How to Define and Work with Digits in Python?

  • Python
  • Thread starter Avatrin
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In summary, a palindromic number reads the same both ways, and a pandigital number is one that uses all of the digits 1 to n exactly once. To find a palindromic number, you need to test to see if the first digit is equal to the third digit, and to find a pandigital number, you need to test to see if the number uses all of the digits 1 to n. You need to define these terms and come up with an algorithm to test numbers to see if they are palindromic or pandigital.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is not about one problem, it is rather about a type of problem:

How do I define, in Python, a number which is defined by its individual digits? For instance:
Pandigital numbers..
Circular primes..

What commands do I need to work with to find these kinds of numbers?

Homework Equations

An n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once.

A palindromic number reads the same both ways.

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know what commands to use.

def palindrome(n):
if n is ??:
return True
return False
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  • #2
Avatrin said:

Homework Statement

This is not about one problem, it is rather about a type of problem:

How do I define, in Python, a number which is defined by its individual digits? For instance:
Pandigital numbers..
Circular primes..

What commands do I need to work with to find these kinds of numbers?

Homework Equations

An n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once.

A palindromic number reads the same both ways.

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know what commands to use.

def palindrome(n):
if n is ??:
return True
return False

There are no "commands" to use. You need to write code that will test a number to do these things. Before you start writing code, you need to start with the definitions of these terms, and see what you can put together as an algorithm. For example, what does it mean that a "palindromic number reads the same both ways"? If I told you that I was thinking of a 3-digit number, how would you determine whether it was palindromic, without me telling you the number?
  • #3
Hey Avatrin and welcome to the forums.

Following on from Mark44's advice, can you define for us the things which are trying to check or convert to?

Even if its not in code, doing this will help you actually get to that stage (and you need to do this before you can even write the code anyway). Just try and write it in english and then make it more formal so we can see what's going on in your head.
  • #4
Well, a 3-digit palindrome has the form xyx (x can be equal to y). For example:
909, 414 and 333

So, if I am testing a 3-digit palindrome:
if first digit = third digit:
Return True

If I am testing a 4-digit palindrome:
if first digit = fourth digit and second digit = third digit:
Return True

The reason I asked for commands is because I don't know how to isolate individual digits. I don't even know if the pseudo-code above is how the actual code will look like.

Testing pandigital numbers:
length(number) = n
for i in range(n):
|| if i+1 is not in number:
|||| return False
|||| break
|| return True
  • #5
Whats the data type of the numbers? Integer? Long? How many bits allocated?
  • #6
You can peel off the 1's digit by using the modulus operator, &, working in modulo 10.

For example, 931 & 10 == 1

You can shift all of the digits to the right by doing integer division by 10.

For example, 931 / 10 == 93
  • #7
chiro said:
Whats the data type of the numbers? Integer? Long? How many bits allocated?

Well, I am trying to solve various problems on Project Euler that involve digits in numbers (problems 4, 8, 16, 20 etc). So, yes, I am talking about integers. The largest integer we are talking about has 1000 digits (problem 8).

Mark44 said:
You can peel off the 1's digit by using the modulus operator, &, working in modulo 10.

For example, 931 & 10 == 1
I think you mean 931%10..
  • #9
Consider converting your integer to a string:
s = str(x)

Then you can deal with the characters in the string-- i.e., digits.
  • #10
awkward said:
Consider converting your integer to a string:
s = str(x)

Then you can deal with the characters in the string-- i.e., digits.

Now that's a excellent suggestion.
  • #11
awkward said:
Consider converting your integer to a string:
s = str(x)

Then you can deal with the characters in the string-- i.e., digits.
Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for...

FAQ: How to Define and Work with Digits in Python?

1. How do I convert a string of digits to an integer in Python?

To convert a string of digits to an integer in Python, you can use the int() function. This function takes a string as its input and returns an integer as its output. For example, if you have the string "123", you can use int("123") to convert it to the integer 123.

2. How can I add or subtract digits in Python?

To add or subtract digits in Python, you can use the basic arithmetic operators + and -. For example, if you have two variables x = 5 and y = 3, you can use x + y to add them and x - y to subtract them.

3. Can I use Python to perform calculations with large numbers?

Yes, you can use Python to perform calculations with large numbers. Python has built-in support for arbitrary precision integers, which means it can handle numbers of any size without losing accuracy. You can use the int() function to convert strings of digits to integers and perform calculations on them.

4. How do I find the number of digits in a given integer in Python?

To find the number of digits in a given integer in Python, you can use the len() function to get the length of the string representation of the integer. For example, if you have the integer 12345, you can use len(str(12345)) to get the number of digits, which is 5.

5. Is there a way to format numbers in Python to have a specific number of digits after the decimal point?

Yes, you can use the format() function to format numbers in Python to have a specific number of digits after the decimal point. This function takes two arguments: the number you want to format and a formatting string. For example, if you have the number 3.14159 and you want to format it to have 2 digits after the decimal point, you can use format(3.14159, '.2f') to get 3.14.

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