How to Convert Henry's Coefficient from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa?

  • Thread starter merely
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In summary, the conversion factor from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units is 101.325. This conversion is necessary because Pa units are the standard SI unit for pressure, while mol kg-1 atm-1 is a non-SI unit. To convert, simply multiply the mol kg-1 atm-1 value by the conversion factor. The conversion factor varies for different units of pressure, and there are online conversion tools available for easy conversion. However, it is recommended to understand the conversion process and verify the results.
  • #1

as you see I'm trying to translate Henry's coeff. from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pascals.
Did anybody try it??
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello merely,

you just need to know that 1 atm = 101325 Pa (assuming you want to keep mol and kg).

If you want to compare your results, have a look at this website:



FAQ: How to Convert Henry's Coefficient from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa?

1. What is the conversion factor from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units?

The conversion factor is 101.325 Pa/atm. This means that for every 1 atm, there are 101.325 Pa.

2. Why do we need to convert from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units?

Pa units are the standard SI unit for pressure, while mol kg-1 atm-1 is a non-SI unit. Converting to Pa units allows for consistency and ease of comparison in scientific calculations.

3. How do I convert from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units?

To convert, simply multiply the mol kg-1 atm-1 value by the conversion factor of 101.325 Pa/atm. This will give you the equivalent value in Pa units.

4. Is the conversion factor the same for all units of pressure?

No, the conversion factor varies depending on the units being converted. For example, the conversion factor for atm to Pa is 101.325, but the conversion factor for torr to Pa is 133.322.

5. Can I use an online conversion tool to convert from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units?

Yes, there are many online conversion tools available that can easily convert between different units of pressure, including from mol kg-1 atm-1 to Pa units. However, it is always good practice to understand the conversion process and verify the results.

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