How to Calculate Steam Engine Efficiency and Water Usage in a Power Plant

In summary: The efficiency along the all the fall from 718 ºC to 270 ºC would be 1- (543/991) = 0.45207. You calculate a lower one, 0,4457, that is somewhat lower than the 'extreme' 718 ºC/270 ºC efficiency because of the eight degrees lost...The efficiency along the all the fall from 718 ºC to 270 ºC would be 1- (543/991) = 0.45207. You calculate a lower one, 0,4457, that is somewhat lower than the 'extreme' 718 ºC/270 ºC efficiency because of the eight degrees lost...
  • #1

Homework Statement

At a steam power plant, steam engines work in pairs, the heat output of the first one being the approximate heat input of the second. The operating temperatures of the first are 718∘C and 427∘C, and of the second 419∘C and 270∘C.
A) If the heat of combustion of coal is 2.8×107J/kg, at what rate must coal be burned if the plant is to put out 950 MW of power? Assume the efficiency of the engines is 65 % of the ideal (Carnot) efficiency.
B)Water is used to cool the power plant. If the water temperature is allowed to increase by no more than 5.5 C∘ , estimate how much water must pass through the plant per hour.

Homework Equations

e = 1-QL/QH
eideal = 1-TL/TH
e = W/QH

The Attempt at a Solution

for part A
second engine
e2 = W/(QH2) = (950000000J/s)/(QH2)

e2ideal =1-(TL2/TH2) = 1-(427+273)/(718+273) = 1 - 543/692 = .215
e2 = .65(e2ideal) = .65(.215) = .140

.140 =(950000000J/s)/(QH2)
QH2 = (950000000J/s)/(.140) = 6785714286 J/s

QH2 = QL1

e1ideal = 1 - 700/991 = .294
e1 = .65(.294) = .191
.191 = 1 - (QL1)/(QH1)
(QL1)/(QH1) = 1 - .191 = .809
QL1 = (.809)(QH1)

so QH2 = .809(QH1)
QH2 = 6785714286 J/s
.809(QH1) = 6785714286 J/s
QH1 = 8387780329 J/s - heat input of first engine

(8387780329 J/s) (kg/(2.8x10^2 J))
= 299.6 kg/s
but it came up wrong. I can't figure out what I did wrong
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  • #2
The given power output is the sum of the outputs of the two engines, not the output of the second engine alone.
You seem to have used the first engine's temperatures in your calculation for the second engine.
Haven't checked past there.
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Likes toothpaste666
  • #3
ahh ok thanks I got it right now
  • #4
im a little confused about the set up for part B
would it work if i used
q = mc(deltaT) where q = 950000000 J/s
c is the specific heat of water and deltaT is 5.5 and solve for m?
  • #5
toothpaste666 said:
im a little confused about the set up for part B
would it work if i used
q = mc(deltaT) where q = 950000000 J/s
c is the specific heat of water and deltaT is 5.5 and solve for m?
The 950MW is the output power. It is not heat. What is the heat that must be removed?
  • #6
the sum of QL for each engine?
  • #7
toothpaste666 said:
the sum of QL for each engine?
No. Some of the QL from the first engine was turned into useful work by the second.
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Likes toothpaste666
  • #8
so only the QL for the second?
  • #9
yeah i got it. thanks!
  • #10
toothpaste666 said:
so only the QL for the second?
  • #11
You have written, toothpaste666, in your calcs above:

e2ideal =1-(TL2/TH2) = 1-(427+273)/(718+273) = 1 - 543/692 = .215

And that's wrong. It should be:

e2ideal =1-(TL2/TH2) = 1-(427+273)/(718+273) = 1 - 700/991 = .2936

There may be other mistakes (or not). I've spotted just this one...
  • #12
I would prefer a global approach to solve the problem, haruspex permitting... The power plant can be considered as a 'black box' that ingests coal at a given rate, produces a given power of electricity and rejects some quantity of heat per unit of time. We are told that the the efficiencies of the engines are 65% of the Carnot efficiency. Well, the efficiency of the first engine, working between 718 ºC and 427 ºC is 0,29360. That of the second, working between 419 ºC and 270 ºC is 0,21532. Their compounded efficiency is thus 0,29360 + 0,21532 = 0,50892. As we are told that we are left with 65% of that, then we have a global, real efficiency of 0,33080.

Now that we know the efficiency of that 'black box', we can reckon that, from 100 units of coal energy input, 33,08 units become electric energy, and 66,92 units go to heat a mass of water by 5,5ºC .

