How to classify coordinate as S-L,Null,T-L?

  • Thread starter binbagsss
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In summary: I'm not saying it's wrong; I'm saying that there's a quicker way to the answer you are ultimately trying to get, which is whether or not the vectors ##\partial / \partial u'## and ##\partial / \partial v'## are null. You can get that answer in the coordinates you're already using, the ##u', v'## coordinates in which you wrote the metric in your OP. (I see that you put primes on the coordinates in the OP, so I'm doing it here; I left them out in previous posts.) And doing it that way will be simpler than trying to do it in ##(v', r, \theta, \phi)## or ##(u',
  • #1
I'm looking at the extension of the Schwarzschild metric using Kruskal coordinates defined as ##u'=(\frac{r}{2M}-1)^{\frac{1}{2}e^{\frac{(r+t)}{4M}}} ##
##v'=(\frac{r}{2M}-1)^{\frac{1}{2}e^{\frac{(r-t)}{4M}}} ##

In these coordinates the metric is given by:


The text says (lecture notes on GR, Sean M.Carroll) ##u'## and ##v'## are null coordinates in the sense that their partial derivatives ##\frac{\partial}{du'} ,\frac{\partial}{dv'} ## are null vectors.

I've had a google on can't seem to find anything on this.
I have no idea what he means here and what is meant by ##\frac{\partial}{du} ##.
I have never heard of a partial derivative of a coordinate..

Once I know what this is, do I do the same check as you do for normal vectors classification - checking whether the pseudo scalar product is ##>0##, ##<0## etc?

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  • #2
It is not the partial derivatives of the coordinates, it is the partial derivatives with respect to the coordinates. These are the usual partial derivatives. In differential geometry, tangent vectors at a point in a manifold may be seen (or defined) as linear combinations of partial derivatives.
  • #3
binbagsss said:
I have never heard of a partial derivative of a coordinate..

It's the partial derivative with respect to a coordinate, which is just the directional derivative along that coordinate direction. For example, ##\partial / \partial x## in ordinary Cartesian coordinates is just the derivative along the ##x## direction.

The key fact Carroll is using here is that, at any point in spacetime, there is a one-to-one mapping between vectors and directional derivatives. The directional derivatives ##\partial / \partial x^{\mu}## correspond to the coordinate basis vectors ##\hat{e}_{\mu}##, i.e., the basis vectors in the directions ##x^{\mu}##. If we write out vectors as 4-tuples of components, then the basis vectors are the ones with components ##(1, 0, 0, 0)##, ##(0, 1, 0, 0)##, etc. So in coordinates ##(u, v, \theta, \phi)##, the directional derivative ##\partial / \partial u## is just the basis vector ##(1, 0, 0, 0)##, and ##\partial / \partial v## is just the basis vector ##(0, 1, 0, 0)##.

binbagsss said:
do I do the same check as you do for normal vectors classification - checking whether the pseudo scalar product is ##>0, <0##

  • #4
mmm thanks. I'm not sure I've understood properly.
##v=t+r+2M In (r-2M) ##,
In ##(t,r,\theta,\phi)## coordinates is ##\frac{\partial}{\partial v}=(1, \frac{r}{r-2m},0,0)##
  • #5
binbagsss said:
mmm thanks. I'm not sure I've understood properly.
##v=t+r+2M In (r-2M) ##,
In ##(t,r,\theta,\phi)## coordinates is ##\frac{\partial}{\partial v}=(1, \frac{r}{r-2m},0,0)##

To figure this out, simply apply the chain rule:
\partial_v = \frac{\partial r}{\partial v} \partial_r + \frac{\partial t}{\partial v} \partial_t.
  • #6
Orodruin said:
To figure this out, simply apply the chain rule:
\partial_v = \frac{\partial r}{\partial v} \partial_r + \frac{\partial t}{\partial v} \partial_t.
so it is?
And if I use coordinates ##(v,r,\theta,\phi)## to specify the partial derivatives I would get something trivial?
  • #7
binbagsss said:
In ##(t,r,\theta,\phi)## coordinates

