How to Calculate Fields and Intensity from an Oscillating Dipole?

Your Name]In summary, the problem involves an oscillating electric dipole and a small body hanging from the ceiling. Part (a) calculates the electric and magnetic fields and the Poynting vector for the dipole at large distances. Part (b) treats the particle as an oscillating dipole and calculates the average intensity of electromagnetic radiation hitting the floor at a radial distance R from the point directly below the particle. The surface area of the floor is used to calculate the intensity instead of pi*R^2.
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Homework Statement

(a) Consider an oscillating electric dipole of moment p(t)=p0sinωt. At large distances r>>c/ω from the dipole, the magnetic potential in the Lorenz gauge is

A(r,t) = [itex]\frac{\omega \cos\omega(t-r/c))\bf{p_0}}{4\pi r c} [/itex]

Calculate the E and B fields, and deduce the Poynting vector, showing that it points radially outwards and vanishes on the axis of the dipole.

(b) A small body of mass m and charge q hangs from the ceiling by a spring with spring constant k. The body is initially at rest, a distance h from a very cold floor, h>>mc^2/k. At time t= 0 it is given a slight downwards kick so that executes tiny oscillations with amplitude d<<h. Calculate the average intensity of the electromagnetic radiation hitting the floor as a function of the radial distance R from the point on the floor directly below the particle.

Homework Equations

Clearly the motion of the particle is given by z = dsinωt with ω=sqrt(k/m).

The Attempt at a Solution

I've done all of part (a), which was fairly trivial. However for part (b) I am somewhat confused. Can you just treat the particle as an oscillating dipole, (with moment dqsinωt) with the relevant E and B fields be that as calculated in part (a)? If so, then to calculate the intensity on the floor, do you set r = h, and then average out the power, and divide by pi*R^2?

I hope these questions make sense.
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Thank you for your post. It appears that you have already made good progress on part (a) of the problem. To answer your question regarding part (b), yes, you can treat the particle as an oscillating dipole with a moment of dqsinωt. This is because the particle is oscillating with a small amplitude, and therefore can be approximated as a dipole.

To calculate the intensity on the floor, you can indeed set r = h and then average out the power. However, instead of dividing by pi*R^2, you should divide by the surface area of the floor directly below the particle, which is given by 4πR^2. This will give you the average intensity at a radial distance R from the point on the floor directly below the particle.

I hope this helps. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: How to Calculate Fields and Intensity from an Oscillating Dipole?

What is a charge oscillating on a spring?

A charge oscillating on a spring refers to a phenomenon where a charged particle is attached to a spring and is subjected to a restoring force due to the interaction between the charge and an applied electric field. This results in the particle undergoing a back-and-forth motion around its equilibrium point.

What determines the frequency of charge oscillation on a spring?

The frequency of charge oscillation on a spring is determined by the strength of the applied electric field, the mass of the charged particle, and the stiffness of the spring. A stronger electric field, lower mass, and stiffer spring will result in a higher frequency of oscillation.

How is the energy of a charge oscillating on a spring related to its amplitude?

The energy of a charge oscillating on a spring is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude. This means that as the amplitude of oscillation increases, the energy of the system also increases.

What is the relationship between charge oscillation on a spring and electromagnetic radiation?

Charge oscillation on a spring is one of the ways in which electromagnetic radiation is produced. As the charged particle oscillates, it creates changing electric and magnetic fields, which propagate outwards as electromagnetic waves.

How does the damping force affect charge oscillation on a spring?

The damping force, which is the force that opposes the motion of the charged particle, can affect the amplitude and frequency of charge oscillation on a spring. A larger damping force will result in a decrease in amplitude and frequency of oscillation over time.
