How to Convert Finite Sums to Closed Form with Limit |a| < 1

In summary: I'm not aware of it.I might argue that the usual definition of sum of an infinite series isS=lim(n->inf) Σ(k=0,n) a^kSo, the usual definition is by a finite sum!Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I don't disagree with your derivation of finite sum from infinite sum. I just think you stated it a little too strongly. I think we are agreement on the substance of the mathematics here. In summary, the conversation discussed the conversion of two sums into closed form equations. The first sum was from i=1 to n of: 1/a^1 + 1/a^2 + 1/a^3 ... 1/a
  • #1

Ignore the above, I was haveing problems with the symbol...

Convert each to closed form:

1. Sum from i=1 to n of: [tex]\frac{n}{a^n}[/tex]

2. Sum from i=1 to n of: [tex]\frac{1}{a^n}[/tex]


P.S. I know how to do it if it was an infinite series, but not for this.
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  • #2
You almost certainly do not mean to ask for the sum of 1/a^n+1/a^n+...+1/a^n adding n copies of 1/a^n.

Do you mean to ask for the sum of 1/1^n+1/2^n+...+1/n^n?

Do you mean to ask for the sum of 1/a^1+1/a^2+...+1/a^n?
  • #3
Hi Bill, you are right.

For #1, I am asking for a closed form equation for the sum of: 1/a^1 + 1/a^2 + 1/a^3 ... 1/a^n

For #2, I was asking for a closed form equation of the sum of: 1/a^1 + 2/a^2 + 3/a^3 ... n/a^n

For both, a is any constant (for my purposes a is (1+r) where r is going to be the yield to maturity as I am trying to come up with a closed form equation for the duration of a bond), but I don't think that is relevant to the above.

  • #4
The first is almost a geometric series- [tex]\sum_{i= 0}^n b^i[/tex] which has a well known sum: [tex]\frac{1}{1- b}[/tex] for -1< b< 1. I say "almost" because it is missing the first term, [itex]b^0= 1[/itex] and has b= 1/a. Of course, that means your sum is just the geometric series without that first "1". Its sum is [tex]\frac{1}{1- b}- 1= \frac{b}{1- b}[/tex], again, for -1< b< 1. And, with b= 1/a, that is [tex]\frac{\frac{1}{a}}{1- \frac{1}{a}}= \frac{1}{a- 1}[/tex] after you multiply both numerator and denominator by a.

For the second one, think of the series [tex]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^n[/tex] which is just the same as above except with [tex]\frac{x}{a}[/itex] instead of b. It sum is [tex]\frac{\frac{x}{a}}{1- \frac{x}{a}}= \frac{ax}{a- x}[/tex], again multiplying numerator and denominator by a.

Now look what happens when you differentiate that sum "term by "term". The derivative of [tex]\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^n[/tex] is [tex]\frac{nx^{n-1}}{a^n}[/tex] and the derivative of [tex]\frac{ax}{a- x}[/tex] is [tex]\frac{a}{(a- x)^2}[/tex].

That is, [tex]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{nx^{n-1}}{a^n}= \frac{a}{(a- x)^2}[/tex]. Now take x= 1 to get your sum.
  • #5
The finite sum [tex] \sum_{i= 0}^n b^i [/tex] is (1-bn+1)/(1-b).

To get your answer let b=1/a.
  • #6
Thanks for the help. Mathman, that was what I was looking for for the first one.

Using your example, do you or anyone else know what the finite sum would be for i bi?
  • #7
mcbballp32 said:
do you or anyone else know what the finite sum would be for i bi?

I pasted a handy summation table into my math handbook. I attached a copy for you.

By the way, you mentioned that you know the formulas for the infinite summations, but not the finite summations. You can actually derive the finite sums from the infinite sums easily. I give an example below.

[tex]\sum_{k=0}^n a^k=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a^k - \sum_{k=n+1}^\infty a^k [/tex]

let m=k-n-1 in the second infinite summation.

[tex]=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a^k - \sum_{m=0}^\infty a^{m+n+1} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a^k - a^{n+1}\sum_{m=0}^\infty a^m={{1-a^{n+1}}\over{1-a}}[/tex]


  • SumTable.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 549
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  • #8
Note to stevenb: The infinite sum rule is derived from the finite sum rule.

