How to Calculate RMS Current in a Simple Circuit

In summary: Is there a way to find the peak current (rather than just the rms) for a sinusoid?For a sinusoid (sine or cosine) the rms value is ##1 / \sqrt{2}## its peak value. This is entirely independent of the frequency of the sinusoid. In this problem you're given a sinusoidal voltage signal with a peak value of ##50 ~V##, so the rms voltage is ##50 / \sqrt{2}~~V##.It really is that simple for sinusoids. There are other relationships between peak and rms values for other signal shapes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Sorry for what will likely be considered a noob question but I've been stuck on it for a while and its only at the start of my assignment :(
Simple circuit
Vac = 50Sin200πt, R1 = 40Ω
Calculate the value of the RMS current

Homework Equations

Vt = Vmax sin2πft = Vmax sinωt

The Attempt at a Solution

I can't figure out how to do this when we are given no value for time at all. I think i have it worked out at say 1ms
Vt = 50sin((200π)(0.001))
= 50sin(.628318)
= 54.83V

Vrms = 54.83 * .7071 = 38.77

Irms = Vrms / R = 38.77 / 40 = 0.969 amperes

We have been told that time is intended to be an unknown variable. It's been a long time since I've look at any of these types of problems, can someone help me out on what I'm missing here please

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  • #2
elctronoob said:
I can't figure out how to do this when we are given no value for time at all.
The r.m.s. can be calculated just from the peak value if the current is sinusoidal, as is the case here. You can calculate the peak current from the peak voltage. Also remember that the average of the sin^2 function is half. Can you take it from here?
  • #3
Thanks for the reply PWiz...any formula I can find for these calculations seem to require a time.
The only one I can find without t is Vpeak = Vrms√2...=> Vpeak/√2 = Vrms
Vrms / R = Irms

I was thinkin maybe I could half the Vac given in the question, but that still involves a t frustrating :(
  • #4
elctronoob said:
The only one I can find without t is Vpeak = Vrms√2...=> Vpeak/√2 = Vrms
Vrms / R = Irms
That's pretty much what I was talking about.
  • #5
PWiz said:
That's pretty much what I was talking about.

Still a bit confused, so can I say
Vpeak = 50Sin200πt / 2 = 25Sin200πt
Vrms = 25Sin200πt / √2
This still requires a value for t, no?
  • #7
elctronoob said:
did i just miss that Sin200πt is representative of 1 volt?

Going by this conversion site,

Vrms = 25 / √2 = 17.7V
Irms = 17.7 / 40 = 0.4425 amperes

Does this look correct?

Thanks for your time and help PWiz...I've been looking at this for far too long
Could someone confirm that my thinking on this question is correct for me please? I'm basically just disregarding the Sin200πt and calculating the Vrms and Irms derived from from the 50 value at the start of the expression, i.e 50V. This seems incorrect to me, could someone just check my logic here please
  • #8

For a sinusoid (sine or cosine) the rms value is ##1 / \sqrt{2}## its peak value. This is entirely independent of the frequency of the sinusoid. In this problem you're given a sinusoidal voltage signal with a peak value of ##50 ~V##, so the rms voltage is ##50 / \sqrt{2}~~V##.

It really is that simple for sinusoids. There are other relationships between peak and rms values for other signal shapes.
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  • #9
gneill said:

For a sinusoid (sine or cosine) the rms value is ##1 / \sqrt{2}## its peak value. This is entirely independent of the frequency of the sinusoid. In this problem you're given a sinusoidal voltage signal with a peak value of ##50 ~V##, so the rms voltage is ##50 / \sqrt{2}~~V##.

It really is that simple for sinusoids. There are other relationships between peak and rms values for other signal shapes.

Thanks for that gneill, much appreciated

Related to How to Calculate RMS Current in a Simple Circuit

What is current (RMS) and how is it different from regular current?

Current (RMS) stands for root mean square current, and it is a way of measuring the average current in an alternating current (AC) circuit. It takes into account both the magnitude and direction of the current, unlike regular current which only measures the magnitude. RMS current is also a more accurate representation of the actual current flowing through a circuit.

How do you calculate current (RMS) in a circuit?

To calculate current (RMS) in a circuit, you need to use the root mean square formula. This involves taking the square root of the mean of the squared values of the current over a given period of time. In mathematical notation, it can be expressed as RMS = √(1/T * ∫[0,T] i(t)^2 dt), where T is the period of time and i(t) is the current at time t.

Why is calculating current (RMS) important?

Calculating current (RMS) is important because it gives a more accurate representation of the actual current flowing through a circuit. This is especially important in AC circuits, where the current is constantly changing direction. RMS current is also used in power calculations, as it is directly proportional to the power in a circuit.

Can you use a multimeter to measure current (RMS)?

Yes, you can use a multimeter to measure current (RMS) in a circuit. However, most multimeters are not able to directly measure RMS current, so you will need to use a special adapter or convert the reading from the multimeter using a conversion factor. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and make sure you are using the correct settings and adapters when measuring current (RMS) with a multimeter.

What are some factors that can affect the accuracy of current (RMS) calculations?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of current (RMS) calculations, including the accuracy of the measurement equipment, the frequency of the current, and the shape of the current waveform. In addition, any noise or distortion in the circuit can also affect the accuracy of the calculation. It is important to carefully consider these factors and use the appropriate formula and equipment to ensure accurate results.
