How to Calculate Forces on a Plank with a Weight?

  • Thread starter vellagtr
  • Start date
In summary: This will help you understand the forces and torques acting on the object.In summary, the instructor is asking for the force at the left and right end of a plank with a weight of 200 lb, three feet from the left end. If the plank is suspended by ropes at the end, the left end will have 600 ft lbs of torque. If the plank is simply supported on two bricks placed at the ends, the left end will have zero torque.
  • #1
[Note: Thread moved from General Physics, so no template is shown]

Sorry guys, beginner here taking an online introduction physics course. I'm on a unit involving torque and force. The computer lab taught me how to calculate the force needed to balance a seesaw type setup on the left side, with a given weight on the right side. Easy enough. But one of the questions my instructor has given me seems a bit different, or maybe I'm not getting the point..

"Use the sum of vertical forces and torque equations to calculate the force at the Left and Right end of a 10 foot long plank that has a 200 lb weight 3 ft from the left end.."

Shouldn't there be some type of axis that the plank sits on?

Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks guys!
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  • #2
Imagine the plank suspended by ropes at the end, like a scaffold.
Or simply supported on two bricks placed at the ends.
It does not matter how the forces at the ends are produced. But it may help to imagine some specific situation.
  • #3
vellagtr said:
Sorry guys, beginner here taking an online introduction physics course. I'm on a unit involving torque and force. The computer lab taught me how to calculate the force needed to balance a seesaw type setup on the left side, with a given weight on the right side. Easy enough. But one of the questions my instructor has given me seems a bit different, or maybe I'm not getting the point..

"Use the sum of vertical forces and torque equations to calculate the force at the Left and Right end of a 10 foot long plank that has a 200 lb weight 3 ft from the left end.."

Shouldn't there be some type of axis that the plank sits on?

Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks guys!
It would help if you included the entire problem statement verbatim.

It's not clear how this plank is supported, i.e. at one point somewhere along the length, or at each end.
  • #4
SteamKing said:
It would help if you included the entire problem statement verbatim.

It's not clear how this plank is supported, i.e. at one point somewhere along the length, or at each end.

This is why I posted the question. This is all the info I was given, no picture included.
  • #5
nasu said:
Imagine the plank suspended by ropes at the end, like a scaffold.
Or simply supported on two bricks placed at the ends.
It does not matter how the forces at the ends are produced. But it may help to imagine some specific situation.

I think this shines a bit of light on what I'm looking for. So if there is a 200 lb weight 3 ft from the left end, this would produce 600 ft lbs of torque on the left end? Or is that not the correct measurement since it is looking for force? Physics is going to be the death of me lol.
  • #6
Nvmd, that's clearly not right
  • #7
Something tells me I'm thinking backwards, So would it be 200/3 for the left side?
  • #8
I've moved this to the Introductory Physics Homework section. Further homework questions should be posted here and the template should be used (it will be in the reply box when you start a new thread in the homework forums).
  • #9
There are two unknowns (the forces on each end) so you need two equations.

What do you know about the forces and torques acting on static objects?

I would start with a free body diagram.

FAQ: How to Calculate Forces on a Plank with a Weight?

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