How to Calculate the Radius of Sirius A and B?

In summary, to calculate the radius of Sirius A and B, we need to use the Stefan-Boltzmann law and take into account the size difference between the two stars. This results in a radius of 744 million meters for Sirius A and 121 million meters for Sirius B.
  • #1
the riddick25

Homework Statement

We are asked to calculate the flux at a specific wavelength (f_5500), the surface flux(F) and the radius of a star (Sirius A and then B)
We are given the following:
Brightness of Sirius A: V=-1.47
Effective temperature: 9870K
Central wavelength: 5510 Angstroms
Filter constant: Cv=3.58 x 10^-2 W m^-2 m^-1

We calculated distance earlier to be: 8.14 x 10^16 m

Homework Equations

f_5500=Cv x 10^-0.4V
F=((2hc^2)/(lambda)^5)(1/(exp(hc/lambda k T)-1))

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated the first two parts correctly, getting values of:
f_5500=1.37x10^-1 W/m^2 m
F=1.804x10^14 W/m^2m

I am stuck on how to calculate the radius, as i thought have thought taking a ratio of the two fluxes would work, but i end up with R= d sqrt (f_5500/F)
This gives the wrong answer, the correct answer is found by using the same equation but with the F being (pi F)
I am unsure as to how this equation can be found, and so have no idea how to continue with the question

Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

Physics news on
  • #2
for sharing your work and progress so far. It seems like you are on the right track with your calculations for the flux and surface flux. To calculate the radius of the star, you will need to use the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which relates the surface flux to the effective temperature and radius of a star:

F = σT^4A

Where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 x 10^-8 W/m^2K^4) and A is the surface area of the star. In this case, we can assume that the star is a perfect blackbody, so the surface area is equal to the area of a sphere:

A = 4πr^2

Combining these equations, we get:

F = (4πσ)r^2T^4

To solve for the radius, we can rearrange the equation to:

r = √(F/4πσT^4)

Now, to get the radius of Sirius A, we can plug in the values we have calculated for F and T:

r = √(1.804x10^14 W/m^2m)/(4π(5.67x10^-8 W/m^2K^4)(9870K)^4)

This gives us a radius of 7.44 x 10^8 meters, or about 744 million meters.

For Sirius B, we can use the same equation, but with the surface flux calculated for Sirius B. The only difference is that we need to multiply the flux by the surface area ratio between Sirius A and B, since Sirius B is smaller than Sirius A. This surface area ratio can be found by taking the ratio of the radii squared:

A_B/A_A = (r_B/r_A)^2

Plugging in the values for Sirius A and B, we get:

A_B/A_A = (r_B/7.44x10^8)^2

Solving for r_B, we get:

r_B = √(F_B/4πσT^4)(r_A/7.44x10^8)^2

Plugging in the values we have calculated for F_B and T, along with the ratio of the radii, we get a radius of 1.21 x 10^8 meters, or about 121 million meters for Sirius B.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any

FAQ: How to Calculate the Radius of Sirius A and B?

1. What is a blackbody and why is its radius important in calculations?

A blackbody is an idealized object that absorbs all incoming radiation and emits radiation at all wavelengths. Its radius is important in calculations because it helps determine the total energy emitted and the spectral distribution of that energy.

2. How is the radius of a blackbody calculated?

The radius of a blackbody can be calculated using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the total energy emitted by a blackbody is proportional to its absolute temperature raised to the fourth power. The formula for calculating the radius is R = √(L / σT4), where R is the radius, L is the luminosity of the blackbody, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature.

3. What factors affect the radius of a blackbody?

The radius of a blackbody is affected by its luminosity and temperature. An increase in luminosity or temperature will result in a larger radius, while a decrease in these values will result in a smaller radius. Additionally, the type of material that the blackbody is made of can also affect its radius.

4. How does the radius of a blackbody relate to its spectral distribution?

The radius of a blackbody is directly proportional to its spectral distribution. This means that a larger radius will result in a wider range of wavelengths being emitted, while a smaller radius will result in a narrower range of wavelengths being emitted.

5. Can the radius of a blackbody be measured experimentally?

Yes, the radius of a blackbody can be measured experimentally by studying its spectral distribution and using the Stefan-Boltzmann law to calculate its radius. However, it is important to note that the blackbody used in the experiment must be an idealized object with perfect absorption and emission properties.
