How to convert a fraction into a repeating decimal

In summary: That being said, I love to "dimensionally analyze" my calculations, but I am the only person I know who does it. When I teach physics, I make it a point to always write out units for every calculation, and I often assign problems that are just unit analysis problems. Many of my students don't like this. They say that it is a waste of time. I don't care. I am paid to teach them physics, not to entertain them with cool problems. I am also a fan of doing the same with numerical calculations. I have seen many students go down a rabbit hole because they screwed up the units somewhere in their calculations. However, I am also very aware that I
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
For example, say I want to convert 1/7 to its representation as a repeating decimal? Is the fastest way just to do long division, or is there a faster way?
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  • #2
You could learn the first ones, say until 11 inclusive, by heart.
  • #3
Or use a calculator. Where is the point in getting the 7th digit right if you calculate something by hand?
  • #4
Do the division operation. You will see the repeating decimal. You can and should be able to do it the long, traditional way. If you do this on 1/7 a couple of times, you may memorize it.

0 . 1 4 2 8
7 ) 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0
2 8
2 0
1 4
6 0

Keep going. You will find 0.142857, REPEATING those digits.

The alignment on the page is not working...

micromass suggested CODE tags...
      0 . 1 4 2 8    
7   )  1. 0 0 0 0 0 0
          3 0
          2 8
             2 0
             1 4
                6 0
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  • #5
Hey Mr Davis 97.

The fraction is found by expanding the numerator and denominator with respect to some base.

Usually - decimals are written in base 10 and since each digit is written that way you will typically have an X/10^n where n is some integer (positive number).

You are essentially solving for X.

You can change the base as you need to (for example - binary, hexadecimal and so on) and even for changing bases (mixed bases) but the idea is the same.
  • #6
I have a couple of tricks for remembering the 7ths.
  • The recurring digits of n/7 are the same for any n, the pattern starts on a different digit depending on n. (So you need only remember 1/7.)
  • No digit in 1/7 is divisible by 3.
  • The first three significant digits in 1/7 add up to 7.
  • Use even multiples of 7 to remember the first four digits of 1/7
    • 2*7 = 14: 0.142857...
    • 4*7 = 28: 0.142857...
    • 6*7 = 42: 0.142857...
  • The difference between each successive digit alternates in sign: (e.g. +,-,+,-,+,-,+,-,...)
  • The absolute values of the differences between successive digits is also a repeating pattern.
    • 1/7 = 0.1428571...
      1 [+3] 4 [-2] 2 [+6] 8 [-3] 5 [+2] 7 [-6] 1 ...

I'm half making this up on the fly, but you could make the denominator a multiple of 10, then decompose the fraction from there. Take 1/6 for example,
\frac{1}{6} &= \frac{5}{30} \nonumber \\
&= \frac{3}{30} + \frac{2}{30} \nonumber \\
&=\frac{1}{10}\left(1 + \frac{2}{3}\right). \nonumber
  • #7
Don't make it too complicated.

0.14 28 57 repeating
2*28=56, add 1 which is the overflow from the next step, 2*56=112

This is basically two steps of a long division each time: 1/7 = 14/98 = 14*(1/98) and 1/98 = 0.0204081...
  • #8
Whatever might be the answer to this basic question. IMO it simply disguises the fundamental difference between now and then. A few decades ago there haven't been any calculators at school. So it has been necessary to remember a lot of small multiplications and divisions in order to save time. It also helped a lot in everyday tasks like shopping.

This has fundamentally changed and younger people normally aren't used to numeric solutions anymore. It isn't needed. However, it comes to a prize. E.g. I had to learn to use a slide rule and an essential part of it has been to estimate the order of magnitude of a calculation. Without those kind of training it happens that less and less people have a feeling about the likelihood of a numeric solution. At least I experienced this while tutoring kids. Comparable effects could be said about the usage of units. I can't even estimate how often I requested to pull units through an entire calculation.

In any case. If one doesn't want to pay this price there is only one way to do (unless blessed with a gift like Ramanujan was): practice, practice, practice, ...
  • #9
fresh_42 said:
Whatever might be the answer to this basic question. IMO it simply disguises the fundamental difference between now and then... This has fundamentally changed and younger people normally aren't used to numeric solutions anymore. It isn't needed... Comparable effects could be said about the usage of units. I can't even estimate how often I requested to pull units through an entire calculation.
I would say it is still necessary, to a much lesser extent perhaps. There are so many times I want to do a calculation but don't have my phone at hand, or it seems like too trivial a calculation to go through all the button pressing and screen swiping it takes to open a damn calculator app, or it is just too inconvenient to waggle a phone/calculator around (like when shopping). Times when I go to pay in a shop and I give the person a few extra coins so they can give me back a note instead of a heap of change, a look of fear always sweeps across their face. For example, the other day I paid for $10.50 of items with a $20 note and a 50c and the guy was very unsure about giving me a $10 note in change.

The units thing I don't understand at all. I love units, they will alert you to most mistakes you will ever make.
  • #10
That is the perfect type of explanation for why to learn basic numerical skills. As regards to units, including them sometimes helps to think straight about your calculations.

FAQ: How to convert a fraction into a repeating decimal

1. How do I convert a fraction into a repeating decimal?

To convert a fraction into a repeating decimal, you can use the long division method. Divide the numerator by the denominator and keep track of the remainder. If the remainder is 0, the fraction is already a terminating decimal. If the remainder repeats, the fraction will become a repeating decimal.

2. Can all fractions be converted into repeating decimals?

No, not all fractions can be converted into repeating decimals. Fractions whose denominators are prime numbers other than 2 and 5 will result in repeating decimals.

3. What is a repeating decimal?

A repeating decimal is a decimal number in which one or more digits repeat infinitely after the decimal point.

4. How can I determine the pattern of a repeating decimal?

The pattern of a repeating decimal can be determined by looking at the number of digits that repeat. This number will be the same as the number of digits in the denominator of the fraction.

5. Can I convert a repeating decimal back into a fraction?

Yes, you can convert a repeating decimal back into a fraction by setting up an equation with the repeating decimal as x and solving for x. This will give you the fraction in its simplest form.

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