How to calculate the damping factor for a vibrating string?

In summary, the damping coefficient between the string and air is unknown and requires values that the user does not have. The stiffness of the string is estimated to be 46.3269 x 10^3 N/m. The total acoustic dissipation from a dB-reader placed near the string can be estimated to be around -80.4 dB.
  • #1
I'm running a finite element simulation of a vibrating guitar string, but I do not know how to calculate the correct damping factor for the string as it oscillates in air. I don't have information regarding how many times it will oscillate before the oscillation damps out, but I do have all the physical characteristics of the string. It has a young's modulus of 205 GPa, a Poisson's ratio of 0.31, the working length of the string is 0.648m, the mass of the string is 8.445 x 10^-4 kg, the density of the string is 8890kg/m^3, and it has a radius of 0.2159 x 10^-3 m. I converted everything into S.I units for convenience in the calculations.

Using this data, is there any way to calculate the damping coefficient between the string and air? I've done research but all the methods I've seen of calculating this require values that I don't have, such as the damping coefficient, c. Also, it requires the stiffness of the string, k. Are Young's modulus (E) and stiffness (k) the same thing? Am I correct in saying they are the inverse of each other? As in, 1/E = k?


Edit: My mistake, it's k = AE/L. So I have now applied this formula and calculated the stiffness to be 46.3269 x 10^3 N/m. Using this, I have calculated the critical damping coefficient using the formula Cc = 2(km)^1/2, so that Cc = 12.5097. Now I just need to calculate the damping coefficient, c. Am I using the right method?
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  • #2
No, you don't have enough information to calculate the damping coefficient. The natural frequencies of a string depend on the tension and the mass per unit length (ok, in ideal case). The tension is adjustable (that's how you tune the guitar). Damping of string oscillations is the result of two processes: emission of sound waves (that take the energy out of the string) and friction (which converts energy into heat). The friction is just viscosity of the string but presume the viscosity of the guitar body would also play a role. There is no published data that would let you calculate the damping coefficient (at one point I was looking for that, didn't find anything).
  • #3
Here's my advice:
(i) Model the local viscous dissipation of the string using two-dimensional Stokesian (non-inertial) flow around a disk.
(ii) If you have one, estimate the total acoustic dissipation from a dB-reader placed near the string (where cylindrical symmetry is strongest.)
Compare the two estimates.

FAQ: How to calculate the damping factor for a vibrating string?

1. What is the damping factor for a vibrating string?

The damping factor for a vibrating string is a measure of how much the amplitude of the string's vibration decreases over time. It is typically represented by the symbol 'ζ' and is influenced by factors such as the material and tension of the string, as well as any external forces acting on it.

2. How is the damping factor calculated?

The damping factor can be calculated using the formula ζ = c / (2√(mk)), where c is the damping coefficient, m is the mass of the string, and k is the string's stiffness constant. All of these parameters can be measured or estimated based on the properties of the string and its environment.

3. What is the relationship between damping factor and vibration amplitude?

A higher damping factor corresponds to a faster decrease in vibration amplitude, meaning that the string will stop vibrating sooner. On the other hand, a lower damping factor results in a slower decrease in amplitude, allowing the string to vibrate for a longer period of time.

4. How does the damping factor affect the sound of a vibrating string?

The damping factor can have a significant impact on the sound produced by a vibrating string. A higher damping factor can result in a duller, less resonant sound, while a lower damping factor can create a more sustained and vibrant tone.

5. Can the damping factor be adjusted or controlled?

Yes, the damping factor can be adjusted by altering the properties of the string or its environment. For example, changing the tension or material of the string can affect the damping factor. Additionally, external forces such as friction or air resistance can also influence the damping factor.

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