You don't need to use those coordinates. You can compute the scalar product of ##\partial / \partial u## with itself, and ##\partial / \partial v## with itself, in any coordinate chart in which you have an expression for the metric. You have one for ##(u, v, \theta, \phi)## coordinates, so you can just use that. That makes the computation easy because ##\partial / \partial u## and ##\partial / \partial v## are basis vectors in this chart, so their components are very simple, as I said in post #3.
  • #8
PeterDonis said:
You don't need to use those coordinates. You can compute the scalar product of ##\partial / \partial u## with itself, and ##\partial / \partial v## with itself, in any coordinate chart in which you have an expression for the metric. You have one for ##(u, v, \theta, \phi)## coordinates, so you can just use that. That makes the computation easy because ##\partial / \partial u## and ##\partial / \partial v## are basis vectors in this chart, so their components are very simple, as I said in post #3.

So my post #4 is wrong as I haven't used the metric?
In what way do you use the metric in computing the partial derivative?
  • #9
binbagsss said:
So my post #4 is wrong as I haven't used the metric?

I'm not saying it's wrong; I'm saying that there's a quicker way to the answer you are ultimately trying to get, which is whether or not the vectors ##\partial / \partial u'## and ##\partial / \partial v'## are null. You can get that answer in the coordinates you're already using, the ##u', v'## coordinates in which you wrote the metric in your OP. (I see that you put primes on the coordinates in the OP, so I'm doing it here; I left them out in previous posts.) And doing it that way will be simpler than trying to do it in ##(v', r, \theta, \phi)## or ##(u', r, \theta, \phi)## coordinates.
  • #10
PeterDonis said:
I'm not saying it's wrong; I'm saying that there's a quicker way to the answer you are ultimately trying to get, which is whether or not the vectors ##\partial / \partial u'## and ##\partial / \partial v'## are null. You can get that answer in the coordinates you're already using, the ##u', v'## coordinates in which you wrote the metric in your OP. (I see that you put primes on the coordinates in the OP, so I'm doing it here; I left them out in previous posts.) And doing it that way will be simpler than trying to do it in ##(v', r, \theta, \phi)## or ##(u', r, \theta, \phi)## coordinates.

Ok in ##(v',u',\theta,\phi)## coordinates ##\partial / \partial v'=(1,0,0,0)## ?
So its pseduo scalar ##=(1)^{2}-(0)^{2}-(0)^{2}-(0)^{2}=1##
I conclude it's not null, but this is the wrong answer.
  • #11
binbagsss said:
Ok in ##(v',u',\theta,\phi)## coordinates ##\partial / \partial v'=(1,0,0,0)## ?


binbagsss said:
So its pseduo scalar ##=(1)^{2}-(0)^{2}-(0)^{2}-(0)^{2}=1##

No. To get the squared length of a vector, which is what you need to see if it is timelike, spacelike, or null, you have to use the metric: a vector ##V^{\mu}## has squared length ##g_{\mu \nu} V^{\mu} V^{\nu}##. The line element you give in your OP gives you ##g_{\mu \nu}##, and you know ##V^{\mu} = (1, 0, 0, 0)##.
  • #12
Ofc, apologies !
So ##g_{ab}V^{a}V^{b}=V^{a}V_{a}##
Where ##g_{ab}=##
## \left(\begin{array}{cccc}

0 & \frac{-16M^{3}}{r}e^{-\frac{r}{2M}} & 0 & 0\\ \frac{-16M^{3}}{r}e^{-\frac{r}{2M}}& 0 & & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & r^{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & r^{2}\\

\end{array}\right) ##

And so ##g^{ab}=

0 & \frac{r}{-16M^{3}}e^{\frac{r}{2M}} & 0 & 0\\ \frac{r}{-16M^{3}}e^{\frac{r}{2M}}& 0 & & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1/r^{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1/r^{2}\\



Then looking at the non-zero terms of the metric
Sp ##V^{0}=g^{01}V_{1}=0##

And so ##V^{a}=(0,-\frac{r}{16M^{3}}e^{\frac{r}{2M}},0,0)##
gives the result.