Little is left, but doing a few sums. I believe that toothpaste666 was doing quite well, but had confused some data in his calculations. I believe that my suggestions are not excessive, in the sense that I'm not violating the rules...
  • #13
NTW said:
You have written, toothpaste666, in your calcs above:

e2ideal =1-(TL2/TH2) = 1-(427+273)/(718+273) = 1 - 543/692 = .215

And that's wrong. It should be:

e2ideal =1-(TL2/TH2) = 1-(427+273)/(718+273) = 1 - 700/991 = .2936

There may be other mistakes (or not). I've spotted just this one...
Looks like a typo in copying into PF. The 543 and 692 are right, it's the 427 and 718 that are wrong.
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Likes toothpaste666
  • #14
NTW said:
the efficiency of the first engine, working between 718 ºC and 427 ºC is 0,29360. That of the second, working between 419 ºC and 270 ºC is 0,21532. Their compounded efficiency is thus 0,29360 + 0,21532 = 0,50892.
Is that valid? Maybe 0,29360 + (1-0,29360)*0,21532?
  • #15
haruspex said:
Is that valid? Maybe 0,29360 + (1-0,29360)*0,21532?

You are right, I believe...

The efficiency along the all the fall from 718 ºC to 270 ºC would be 1- (543/991) = 0.45207. You calculate a lower one, 0,4457, that is somewhat lower than the 'extreme' 718 ºC/270 ºC efficiency because of the eight degrees lost in the 'transfer'...
  • #16
haruspex said:
Is that valid? Maybe 0,29360 + (1-0,29360)*0,21532?

Which is quite logic, because -in order to obtain total, 'chained' efficiency, you calculate the efficiency of the second machine from the heat rejected from the first machine...
  • #17
Accepting, of course, haruspex' correction concerning the chained efficiency, I re-write the global approach to solve the problem. The power plant can be considered as a 'black box' that ingests coal at a given rate, produces a given power of electricity and rejects some quantity of heat per unit of time. We are told that the the efficiencies of the engines are 65% of the Carnot efficiency. Well, the efficiency of the first engine, working between 718 ºC and 427 ºC is 0,29360. That of the second, working between 419 ºC and 270 ºC is 0,21532. Their compounded efficiency is thus 0,29360 + (1-0,29360) * 0,21532 = 0,44570. As we are told that we are left with 65% of that, then we have a global, real efficiency of 0,28971.
Now that we know the efficiency of that 'black box', we can reckon that, from 1000 units of coal energy input, 289,71 units become electric energy, and 710,29 units go to heat a mass of water by 5,5ºC .
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Likes toothpaste666
  • #18
yeah it looks like i got a little sloppy and confused myself =\. So I can treat this problem as one engine with the combined efficiency instead of two separate engines? thanks for all your help guys
  • #19
toothpaste666 said:
yeah it looks like i got a little sloppy and confused myself =\. So I can treat this problem as one engine with the combined efficiency instead of two separate engines? thanks for all your help guys

Yes, but not simply adding the individual efficiencies, as I mistakenly did. Read the posts of haruspex...

Related to How to Calculate Steam Engine Efficiency and Water Usage in a Power Plant

1. How is steam engine efficiency defined?

Steam engine efficiency is the ratio of the mechanical energy output of the engine to the thermal energy input. It is typically expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing the work output by the heat energy input.

2. What factors affect the efficiency of a steam engine?

The efficiency of a steam engine is affected by various factors such as the design and condition of the engine, the quality of the steam, the operating temperature and pressure, and the load on the engine. Additionally, the type and quality of fuel used can also impact the efficiency.

3. How do you calculate the efficiency of a steam engine?

To calculate the efficiency of a steam engine, you need to measure the amount of mechanical work produced by the engine and the amount of heat energy input. The formula for calculating efficiency is: Efficiency = (Work output/Heat input) x 100%. The work output can be measured using a dynamometer, and the heat input can be calculated by measuring the amount of fuel consumed.

4. What is water usage in a power plant?

Water usage in a power plant refers to the amount of water that is needed to generate steam, cool equipment, and carry away waste heat. This includes both raw water intake and the amount of water used for cooling and other processes within the plant.

5. How is water usage efficiency calculated in a power plant?

Water usage efficiency in a power plant is calculated by dividing the amount of water used by the amount of electricity generated. This ratio is often expressed as gallons of water per kilowatt-hour (gal/kWh) or liters of water per kilowatt-hour (L/kWh).

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