How to Convert Moment of Inertia from Slug-ft^2 to N-m^2

In summary, when converting moment of inertia from slug-ft^2 to N-m^2, we must first convert the units using the conversion factor 1 slug-ft^2 = 1.3558 kg-m^2. Additionally, we may need to "smuggle" in an extra factor of g to account for the difference between mass and weight.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am asked to convert moment of inertia of a spacecraft from slug-ft^2 to N-m^2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Is this a trick question? Usually moment of inertia is expressed in kg-m^2 not N-m^2.

1 slug = 1 lbf-s^2/ft --> therefore 1 slug-ft^2 = 1 lbf-s^2-ft = 1.3558 N-s^2-m = 1.3558 (kg-m/s^2)-s^2-m = 1.3558 kg-m^2
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  • #2
That is correct. However, often when converting from such units to SI units, we "smuggle" in an extra factor. (I'm not familiar with imperial units, but I believe something similar happens in mechanics, where lbs can be converted to N).

So I don't know how appropriate this is for a spacecraft , but usually we assume that 1 kg of mass corresponds to g N of force (where g is the gravitational constant, about 9,8 depending on where on Earth you are). This actually corresponds to "normal" language usage: we usually say we "weigh" 60 kg, while we actually mean that our mass is 60 kg, and we "weigh" 60g (about 600 N).
  • #3

So, to convert moment of inertia from slug-ft^2 to N-m^2, you would multiply by 1.3558. Therefore, the moment of inertia of the spacecraft in N-m^2 would be 1.3558 times the original value in slug-ft^2.

FAQ: How to Convert Moment of Inertia from Slug-ft^2 to N-m^2

1. What is moment of inertia and why is it important?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation. It is important because it helps us understand how objects behave when they are rotating, which is useful in many areas of science and engineering such as designing machines and analyzing the motion of celestial bodies.

2. What are the units of moment of inertia?

The units of moment of inertia depend on the shape and the axis of rotation of the object. For a point mass, the unit is kilogram-meter squared (kg•m²). For a rigid body, the unit is kilogram-meter squared (kg•m²) or kilogram-centimeter squared (kg•cm²). It is important to remember that the units for moment of inertia are different from those for mass and should not be confused.

3. How is moment of inertia different from mass?

Moment of inertia is a property of an object that describes its resistance to changes in rotation, while mass is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains. In other words, mass tells us how much matter is in an object, while moment of inertia tells us how that matter is distributed around an axis of rotation.

4. How do you calculate moment of inertia?

The formula for moment of inertia depends on the shape and the axis of rotation of the object. For simple shapes such as a point mass or a uniform rod, there are specific formulas that can be used. For more complex shapes, the moment of inertia can be calculated by dividing the object into smaller parts and using integration. There are also tables and computer programs available for calculating moment of inertia for commonly used shapes.

5. How does moment of inertia affect rotational motion?

The moment of inertia affects the rotational motion of an object in two ways. First, it determines how much torque is required to change the object's angular velocity. Objects with a larger moment of inertia require more torque to achieve the same change in rotation as objects with a smaller moment of inertia. Second, it determines the object's angular acceleration for a given torque. Objects with a larger moment of inertia will have a smaller angular acceleration for a given torque, while objects with a smaller moment of inertia will have a larger angular acceleration.

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