How to Convert Cp to Cv for Metals?

  • Thread starter Walkingman
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    Cv Metals
In summary, converting values of heat capacity from constant pressure to constant volume involves using the volume expansivity at constant pressure and the equations du/dT=Cv(T) and dh/dT=Cp(T). This can be done with the help of examples and equations provided in a chapter summary from McGrawHill.
  • #1
Can someone please remind me how to convert values of Heat capacaty at constant pressure to heat capacity at constant volume? I believe it has something to do with the volume expansivity (1/V)*(dV/dT) at constant pressure, but I can't find my therm textbook and I can't remember how to proceed.
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  • #2
Here are some useful relations:

[tex]\frac{du}{dT}= C_v (T)[/tex]

[tex]\frac{dh}{dT}= C_p (T)[/tex]

[tex]h = u + Pv[/tex]
  • #4
Thanks, that link helped!


FAQ: How to Convert Cp to Cv for Metals?

What is the difference between Cp and Cv for metals?

Cp and Cv refer to specific heat capacities for a material, specifically the heat capacity at constant pressure and constant volume, respectively. For metals, these values can differ due to the ability of metals to undergo phase transitions at different temperatures.

Why is Cp generally greater than Cv for metals?

This is because at constant pressure, metals are able to expand and contract, allowing for more energy to be absorbed or released without a significant change in temperature. At constant volume, the metal is unable to expand, resulting in a smaller change in energy and a lower heat capacity.

How do I convert Cp to Cv for a metal?

The conversion between Cp and Cv for a metal can be done using the equation Cp = Cv + R, where R is the ideal gas constant. This is because at constant volume, there is no work being done, so all the heat added goes towards increasing the internal energy of the metal.

What is the significance of the Cp to Cv ratio for metals?

The Cp to Cv ratio, also known as the adiabatic index or heat capacity ratio, is an important factor in thermodynamics as it determines the efficiency of heat engines. For metals, this ratio can vary at different temperatures due to changes in the metal's physical properties.

How does the Cp to Cv ratio change with temperature for metals?

The Cp to Cv ratio generally decreases with increasing temperature for metals. This is due to the increase in thermal energy at higher temperatures, causing a larger expansion at constant pressure and resulting in a smaller change in energy at constant volume.
