How to combine elements of differing ionic charge

In summary, the elements that exhibit multiple valencies form more than one compound with another element. The dominant valency leads to the more stable compound. Less favored valencies (or oxidation states) result in less stable, or more reactive compounds.
  • #1
It's easy when say zinc is +2 and chloride is -1, so it is ZCL2

However, say I wanted to combine say, oxygen and gold. Gold has +1 and +3 and oxygen is -2, which of the gold do I use? (+1 or +3, for example)
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  • #2
I believe you can use both. [tex]AuCl_3[/tex][tex]AuCl[/tex] They are different compounds of gold. Alot of transition metals have more than 1 charge.

o ya, I used chlorine because gold is not very reative, only with chlorine and fluorine. :approve:
  • #3
As DB's said already, elements that exhibit multiple valency form more than one compound with another element (as long as the two will react). The dominant valency leads to the more stable compound. Less favored valencies (or oxidation states) result in less stable, or more reactive compounds.

In tha case of Au, the +3 state is much more stable than the +1 state (the reason for this is a little complicated). But gold itself is quite an unreactive metal, so it will react only with the most electronegative elements like the halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) and the chalcogens (O, S, Se, Te).

Since the +3 state is preferred, compounds like AuF3, AuCl3, AuBr3, Au2O3 are quite stable. However, AuCl, AuBr, Au2O also exist, though they are less stable. But when you get to the bigger atoms (Se, I), it becomes difficult to squeeze 3 of these around a gold atom. The repulsion between these atoms (also known as steric hindrance) becomes very strong. So, with the bigger atoms, the +1 state is preferred, and so, in these cases AU2Se and AuI are the more stable compounds.

This is just a crude explanation, and the details are far more complex. But the general lesson to be learned is that, when an element exhibits multiple valencies (this is particularly pronounced with the d-block, or transition metals), it will form multiple compounds with another element, their stabilities generally depending on the dominance of the valency.
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  • #4
To add a little,the maximum oxydation states is usually realized in fluorides,as the fluorine is the most rectiv nonmetal,plus it has the 'smallest' molecule among the halogens.It sometimes occurs with the oxygen,too.
E.g.Xe (54) has the oxydation states:+2,+4,+6,+8.The maximum one is encontered in the octofluorine:[itex] XeF_{8} [/tex] and the tetraoxyde:[itex] XeO_{4} [/itex].


FAQ: How to combine elements of differing ionic charge

1. How do you determine the appropriate ratio of elements with different ionic charges?

The appropriate ratio of elements with different ionic charges can be determined by calculating the charges of each ion and balancing them to achieve a neutral compound. This can be done by using the crisscross method, where the absolute value of the charge of each ion is used as the subscript for the other ion.

2. Can elements with the same ionic charge be combined?

No, elements with the same ionic charge cannot be combined because they will repel each other due to their like charges. A neutral compound can only be formed by combining elements with opposite charges.

3. What happens if the ratio of elements with different ionic charges is not balanced?

If the ratio of elements with different ionic charges is not balanced, the resulting compound will have a net charge and will be unstable. This can lead to chemical reactions and the formation of new compounds.

4. Are there any exceptions to the crisscross method for combining elements with different ionic charges?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the crisscross method. For example, transition metals can have multiple ionic charges, so the ratio of elements may need to be adjusted accordingly. It is important to consult a periodic table and determine the specific ionic charges for each element.

5. How do you name compounds formed by combining elements with different ionic charges?

Compounds formed by combining elements with different ionic charges are named using the convention of writing the cation first, followed by the anion. The name of the cation remains the same, while the name of the anion changes to end in "-ide". For example, NaCl is named sodium chloride.
