How to count polarization states of massive particles?

In summary, the number of polarization states for a particle is dependent on its mass and the number of spacetime dimensions. For a massless particle, like a photon, there are only two polarization states due to the constraint on its momentum. However, for a massive particle with spin=1, there are three possible polarizations due to the presence of a rest frame and the Little Group that leaves the momentum invariant. This Little Group is different for massive and massless particles, with SO(D-1) for massive particles and SO(D-2) for massless particles in D spacetime dimensions.
  • #1
I understand that a massless photon has two polarization states. But I do not understand why a massive spin=1 particle has three polarization states. Can anybody explain? Does the answer depend on the number of spacetime?
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  • #2
You need the following conditions:

[tex]\epsilon_\mu p^\mu = 0[/tex]

It is especially the first equation that matters. For a massless photon, the momentum can only be reduced to the form (E;E,0,0) - so there are only 2 polarization states (if you can't see it right away, work it out - it's very easy). However, if the photon is massive, you can go to its rest frame, where p = (m;0,0,0) - now there are three polarizations that are allowed.

Basically, the idea is to find the rotation group that leaves the momentum invariant, which is to say, only rotates the vanishing components around. This is called the "Little Group" (i swear I didn't make it up!). Knowing the Little Group tells you all you need to know about polarizations. Generally, massive particles have a little group SO(D-1), and massless particles have little group SO(D-2), where D is the number of spacetime dimensions (D=4 for us).

As you can plainly see, the answer is very sensitive to the number of dimensions you are in.

For a field theory explanation, check out my post on the thread:
  • #3

Yes, the number of polarization states for a massive spin=1 particle does depend on the number of spacetime dimensions. In general, a massive particle with spin S in N-dimensional spacetime will have 2S+1 polarization states. This can be understood by considering the representation of the particle's spin in terms of the Lorentz group.

In a 3-dimensional space, a massive spin=1 particle can be described by a vector representation, which has three components. Each component corresponds to a different polarization state. However, in 4-dimensional spacetime, the Lorentz group has two additional generators, resulting in two additional polarization states. This is why a massive spin=1 particle in 4-dimensional spacetime has three polarization states.

In general, the number of polarization states for a massive particle will increase as the number of spacetime dimensions increases. This is because the Lorentz group has more generators in higher dimensions, allowing for more possible spin representations.

It is important to note that this is a purely theoretical concept and does not have any physical significance in terms of the properties or behavior of the particle. The number of polarization states simply reflects the mathematical description of the particle's spin in a particular spacetime.

In conclusion, the number of polarization states for a massive particle does depend on the number of spacetime dimensions, with the formula being 2S+1, where S is the spin of the particle.

FAQ: How to count polarization states of massive particles?

1. How do you determine the number of possible polarization states for a massive particle?

To determine the number of possible polarization states for a massive particle, you need to consider its spin. For a particle with spin 0 (scalar particle), there is only one possible polarization state. For a particle with spin 1 (vector particle), there are three possible polarization states. And for a particle with spin 2 (tensor particle), there are five possible polarization states. In general, the number of possible polarization states for a massive particle is equal to 2s + 1, where s is the spin of the particle.

2. Can a massive particle have more than two polarization states?

Yes, a massive particle can have more than two polarization states. The number of possible polarization states for a massive particle depends on its spin. As mentioned earlier, a particle with spin 2 can have five polarization states, and there are even higher spin particles that can have more than five polarization states.

3. How does the number of polarization states affect the behavior of a massive particle?

The number of polarization states for a massive particle affects its behavior in terms of its interactions with other particles. For example, a particle with more polarization states can interact with other particles in more ways compared to a particle with fewer polarization states. The number of polarization states also determines the particle's decay modes and the type of interactions it can participate in.

4. Are there any exceptions to the rule of 2s + 1 for counting polarization states?

Yes, there can be exceptions to the rule of 2s + 1 for counting polarization states. For example, there are particles known as Majorana fermions that have half-integer spin but only two possible polarization states. This is because Majorana fermions are their own antiparticles, and their spin states are not independent of their charge states.

5. How do you experimentally determine the polarization states of a massive particle?

Experimentally determining the polarization states of a massive particle often involves measuring the properties of the particle's decay products. For example, in high-energy particle collisions, the spin of the parent particle can be inferred from the properties of its decay products. Other techniques such as scattering experiments and polarization measurements can also be used to determine the polarization states of a massive particle.

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