How to calculate the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system

In summary: Both methods ultimately result in the same values for the velocity operator. In summary, there are two ways to calculate the velocity operator in graphene: one using the Hamiltonian and the other using the equations of motion. Both methods result in the same values for the velocity operator.
  • #1
Sunny Huang
In graphene system, the velocity operator sometimes is v= ∂H/ħ∂p, and its matrix element is calculated as <ψ|v|ψ>, i.e., v_x = v_F cos(θ) and v_y = v_F sin(θ) [the results are the same with Eq. 25] for intraband velocity. Recently, I see a new way to calculate the velocity matrix (Mikhailov, Sergey A. "Quantum theory of the third-order nonlinear electrodynamic effects of graphene." Physical Review B 93.8 (2016): 085403.). But I cannot understand the Eq. 20 (see the following picture). Additionally, what the difference between the two ways to define the velocity operator?



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  • #2
The two ways of calculating the velocity operator are essentially the same; they just use different mathematical methods to calculate the same values. The first way is to use the Hamiltonian to derive the velocity operator as v= ∂H/ħ∂p, where H is the Hamiltonian and p is the momentum. This method has been used for a long time and is well known in condensed matter physics.The second way, as described in Mikhailov's paper, is to calculate the velocity operator by using the equations of motion. In this method, the equations of motion for electrons in graphene are written as \frac{\partial \psi (r)}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{i\hbar} \left[ H_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{4} H_{i} , \psi (r) \right]where H_0 is the kinetic energy and H_i are the interaction terms. Then, the velocity operator is derived from these equations of motion asv_{x,y} = \frac{1}{i\hbar} \left[ H_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{4} H_{i} , x_{x,y} \right]The main difference between the two approaches is that the first approach is a direct calculation of the velocity operator from the Hamiltonian, while the second approach is an indirect calculation of the velocity operator from the equations of motion.

FAQ: How to calculate the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system

1. How is the interband velocity matrix defined in a graphene system?

The interband velocity matrix in a graphene system is a mathematical representation of the velocity of electrons moving between different energy bands in the material. It takes into account the energy and momentum of the electrons and describes how they move through the material.

2. What factors affect the calculation of the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system?

The calculation of the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system is affected by several factors, including the material's band structure, electron energy, and momentum. Additionally, the presence of impurities, defects, and external fields can also impact the interband velocity matrix.

3. How is the interband velocity matrix calculated in a graphene system?

The interband velocity matrix in a graphene system can be calculated using quantum mechanical equations, such as the Schrödinger equation or the Dirac equation. These equations take into account the material's band structure and other factors to determine the velocity of electrons moving between energy bands.

4. What is the significance of the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system?

The interband velocity matrix in a graphene system is an important quantity in understanding the electronic properties of the material. It can provide insights into the behavior of electrons and their movement through the material, which is crucial for applications in electronics and optoelectronics.

5. Are there any challenges in calculating the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system?

Yes, there are some challenges in calculating the interband velocity matrix in a graphene system. One of the main challenges is accurately determining the material's band structure, which can be complex and may require advanced computational techniques. Additionally, the presence of impurities and defects can also make the calculation more challenging.