Finite sum rule derivation:
Infinite sum rule is obtained by n->∞ for |a|<1.
  • #9
mathman said:
Note to stevenb: The infinite sum rule is derived from the finite sum rule.

Finite sum rule derivation:
Infinite sum rule is obtained by n->∞ for |a|<1.

OK, I don't disagree, but maybe you missed my point.

The OP said that he knew the infinite sum formulas, but didn't know the finite sum formulas. I was just pointing out to him that he can derive the finite sum formulas from the infinite sum formulas. Are you saying this isn't true, or are you just pointing out an accepted convention?

I can easily prove the infinite sum formula by doing long division on 1/(1-a), and above I show how to get the finite sum formula from the infinite sum formula. Math is pretty flexible, as I'm sure you know.
  • #10
The finite sum rule may be derived from the infinite sum rule as you said. The point I was trying to make is that the infinite sum rule is itself derived from the finite rule, which is derived as I expressed.
  • #11
mathman said:
The finite sum rule may be derived from the infinite sum rule as you said. The point I was trying to make is that the infinite sum rule is itself derived from the finite rule, which is derived as I expressed.

I guess I (politely) object to your phrasing here a little. - no offense intended.

I find this statement unnecessarily rigid.

Surely, you can (or may) derive the infinite sum rule from the finite sum rule. Perhaps, it is even preferred (simplest, most elegant?) to do it that way. I don't disagree with that at all. Maybe it was even historically found that way? I don't know the history, so I can't answer that. I would in fact be interested in the history if this is your point.

However, I'm not aware of any requirement to do it that way. I should be able to choose to derive the infinite sum rule by a number of different methods, some more complicated or obscure than others. I might do that without ever mentioning or thinking about the finite sum formula.

Just to give some examples with minimal thought.

1. Do long division on 1/(1-a) and it equals 1+a+a^2 ...

2. A round about way is to prove the Binomial series formula and then apply it to (1-a)^(-1)

or mimicking your method for finite sums

3. Multiply 1+a+a^2 ... times (1-a) and it's clear this equals unity. One can just look at the series and come up with that solution instantly. This is essentially identical to your proof for the finite series case, but using infinite series, where one never needs to think about a finite sum.

Infinite sum rule derivation:
S=Σ(k=0,inf) a^k
aS=Σ(k=1,inf) a^k

To me, it's just a matter of preference on how you want to think about it. Is there some subtle mathematical reason why one must do it for finite series and then take the limit? Maybe it's one of those finer points that just goes over the head of an engineer?
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  • #12
The only subtlety comes from the need to include the limit |a|<1 in the discussion. By doing the finite sum first, the answer to this question is obvious, since the discarded term -> 0 only for |a| < 1.
  • #13
mathman said:
The only subtlety comes from the need to include the limit |a|<1 in the discussion. By doing the finite sum first, the answer to this question is obvious, since the discarded term -> 0 only for |a| < 1.

Yes, that's a good point. Thank you!

FAQ: How to Convert Finite Sums to Closed Form with Limit |a| < 1

What is a closed form from summation?

A closed form from summation is an expression that represents the sum of a series of numbers using a finite number of basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It allows for a simplified and more efficient way to calculate the sum of a series compared to manually adding each term.

When is a closed form from summation used?

A closed form from summation is commonly used in mathematics and statistics to calculate the sum of a series with a large number of terms. It is also used in computer science and programming to optimize algorithms and improve efficiency in calculations.

What are the benefits of using a closed form from summation?

One major benefit of using a closed form from summation is that it allows for a more efficient and accurate calculation of the sum of a series, especially when dealing with large numbers of terms. It also enables the sum to be calculated without having to manually add each term, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

What are the limitations of closed form from summation?

The main limitation of closed form from summation is that it can only be used for a series with a finite number of terms. It is not applicable for calculating the sum of infinite series. Additionally, in some cases, finding a closed form expression for a summation may not be possible or may be very complex.

How is a closed form from summation derived?

The process of deriving a closed form from summation involves using mathematical techniques such as algebraic manipulation, geometric or arithmetic series formulas, and other methods to simplify the expression until it is in a form that can be easily calculated. The derivation process may vary depending on the specific series being evaluated.

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