How to Calculate Total Angle from X and Y Angles on an Incline?

In summary, the author is trying to measure the angle of an object going up an incline using math and physics. They have a device that measures x and y angles, and they are able to convert the angle into a tilt angle. They are also able to calculate the angle of the object using the pitch and roll angles.
  • #1

I have to measure a object as it goes up a incline.

I have both X and Y angles, which is fine if the object travels perfectly up or down a incline.

What I cannot figure out, is if the object travels (for lack of a better term) diagonally up a incline, how to figure out its total angle.
Also the incline angle is unknown.

Unsure how best to describe the issue.

Any help would be great.

Physics news on
  • #2
im not really clear on what you mean?


you mean moving from one red point to another? could you tell us all the information you know? i expect you can do this question either with geometry or energy
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  • #3
Yes, moving from one red point to the other.

All the info I have, is a x & y angle, what I need to know is how to combine them properly to achieve a total angle. Or rather the formula, so I can hard code this into some code to work for all inclines.
  • #4
The wording of this problem is a bit akward.

angle from x axis implies a cone with it's point at the origin and centered about the x axis, and angle from y axis implies a cone with it's point at the origin and centered about the y axis. However, I doubt this is the situation you're trying to describe.

It's more likely that angle from x axis means a plane perpendicular to the x-y plane, and that angle from y axis means a plane perpendicular to the y-z plane. In this case the intersection of the two planes is a line. I assume the goal is to determine the angle between the x-y plane and the line and/or to determine the equation for the line in x-y-z space. Since this is probably a homework problem, you'll need to show some work on this.
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  • #5
I wish it were a homework problem!

I will try and explain as best I can.

Unfortuantly for this bit of physics, I am a Electronics Engineer, and thus maths involving angles ect has me confused, as I have never needed to look into it.

I have a object, that will be traveling up and down slopes, but more than often it will be following a route in the picture posted above.
I am measuring the x/y angles using a accelormeter and converting the G reading into a tilt angle. (x/y, pitch and roll, can't and grad ect)

I have my current calculations accurate to +/- .5 degrees.

Now, I understand that the math falls into four quadrants. But that's about as far as I am currently.

What I am now stuck on, is how to find the refrence (the angle of the object with respect to the peak, or lowest point of the incline) and how to work out the angle of the object using the pitch and roll angles.

Apoligies for the bad explination above, it made sense to me, but that's because I am sat next to the hardware! :)

  • #6
would you care to mark on the angles/lengths you know on a diagram? I am really not able to follow a description that well.

FAQ: How to Calculate Total Angle from X and Y Angles on an Incline?

What is angular tilt from a x/y angle?

Angular tilt from a x/y angle refers to the measurement of the angle at which an object is tilted from a horizontal or vertical axis, represented by the x and y coordinates of the object's position.

How is angular tilt calculated?

Angular tilt can be calculated using trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent. The x and y coordinates of the object's position are used to determine the angle of tilt.

What units are used to measure angular tilt?

Angular tilt is typically measured in degrees or radians. Degrees are commonly used for smaller angles, while radians are used for larger angles in mathematical calculations.

Why is angular tilt important in science?

Angular tilt is important in science because it helps to describe the orientation of objects in space. It is used in various fields such as physics, astronomy, and engineering to understand the position and movement of objects.

Can angular tilt affect the behavior of objects?

Yes, angular tilt can affect the behavior of objects. For example, the angular tilt of the Earth's axis is responsible for the changing seasons, and the angular tilt of a satellite can determine its orbit around a planet.
