How to calculate pressure due to fan

In summary, the software requires an input field of "Fan Pressure Rise" which I am guessing is the pressure that is created by the fan to force air through the pipe. To calculate the pressure that needs to be generated, you can use the friction (major) loss formula.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulate Earth tubes for pre-cooling using the EnergyPlus software. Basically a fan will be used to circulate ambient air through an underground horizontal pipe.

The software requires an input field of "Fan Pressure Rise" which I am guessing is the pressure that is created by the fan to force air through the pipe.

My question is, how can I calculate the pressure that needs to be generated to make the air flow through the pipe?

System specs are:

pipe length = 50m
diameter (internal) = 0.3m
velocity = 2 m/s
volume flow rate = 0.14m^3/s

Engineering news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

How does the air get out of the pipe?

You can use an online duct calculator to calculate the friction in your duct (not much), but if there are any losses at the entrance or exit, you'll have to add those to it.
  • #3
russ_watters said:
Welcome to PF!

How does the air get out of the pipe?

You can use an online duct calculator to calculate the friction in your duct (not much), but if there are any losses at the entrance or exit, you'll have to add those to it.

Thanks for the welcome!

Basically the Earth tube has an inlet and outlet. A fan draws ambient air at the inlet and pumps the air through the tube. The air at outlet will be fed into an HVAC system.

What I need to know is, how can I determine the pressure that needs to be created in order to pump the air along the length of the tube.
  • #4
Do you have a restriction curve for your 'earth tube'?
  • #5
brewnog said:
Do you have a restriction curve for your 'earth tube'?

I'm sorry I don't understand what a restriction curve is. Is this the same as a system curve? If yes, then no I don't have one.

I shall point out that the tubes will be buried 3m deep. The friction coefficient is 0.022 and head loss is 0.75m (just taking the horizontal section of pipe i.e. no minor loss).

Where do I go on from here?
  • #6
Well if unrestricted, there is virtually no pressure loss at the volume you are talking about.

Did you look at one of the duct calculators I linked?
  • #7
Ok people, for instance I want to calculate the fan input power (assuming efficiency of 0.5). I will use the equation:

Fan input power = (volume flow rate X pressure) / fan efficiency

How do I calculate the "pressure" in that equation? If I simply use the friction (major) loss formula, I get a pressure drop of 8.8 Pa resulting in a input power of only 2.46 W which seems really low.

Any thoughts? perhaps I need to calculate something more for the "pressure" instead of only frictional (major) losses?

russ_watters said:
Well if unrestricted, there is virtually no pressure loss at the volume you are talking about.

Did you look at one of the duct calculators I linked?

I dint see any links in your reply. Can you recommend me one?
  • #9
Well since the full expression is
input power (W) = Q (m3/s) x air density (kg/m3) x g (m/s2) x manometric head (m)/ fan efficiency

so if you find the pressure drop in Pa, you can divide it by the specific weight of air under those conditions ie pressure drop/(g x air density), to get your manometric head.
Hope this helps
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FAQ: How to calculate pressure due to fan

1. How do I calculate pressure due to a fan?

To calculate pressure due to a fan, you will need to know the fan's flow rate, the area of the fan, and the fan's efficiency. The formula for calculating pressure is: pressure = (flow rate * fan efficiency) / area.

2. What is the flow rate of a fan?

The flow rate of a fan is the volume of air that the fan can move in a given amount of time. It is typically measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM) or cubic meters per hour (m³/h). This information can usually be found on the fan's specifications or label.

3. How do I determine the area of a fan?

The area of a fan can be determined by measuring the diameter of the fan and using the formula for the area of a circle, A = πr². Alternatively, you can also measure the length and width of the fan and multiply them to get the area.

4. What is fan efficiency?

Fan efficiency is a measure of how well a fan converts energy into airflow. The higher the efficiency, the more air the fan can move with the same amount of energy. It is typically expressed as a percentage and can be found on the fan's specifications or label.

5. How does pressure due to a fan affect airflow?

The pressure created by a fan is what drives the airflow. The higher the pressure, the more force there is to move air through a space. It is important to calculate pressure to ensure that the fan is generating enough force to meet the intended airflow needs.
