How to calculate the Wigner function for an entangled state

In summary, the author is trying to calculate a Wigner function of an entangled state, but is not sure how to proceed. They have created the state by sending in vacuum and a squeezed state into a 50/50 beam splitter, where the output state has a density operator. The author is kind of stuck on how to calculate the Wigner function, and eventually finds that they can do it by using Fock representation and by setting p=0.
  • #1
I'm trying to calculate a Wigner Function of an entangled state, and I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I have created this state by sending in vacuum and a squeezed state into a 50/50 BS, where the output state has a density operator:

$$\rho_{34}=S_{3}S_{4}S_{34}|00\rangle_{34}\langle 00|_{34}S_{34}^{\dagger}S_{4}^{\dagger}S_{3}^{\dagger}$$

Where $S_{3}$, $S_{4}$ and $S_{34}$ are the usual single and two mode squeezing operators.

Now I'm kind of stuck on how to calculate the Wigner function from here. I'm assuming I need to trace out one of the states as follows:

&=S_{3}Tr_{4}[S_{4}S_{34}|00\rangle_{34}\langle 00|_{34}S_{34}^{\dagger}S_{4}^{\dagger}]S_{3}^{\dagger}\\
&=S_{3}Tr_{4}[S_{34}|00\rangle_{34}\langle 00|_{34}S_{34}^{\dagger}]S_{3}^{\dagger}\\
&=S_{3}Tr_{4}[|TMSV\rangle_{34}\langle TMSV|_{34}]S_{3}^{\dagger}\\
&=S_{3}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}[_{4}\langle n|TMSV\rangle_{34}._{34}\langle TMSV|n\rangle_{4}]S_{3}^{\dagger}\\
&=\frac{S_{3}}{\cosh^{2}(r)}\sum_{m=0}^{\infty}[\tanh^{2m}(r)|m\rangle_{4}\langle m|_{4}]S_{3}^{\dagger}
$$Then to calculate the Wigner function, we use:

And then I get stuck. I have no idea how I would calculate this. Did I miss anything? Does anyone have anything that could maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks so much in advance!
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  • #2
I am not sure that the state [itex]\rho_{34}[/itex] you wrote is obtained by passing a vacuum squeezed state through a beam spliter.
If you start with a two-mode (##a## and ##b##) vacuum state, apply the squeezing operator on mode ##a## and then send the two modes through a beam spliter should look like this:
Apply squeezing operator on mode ##a##, ##S_a(\eta)=\exp\left(\frac{\eta}{2}\left(a^\dagger\right)^2-\frac{\eta^\ast}{2}a^2\right)##:
Now apply the rotation operator on both modes, ##R(\xi)=\exp\left(\xi a^\dagger b-\xi^\ast a b^\dagger\right)##:
and the density matrix of the final two-mode state should look like
  • #3
Ah yes I see what you mean, I'll have to go back through and see what I missed. So now, with your $\rho$, do I just need to Trace over b to get the single-mode density operator for state a, and then plug that into the Winter integral as usual? Or do you need to do something different for entangled states?
  • #4
It might be difficult to work with position representation, i.e. to calculate the integral over the continuous variable ##y##. I did similar calculations long time ago and we used Fock representation in order to obtain quasi-distribution functions (including Wigner function). First we derived the characteristic function of the state:

[tex]\chi(\alpha,\beta;p)=\exp\left(p\frac{|\alpha|^2+|\beta|^2}{2}\right)\mbox{Tr}\left(\rho D_a(\alpha)D_b(\beta)\right) [/tex]

##D## is the displacement operator. Then the quasi-probability function is just the Fourier transform of the characteristic function. To obtain the Wigner function one sets ##p=0##.

By using Fock representation one transform the integral into (infinite) sums. Give it a try to see if you can handle the calculation, probably you won't arrive to a closed analytical form but maybe you can put it in a nice form of a (infinte) sum.
  • #5
Alright thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction! I didn't know you couldn't calculate Wigner functions like that. I'll read up on that and give it a try. Thanks so much for your help!

FAQ: How to calculate the Wigner function for an entangled state

1. What is the Wigner function for an entangled state?

The Wigner function is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to describe the probability distribution of a quantum state in phase space. For an entangled state, the Wigner function describes the joint probability distribution of the entangled particles in position and momentum space.

2. How do I calculate the Wigner function for an entangled state?

The Wigner function can be calculated using the following formula:
W(q,p) = (1/πħ) ∫ψ(q+r/2)ψ*(q-r/2)e^ipr/ħ dr
where q and p are the position and momentum variables, ħ is the reduced Planck's constant, ψ is the wavefunction of the entangled state, and * represents complex conjugation.

3. Can the Wigner function be negative for an entangled state?

Yes, the Wigner function can take on negative values for an entangled state. This is a unique feature of quantum mechanics and does not have a classical analogue. Negative values in the Wigner function indicate non-classical behavior and are often associated with entanglement.

4. Are there any simplifications or approximations that can be made when calculating the Wigner function for an entangled state?

Yes, there are certain cases where the Wigner function can be simplified or approximated. For example, for a two-particle entangled state, the Wigner function can be expressed as a product of two single-particle Wigner functions. Additionally, in the limit of large quantum numbers, the Wigner function can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution.

5. How is the Wigner function used in entanglement detection?

The Wigner function can be used as a tool for entanglement detection by analyzing its behavior. For example, if the Wigner function is negative at certain points, it indicates the presence of entanglement. Additionally, entanglement witnesses can be defined using the Wigner function to detect entanglement in a given system.