Question: When we get ##\partial / \partial_{v'} = (1,0,0,0)##, we assume no dependence between ##u'## and ##v'##? But since they both depend on ##r##, how is this ok?

  • #13
"Question: When we get ∂/∂v′=(1,0,0,0), we assume no dependence between u′ and v′? But since they both depend on r, how is this ok?"

They both might depend on r, but the dependence on r does not turn u' into a function v'. It is very easy to see this in a toy example. Say you define, u = r-t, v = r+t. Given a value of v, say v=0, doesn't determine or better doesn't constrain the value of u in any manner. All you can say is for v=0, u = 2r. But this r can assume any (real) value, from -∞ to ∞. In this sense v and u are totally independent.
  • #14
Roy_1981 said:
"Question: When we get ∂/∂v′=(1,0,0,0), we assume no dependence between u′ and v′? But since they both depend on r, how is this ok?"

They both might depend on r, but the dependence on r does not turn u' into a function v'. It is very easy to see this in a toy example. Say you define, u = r-t, v = r+t. Given a value of v, say v=0, doesn't determine or better doesn't constrain the value of u in any manner. All you can say is for v=0, u = 2r. But this r can assume any (real) value, from -∞ to ∞. In this sense v and u are totally independent.

thanks !
  • #15
PeterDonis said:
No. To get the squared length of a vector, which is what you need to see if it is timelike, spacelike, or null, you have to use the metric: a vector ##V^{\mu}## has squared length ##g_{\mu \nu} V^{\mu} V^{\nu}##. The line element you give in your OP gives you ##g_{\mu \nu}##, and you know ##V^{\mu} = (1, 0, 0, 0)##.

Sorry why is ##\partial/\partial x^{\mu}=V^{\mu}## and not ##V_{\mu}##? thanks.
  • #16
binbagsss said:
why is ##\partial/\partial x^{\mu}=V^{\mu}## and not ##V_{\mu}##? thanks.

The short answer is that there is a one-to-one correspondence between tangent vectors and directional derivatives, as has already been noted.

The other fairly short answer is that putting the index on ##x^{\mu}## "upstairs" instead of "downstairs" is somewhat of an abuse of notation, because ##x^{\mu}## is not really a vector--more precisely, it's not a tangent vector, and when we are dealing with curved spacetime the only meaningful notion of "vector" is "tangent vector". So the partial derivative operator ##\partial / \partial x^{\mu}## is not a 1-form, even though the (abused) notation suggests that it should be.

Related to How to classify coordinate as S-L,Null,T-L?

1. How do you determine if a coordinate is classified as S-L, Null, or T-L?

To classify a coordinate as S-L, Null, or T-L, you need to look at the values of the coordinates. S-L coordinates have both x and y values that are greater than 0. Null coordinates have both x and y values that are equal to 0. T-L coordinates have an x value that is greater than 0 and a y value that is equal to 0.

2. Can a coordinate be classified as more than one type?

No, a coordinate can only be classified as one type - S-L, Null, or T-L. The classification is based on the specific values of the coordinates and cannot overlap.

3. What is the difference between S-L and T-L coordinates?

The main difference between S-L and T-L coordinates is the y value. S-L coordinates have a y value that is greater than 0, while T-L coordinates have a y value that is equal to 0. This difference in y value affects the location of the coordinate on a graph.

4. How do you represent a Null coordinate on a graph?

A Null coordinate, with both x and y values equal to 0, cannot be represented on a traditional graph with x and y axes. However, it can be shown as a point at the origin (0,0) or as a dot with no value on the graph.

5. Can a coordinate with negative values be classified as S-L, Null, or T-L?

No, the classification of S-L, Null, or T-L is based on the specific values of the coordinates, which do not include negative values. Therefore, a coordinate with negative values cannot be classified as any of these types.

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