How to define a constraint function for the adjoint method

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the adjoint method to estimate the values of the parameters T and S in a function that involves the minimisation of the sum of squared differences between the observed value h and the modeled estimate h*. The constraint function is formulated in terms of the parameters T and S, and a linear constraint function may be used to solve for these parameters through differentiation and solving equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let h be an observed value at a given time t

t = 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

h = 0.72, 0.49, 0.30, 0.20, 0.16, 0.12

Let h* be a modeled estimate of h

Homework Equations

h* = [ Q / 4*Pi*T*t ] * e [ - (d^2)*S / 4*T*t ]

where the known constants are Pi, Q (= 50), and d (= 60)

and the values of the two parameters T and S are unknown.

Values of T and S can be estimated through the minimisation of the sum of squared differences between h and h* over all times.

The Attempt at a Solution

The adjoint method involves formulating a function (e.g. H) which is composed of the sum of the function of interest (i.e. in this case, h*) and a second term, which is composed of a Lagrange multiplier multiplied by a constraint function.

How do I formulate the constraint function? I'm guessing that it should involve the squared difference between h and h*, since the minimisation of (h-h*)^2 is the desired outcome. But, since there are 6 times at which h* is calculated, will I need to have 6 formulations of H (and therefore 6 different Lagrange multipliers)? Or, since the minimisation of the sum of (h-h*)^2 for all times is the overall desired outcome, do I only need to formulate one equation for H?

Another point that bothers me is this. In the examples of the use of the adjoint method that I have seen, the constraint function is formulated in terms of the parameters of interest (i.e. in this case, T and S), rather than in terms of the function of interest (i.e. in this case, h*).

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Okay, after ~70 thread views but zero replies, I have had some more thoughts on formulating this problem. Perhaps this will stimulate a response.

The minimisation of the squared difference between h* and h at a given time t is the objective of interest. Therefore the equation of interest (H) is not just a function of h* but instead :

H = (h* - h)^2 where h* = [ Q / 4*Pi*T*t ] * exp [ - (d^2)*S / 4*T*t ] , as described previously.

I have seen (in Bryson & Ho 1975) the constraint function for a two parameter problem described using a linear function, e.g. for parameters x and y, f = x + my - c.

Since my problem is also a two parameter problem, could a linear constraint function also be used ?

If so, then the full equation (i.e. Z) might be :

Z = (function of interest) + lambda*(constraint function) = (h* - h)^2 + lambda*(T + mS - c)

and then this could be differentiated with respect to T and to S, and the resulting equations (along with f=T+mS-c=0) could be solved for T,S and lambda.

If anyone has experience in formulating adjoint-state equations for functions that involve the minimisation of least squares, your advice would be much appreciated !

FAQ: How to define a constraint function for the adjoint method

1. What is the purpose of a constraint function in the adjoint method?

A constraint function in the adjoint method is used to ensure that the solution of the optimization problem satisfies certain conditions or limitations. It acts as a mathematical representation of the constraints that need to be satisfied in order to reach the optimal solution.

2. How do you define a constraint function for the adjoint method?

To define a constraint function for the adjoint method, you first need to identify the constraints that need to be satisfied in the optimization problem. Then, you can express these constraints as mathematical equations or inequalities. The constraint function is typically added to the objective function as a penalty term, and it is often multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier to incorporate the constraints into the optimization process.

3. What types of constraints can be included in the constraint function for the adjoint method?

The constraint function for the adjoint method can include various types of constraints, such as equality constraints, inequality constraints, and bound constraints. These constraints can be linear or nonlinear, and they can involve multiple variables.

4. How does the adjoint method use the constraint function to find the optimal solution?

The adjoint method uses the constraint function in conjunction with the objective function to find the optimal solution. The constraint function is added to the objective function as a penalty term, and the optimization algorithm aims to minimize this combined function. By including the constraints in the optimization process, the adjoint method is able to find a solution that satisfies all the constraints.

5. Are there any limitations to using a constraint function in the adjoint method?

One limitation of using a constraint function in the adjoint method is that it may increase the computational complexity and time required to find the optimal solution. Additionally, if the constraints are not well-defined or if there are too many constraints, the adjoint method may struggle to find a feasible solution. Therefore, careful consideration and optimization of the constraint function is necessary for the adjoint method to be effective.
