrt 2} (\mid \uparrow \rangle + \mid \downarrow \rangle) [/tex]

I can now to the tensor product, but that doesn't lead to anywhere ( I tried to use it to get my up down product state, but this term looks so complicated I can't use it to ease up my euqations)

Thanks for your help
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  • #2
Basically, the tensor product is simply a product of two separate subspaces. So,
[itex]\mid \uparrow \downarrow \rangle[/itex] can be more explicitly written as [itex]\mid \uparrow \rangle_{1}\mid\downarrow \rangle_{2}[/itex]

Furthermore, [itex]r_{1}[/itex] and [itex]r_{2}[/itex] are really [itex]r \otimes I[/itex] and [itex]I \otimes r[/itex] respectively.

You just have to expand [itex](r_1 - r_2)^2[/itex] and then "act them" on the appropriate subspaces.
  • #3
thanks for your help so far.

yeah I know that (r1-r2)^2 is on of the binomial theorems. But I don't know actually how, let's say (r_1)^2 acts on ∣↑↓⟩. That's where I'm stuck.

edit: actually, I don't know what r even is (without the index). I thought it might have been a typing mistake by the task given, but you posted it aswell. Or did they just leave out the indices?
  • #4
Lindsayyyy said:
edit: actually, I don't know what r even is (without the index). I thought it might have been a typing mistake by the task given, but you posted it aswell. Or did they just leave out the indices?
My best guess is what I posted earlier: [itex]r_{1} = r \otimes I[/itex] and [itex]r_{2} = I \otimes r[/itex] where I is identity. The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the particle number.

Let me work out the trickier part explicitly: [itex]r_{1}r_{2} = r \otimes r[/itex]
Lets act it on the state:
[tex](\langle \uparrow \mid \otimes \langle \downarrow \mid)(r \otimes r)(\mid \uparrow \rangle \otimes \mid \downarrow \rangle)[/tex]
Now, operations on each subspace are independent of each other ie.
[tex](A \otimes B) (C \otimes D) = AC \otimes BD[/tex]
So, the previous expression simplifies to
[tex](\langle \uparrow \mid r \mid \uparrow \rangle) \otimes (\langle \downarrow \mid r \mid \downarrow \rangle)[/tex]
But these are just c-numbers. So the tensor product becomes a normal product and we arrive at
[tex]\langle \uparrow \mid r \mid \uparrow \rangle\langle \downarrow \mid r \mid \downarrow \rangle[/tex]
  • #5
thanks for your help. I'm back home tomorrow then I will try to understand it a bit better. If I have problems again I will post here.

FAQ: How to Calculate Expectation Value of Product State in a Potential-Free System?

What is the definition of "Problem with product states"?

"Problem with product states" refers to a phenomenon observed in quantum mechanics where the state of a system cannot be fully described by the states of its individual parts. This means that the state of the whole system cannot be understood simply by knowing the states of its constituent parts.

What is an example of a "Problem with product states"?

One example of a "Problem with product states" is the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other particle.

How does "Problem with product states" impact our understanding of the universe?

The existence of "Problem with product states" challenges our classical understanding of the universe, as it suggests that the behavior of particles cannot be fully explained by classical physics. This has led to the development of quantum mechanics, which provides a more accurate framework for understanding the behavior of particles at the microscopic scale.

What are some potential applications of "Problem with product states"?

"Problem with product states" has potential applications in quantum computing, cryptography, and communication. These fields take advantage of the unique properties of quantum entanglement and other "problems with product states" to perform tasks that are not possible with classical computing and communication systems.

How do scientists study and understand "Problem with product states"?

Scientists study and understand "Problem with product states" through experiments and theoretical models based on quantum mechanics. These experiments involve manipulating and measuring the states of particles to observe the effects of quantum entanglement and other "problems with product states". Theoretical models help to explain and predict these phenomena and provide a deeper understanding of the quantum world.
