How to Create a Desktop Rainbow Experiment?

In summary, the individual is looking for advice on how to create a rainbow in miniature. They have done some research and think they may have over-stretched themselves. They plan to tinker with some spritzer bottles and lamps to see if they can recreate the effect.
  • #1
Hi, I was wondering if comeone here might be a ble to help me. I am slowly building my daughters various toys, some they're helping me build, others they just play with, but all are essentially science experiments and learning.

My eldest has recently become infatuated with rainbows and I recall a science experiment I did at school to re-create a rainbow with a light and dripping tap, however I cannot remember the specifics. All my searches on-line show how to project a rainbow on to a piece of paper or wall, however I'd love to show (on the table top) a rainbow in the air.

I know you can do this with a hose on a summer's day, and a know the 42° angle needs to be incorporated somehow, but if I could create the effect in miniaiture, available at any time, then perhaps I can make a water feature with 12v halogen lamp in it, so when it turns on, there's their very own rainbow created. :)

From my research already I'm thinking I may have over-stretched myself here, but can't stop the nagging feeling that it can be done, can anyone point me in the right direction, or at least tell me I'm crazy so I can move on to the next idea? ;)

Many thanks
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  • #2
You need the light to come from the same direction as the observer.
Apart from that, a fine mist will produce a rainbow for you - you'll need to fiddle around a bit.
Experiment in a dark room.
  • #3
I would further recommend either an old-style incandescent light source, or a newer "xenon" HID light. Avoid energy saving light bulbs, their spectrum may be very poor for a good rainbow.
  • #4
I used the search terms "rainbow experiments for kids" in Google and found LOTS of ideas and experiments you can do at home to create rainbows. Probably you can find a suitable one there.
  • #5
Thanks for the advice everyone. Like I said in the OP, I have trawled google but all techniques either project a rainbow pattern into a wall/paper/floor or involve being outside in a sunny day with the hose.

I really wanted an indoor 'live' rainbow for want if a better phrase.

I will tinker with some spritzer bottles and lamps and see how I go. Failing that I may just use the very simple projection method instead.
  • #6
To get a good rainbow you need one dominant light source. Even with the Sun as a light source, to get a good rainbow you need dark clouds or a shaded hillside to avoid too much extraneous light dilution. I suggest that the experiment could work in a shower cubicle, with the lights out and using a good sharp torch (Maglight quality with a filament bulb in it). A black cloth or even a bin bag would make a good background. You will have a hard job doing better than a hose in the garden, I think. How about making a fine spray (from a plant 'mister' or bicycle pump full of water) and firing it out of a window at night, with a torch as light source?

Related to How to Create a Desktop Rainbow Experiment?

1. How do I create a desktop rainbow experiment?

To create a desktop rainbow experiment, you will need a glass of water, a white sheet of paper, a flashlight, and a mirror. Fill the glass with water and place it on the white paper. Then, shine the light through the water and onto the paper. Hold the mirror at an angle so that it reflects the light onto the paper, creating a rainbow.

2. Why is a white sheet of paper necessary for the experiment?

A white sheet of paper allows for better visibility and contrast when the rainbow is created. It also helps to reflect the light more evenly, resulting in a clearer and more defined rainbow.

3. Can I use different colors of light for the experiment?

Yes, you can use different colors of light for the experiment. However, the colors may not appear as vibrant or distinct as they would with white light. It is recommended to use a white light source for the best results.

4. What is the science behind this experiment?

The science behind this experiment is the refraction and dispersion of light. When light enters the water, it slows down and bends, causing the different colors to separate and create a rainbow. The mirror helps to reflect the light at a specific angle to create the rainbow on the paper.

5. Can I make the rainbow larger or smaller?

Yes, you can adjust the size of the rainbow by changing the distance between the glass of water and the paper. The closer the glass is to the paper, the smaller the rainbow will appear, and vice versa. You can also adjust the angle of the mirror to change the position of the rainbow on the paper.

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