How to Choose a Stratified Sample Using a Random Number Table

  • Thread starter claytonh4
  • Start date
In summary: It is too specific for "Precalculus Mathematics". I never heard about it. If you do not get answer it can mean that either the people here do not understand or can not answer the question, or you did not show your attempt for the solution.
  • #1
I'm just starting stats and we're working on just gathering population samples right now, and I'm a little confused on how to get a stratified sample.

Homework Statement

A club has 30 students and 10 faculty. (my book lists out the names of the students and the faculty so I can assign them numbers) The club can send four students and two faculty members to a convention. It decides to choose those who will go by random selection. Use Table B beginning at line 123 to choose a stratified random sample of four students and two faculty.
(Table B is a random number table at the back of my book- I know how to use that)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I've gotten the hang of using the random number table to pick a simple random sample; however, I don't understand how to do so for a stratified sample. Typically I would assign the group members numbers (in this case 00 to 29 or 01 to 30 for a group of 30), and then pick out the two digit numbers that fit in the desired sample from the random number table. When I have two groups though, and I need a certain number from each group, I don't know what the correct way of doing it is. Do I simply combine the student and faculty groups and number them 01 through 40 and keep picking until I get 4 students and 2 faculty, or is there a more correct way??
Physics news on
  • #2
Could someone please help me?? Or maybe direct me to a source that could help? The assignment is due tomorrow.
  • #3
clayton, nobody knows what stratified sample is, and how to calculate with it. Report your own post and ask to be moved somewhere else

This page might be of help:

  • #4
ehild said:
clayton, nobody knows what stratified sample is, and how to calculate with it. Report your own post and ask to be moved somewhere else

This page might be of help:


I appreciate the link, but I already got it figured out and turned in. I don't understand what you mean by "nobody knows what a stratified sample is." It's one of the simplest statistical samples, I just didn't understand what method to use. Anyway, thanks again, problem resolved.
  • #5
claytonh4 said:
I don't understand what you mean by "nobody knows what a stratified sample is." It's one of the simplest statistical samples, I just didn't understand what method to use.

It is too specific for "Precalculus Mathematics". I never heard about it.
If you do not get answer it can mean that either the people here do not understand or can not answer the question, or you did not show your attempt for the solution.


FAQ: How to Choose a Stratified Sample Using a Random Number Table

What is a stratified sample?

A stratified sample is a type of sampling method where a population is divided into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics, and then a random sample is taken from each stratum. This ensures that the sample is representative of the entire population.

Why is stratified sampling used?

Stratified sampling is used to reduce bias and increase the accuracy of a sample. By dividing the population into strata, the sample will include individuals from each subgroup, providing a more accurate representation of the entire population.

What are the advantages of using a stratified sample?

There are several advantages to using a stratified sample. It reduces bias, provides a more accurate representation of the population, and allows for more precise estimates of population parameters. It also ensures that all subgroups are represented in the sample.

What are the steps involved in conducting a stratified sample?

The first step is to identify the characteristics that will be used to divide the population into strata. Then, the population is divided into these strata. Next, a random sample is taken from each stratum. Finally, the results from each stratum are combined to create a representative sample.

What are some examples of when stratified sampling would be used?

Stratified sampling can be used in various situations. For example, it can be used in market research to gather opinions from different age groups or income levels. It can also be used in medical research to ensure that a study includes enough participants from different genders or ethnicities. Additionally, it can be used in political polling to ensure a diverse sample of voters.
