How to calculate the height of a parabola, given base width and arc length?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a parabola centered at x=0 with the equation y = a*x^2 + c, where a is always negative and c always positive. The goal is to calculate the values of a and c using the arc length above the x axis and the base width. The formulas for the arc length are too complicated, so the discussion explores different methods of solving for a and c, including using an online integrator and finding an approximation using series expansions. The problem arises in the context of a soft body physics simulation, where the goal is to draw a parabolic shape to maintain a constant spring length.
  • #1
I have a parabola centered at x=0, equation: y = a*x^2 + c, where a is always negative and c always positive.

I need to find a way to calculate a and c, if i know: the arc length above the x axis, and the base width, knowing the base width i also know the x-axis intersections x1,2 = -+base_width/2;

The problem is the formulas for the arc length are too complicated for me to 'play around' with..

For example the base_width/height formula from

arc_len = 0.5√16h²+w² + [w²/(8h)][Ln(4h + √16h²+w²) - Ln(w)]

I tried to solve for h with wolfram alfa, and mathematica, neither helped..
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
It helps to be careful about specifying your information.

if A and b are positive real constants for a parabola of form: y(x) = A(b2 - x2).

You want to determine A and b from knowing the separation of the roots (the start and end position), which I'll call d, and the total length of the trajectory, which I'll call s.

(notice this is deliberatley different from your own notation ... you should be able to relate the two.)

Now you'll find it easier to talk about your problem ;)

Presumably you can do the first bit:
if the roots are separated by distance d,
then b=d/2 ... see? No messing about.

The next bit is where you are hung up ... the total length along the arc of the parabola between the roots involves some calculus (just looking up relations like this tends to lead to the kinds of confusion you are experiencing - did you do the math yourself?)

I got: [tex]s=\int_x ds=\int_{-b}^{b} \sqrt{1+\left ( \frac{dy}{dx}\right )^2} dx[/tex]

In your case, [itex]\frac{dy}{dx}=-2Ax[/itex] ... you can solve that with a trig substitution.
So I am guessing you'll be stuck on extracting A from the logarithm (or sinh-1(Ad)) on the end?
You have s(A) and you want A(s) ... inverting s(A) is going to be a pain.

It is probably not going to be possible to produce an analytic equation for all cases from this one. I'd use an approximation from here.

Out of interest: what is the situation? It is pretty unusual that you'll know the trajectory length without knowing at least three points on the trajectory.
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  • #3
Thanks for your reply, your way of representing the parabola is much more intuitive.

I did not do the integration myself, my knowledge of calculus is limited to derivatives and basic integration, i know that definite integration gives the surface under the curve, and i know that arc length is calculated using the definite integral you have shown. But i have no idea how to integrate sqrt( 1 + (-2Ax)^2 ) so i use a online integrator and i get this:

...2 a x Sqrt[1 + 4 a x ] + ArcSinh[2 a x]
AL = ----------------------------------------
........4 a

Now i have to extract a.. which i have no idea how to do.

The reason i need this is, I am making a soft body physics simulation, and i have springs that compress, and when they compress their length is obviously smaller but it needs to stay the same, so i want to bend the spring outwards, in a parabolic shape, so that it is always of the same length. So I always know the spring base length (the distance between the particles it connects), in your equation that would be 2*b, and i know the rest length which is the length i want my spring to always be, when 2*b is smaller that this length i want to draw a parabola that has that arc length.
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  • #4
You mean:[tex]s=\frac{1}{4A}\left . \left [ 2Ax\sqrt{1+(2Ax)^2} + \sinh^{-1}(2Ax) \right ] \right |_{-\frac{d}{2}}^{\frac{d}{2}}[/tex]But you are not there yet: you still have to evaluate the limits.

Unfortunately, arcsinh(x) is an odd function so it does not subtract out :(

Now I see... you want to know how A changed with d for a given s.
This is actually a spring problem - that has probably been solved already: I'll have a look.

I'm a little puzzled you are using this sort of spring though - surely longitudinal compression springs would be simpler to model?

Of course you may have better luck expressing the integral in polar coordinates... I figured I'd better find out what this was for before going to that effort though.

Since this is a computer simulation, you can use an approximation - what kind and how big depends on the details of your simulation ... do you expect the spring to have to bend a great deal or just flex a little for eg?

Look at power and Taylor series expansions for answers. Or you can just solve each situation numerically - depends how fast you want the simulation to be.
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  • #5
I'm am modeling springs using the vector form of Hooke's law, with damping. this is only for drawing, cosmetic reasons :).. It would look great if all the springs kept their length with a slight bend if necessary, my springs don't compress much maybe in the 'worst' cases they lose 50% of their rest length.

I will try to approximate it using the series expansions you mentioned. Thanks again.
  • #6
IRL - two particles compressing a spring so it bends would also have a displacement sideways because of the changes mass distribution of the spring.

You could just have the springs as a series of zig-zags - the corners get closer together as the spring compresses. Not only is that easier to draw, but it is truer for your model ... the leaf spring (which this is closest to) usually has a spring "constant" that varies with compression.

FAQ: How to calculate the height of a parabola, given base width and arc length?

1. What is a parabola?

A parabola is a type of curve that is created by graphing a quadratic function, which has the form y = ax^2 + bx + c. It is a symmetrical curve that has a single bend and opens either upwards or downwards.

2. How do you calculate the height of a parabola?

The height of a parabola can be calculated using the formula h = a(b/2)^2, where h is the height, a is the coefficient of the x^2 term in the quadratic function, and b is the base width of the parabola. This formula applies to both upward and downward opening parabolas.

3. What is the base width of a parabola?

The base width of a parabola is the distance between the two points where the parabola intersects the x-axis. It is also known as the width of the parabola at its widest point.

4. How do you find the arc length of a parabola?

The arc length of a parabola can be calculated using the formula L = ∫√(1 + (dy/dx)^2) dx, where L is the arc length, and dy/dx is the derivative of the quadratic function. This integral can be solved using calculus.

5. Can you calculate the height of a parabola without knowing the arc length?

Yes, the height of a parabola can be calculated using just the base width and the quadratic function. However, if the arc length is known, it can be used to verify the calculated height using the formula h = (L^2)/(8b), where L is the arc length and b is the base width.

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