How to Delete My Account: Plea for Help from Unliked User

  • Complaint
  • Thread starter Tenshou
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about the user wanting to delete their account due to negative experiences with the mods on the forum, but also acknowledging the usefulness of the forum for learning. The mods explain that they do not hate the user or want them to be banned, but are trying to help them understand why they received infractions and encourage them to change their posting habits. The user has the option to either leave the forum or try to understand and improve.
  • #1
I don't know how to delete my account. I mean I should and never come back, for it seems that every mod here hates me, I get infractions without warning every other day, and every other thread I make is locked, in addition to those embarrassments NO mod will listen to me when I try to appeal for those infraction... not a single one, so as a plea; I cry... please tell me how to delete my account, or do it for me. Because the mods here are quite rude, now, watch this thread become locked by the mod who dislikes me the most... Or even better, watch me get an infraction for 2 points, thus providing me with a ban.
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  • #2
I don't know how to delete my account.
You can send a PM to an admin (list).

I mean I should and never come back, for it seems that every mod here hates me, I get infractions without warning every other day, and every other thread I make is locked, in addition to those embarrassments NO mod will listen to me when I try to appeal for those infraction... not a single one, so as a plea;
I don't think this is true.

Threads get locked or deleted if they are against the forum rules, or locked if they are finished (like your previous thread in this forum).
Because the mods here are quite rude
  • #3
If you check all the threads that you created, then there are not many that got locked.

You are currently learning mathematics. I think that PF could be very useful to you to help you learn. I think you should stay and not lose access to this resource.

But you should know that we don't like misinformation here. You don't give out misinformation on purpose of course, you try to help other people. But if you're new to something yourself, then it is very easy to give advice to people that you yourself are unaware that is wrong. This is something that the mentors don't like.
  • #4
mfb said:

I am sorry mfb, this is just an empirical generalization, for the run ins I had with a mod, one who I do not wish to say any names, for they will get offend and lock this thread. But without a doubt, this is the worst experience I have had here, I have amassed a total 2 infraction in the course of 3 days, that must be a new record. But to be honest, it feels like I am being picked on by the mods. So, if I can have my account deleted as soon as possible it would be fine. PF could go about its day and I won't be thought of.

micromass said:
You are currently learning mathematics. I think that PF could be very useful to you to help you learn. I think you should stay and not lose access to this resource.

But you should know that we don't like misinformation here. You don't give out misinformation on purpose of course, you try to help other people. But if you're new to something yourself, then it is very easy to give advice to people that you yourself are unaware that is wrong. This is something that the mentors don't like.
Indeed, this is a good resource, probably the best for how quick the responses are. Alas, I do not misinform intentionally, I do not dis-inform, although I am not a complete novice I think I know enough to at least struggle along. I understand, and that is why accept those two recent infractions but the previous 3 point one is uncalled for. I mean I am on the road of becoming completely banned so why not delete the account and find another place, one which seems a little more liberal
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  • #5
Tenshou said:
I am sorry mfb, this is just an empirical generalization, for the run ins I had with a mod, one who I do not wish to say any names, for they will get offend and lock this thread. But without a doubt, this is the worst experience I have had here, I have amassed a total 2 infraction in the course of 3 days, that must be a new record. But to be honest, it feels like I am being picked on by the mods. So, if I can have my account deleted as soon as possible it would be fine. PF could go about its day and I won't be thought of.

You have gotten two infractions in three days. That is not fun, I know. But the intention never was to "pick" on you. What I wanted to do is to make something clear to you. We warned you before, but you didn't seem to listen. So what else could we do?

You now have the option of
1) Leaving this forum forever and losing access to this resource which could help you learn.
2) Try to understand why I gave you an infraction and change your posts accordingly.

You are not being picked on. We don't hate you. We don't want to see you banned. We just want you to change your posting habits a bit. If you are going to choose (1), then go ahead, we can't stop you. But it would be a shame.
  • #6
micromass said:
You have gotten two infractions in three days. That is not fun, I know. But the intention never was to "pick" on you. What I wanted to do is to make something clear to you. We warned you before, but you didn't seem to listen. So what else could we do?

You now have the option of
1) Leaving this forum forever and losing access to this resource which could help you learn.
2) Try to understand why I gave you an infraction and change your posts accordingly.

You are not being picked on. We don't hate you. We don't want to see you banned. We just want you to change your posting habits a bit. If you are going to choose (1), then go ahead, we can't stop you. But it would be a shame.

I do understand why you and integral gave me those infraction, but I don't understand why I got the three point one, I tried to appeal for that one; I guess it doesn't matter now, I am on the fast track to ban-ville.
  • #7
Tenshou said:
I do understand why you and integral gave me those infraction, but I don't understand why I got the three point one, I tried to appeal for that one; I guess it doesn't matter now, I am on the fast track to ban-ville.

But that three pointer was 5 months ago. Anyway, you could PM a mentor if you don't understand or if you want to challenge the infraction. And it doesn't necessarily need to be the mentor who gave you the infraction.

You are not on the fast track to ban-ville. All we want you to do is to change your posting habits a little bit. That's it. If you do that, then you won't be banned.
  • #8
:'( I just want my account to be deleted.
  • #9
Some advise, in the technical forums:
Do not post "chat like" comments. Our technical forums are NOT chat rooms.
Ensure that your posts add value to the conversation.
If you are not very sure of your knowledge do not post.

Much can be learned by following a thread without making a comment, we simply do not post for the sake of posting.

My general recommendation for you is to read more and post less.

We do not delete accounts, if you do not want to participate, do not log on.
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  • #10
Tenshou, you may continue this discussion with me personally via PM.

Related to How to Delete My Account: Plea for Help from Unliked User

What is the process for deleting my account?

The process for deleting your account may vary depending on the platform or website you are using. Generally, you will need to go to your account settings or profile page and look for an option to delete your account. Some websites may require you to confirm your decision or enter a reason for deleting your account.

Will deleting my account also delete all my personal information?

In most cases, deleting your account will also delete all of your personal information associated with that account. However, it is always a good idea to review the website's privacy policy to understand what information they may retain even after your account has been deleted.

Can I recover my account after it has been deleted?

It depends on the platform or website's policies. Some websites may have a grace period during which you can recover your account, while others may permanently delete your account and all associated data. It is best to check with the website's support team for more information.

Why do I need to delete my account?

There could be various reasons for wanting to delete your account, such as privacy concerns, no longer using the website, or having a negative experience on the platform. It is ultimately up to the user to decide if they want to delete their account.

Is there an alternative to deleting my account?

Some websites may offer alternatives to deleting your account, such as deactivating it or changing your privacy settings. These options may allow you to take a break from the website without permanently deleting your account and all associated data.

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