How to Calculate the Index of a Line in a Complex Integral?

In summary, The conversation discusses a question about a complex integral and the index of a curve. The curve is defined as a half circle followed by a line from (-r,0) through (0,0) to (r,0). To calculate the index over this curve, the formula Ind(a) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(dz/(z-a)) is used. The problem arises when trying to calculate the index of the line from (-r,0) to (r,0), as the person used a different curve to solve the half circle. They also inquire about deleting their post or having a forum moderator close it.
  • #1

I have a question about a complex integral. The question is about the index of a curve. This curve is defined as:

j = j1 * j2

with j1: r*exp(i*t) with t: [0,pi]
and j2: [-r,r]

This is quite simple: a half cirle followed by a line from (-r,0) through (0,0) to (r,0).
To calculate the index Ind(a) over the curve j:

Ind(a) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(dz/(z-a))

Now the problem: I used a curve (a+r*exp(it)) to solve the half circle, this give me 1/2. But how can I calculate the index of the line from (-r,0) to (r,0)?
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  • #2
I think that I have placed this topic on the wrong forum. Can anybody tell me how to delete my post or can it be closed by a forum-moderatort?
  • #3

To calculate the index of a line in a complex integral, you will need to use the formula for the index of a curve, which is Ind(a) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(dz/(z-a)). In this case, the curve is defined as j1 * j2, where j1 is a half circle and j2 is a line from (-r,0) to (r,0). To calculate the index of the line, you will need to substitute the equation for j2 into the formula for the index of a curve. This will give you:

Ind(a) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(dz/(z-a)) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(dz/((r+z)*exp(i*t)-a))

You can then use the substitution u = (r+z)*exp(i*t) to simplify the integral. This will give you:

Ind(a) = 1/(2*pi*i) * integral(du/(u-a))

You can then use the Cauchy integral formula to evaluate this integral and calculate the index of the line. The Cauchy integral formula states that for a function f(z) with a simple pole at z0, the integral of f(z) over a closed curve C that encloses z0 is equal to 2*pi*i * Res(f,z0), where Res(f,z0) is the residue of f at z0. In this case, our function is 1/(u-a), which has a simple pole at a. So, we can use the Cauchy integral formula to evaluate the integral and calculate the index of the line. The result will be 1, indicating that the line crosses the curve once, from (-r,0) to (r,0).

In summary, to calculate the index of a line in a complex integral, you will need to use the formula for the index of a curve and substitute the equation for the line into it. Then, use the Cauchy integral formula to evaluate the integral and determine the index. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: How to Calculate the Index of a Line in a Complex Integral?

1. What is a simple complex integral?

A simple complex integral is a mathematical concept that involves calculating the area under a curve on a complex plane. It is essentially a generalization of the more familiar concept of a real-valued integral, and is used to solve a variety of problems in physics, engineering, and other fields.

2. How is a simple complex integral different from a real-valued integral?

A simple complex integral differs from a real-valued integral in that the integrand (the function being integrated) is a complex-valued function, and the limits of integration are also complex numbers. This means that the calculation involves not only finding the area under the curve, but also taking into account the complex nature of the numbers involved.

3. What is the notation used for a simple complex integral?

The notation used for a simple complex integral is ∫C f(z) dz, where C is the contour (or path) of integration, f(z) is the complex-valued function being integrated, and dz is an infinitesimal element of the contour. This notation is similar to that used for real-valued integrals, but with the addition of the complex variable z.

4. What are some common applications of simple complex integrals?

Simple complex integrals have a wide range of applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They are commonly used in electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics, to name a few. They can also be used to solve problems involving complex variables, such as finding the roots of polynomials or calculating the residues of a function.

5. How is the value of a simple complex integral calculated?

The value of a simple complex integral can be calculated using a variety of techniques, depending on the specific problem at hand. Some common methods include using the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, the Cauchy integral formula, or the residue theorem. These techniques involve using complex analysis and contour integration to evaluate the integral.
