How to Derive constant of total back/counter EMF for DC motors?

In summary, the author provides information about induced emf and how it is derived. He describes how the total emf of a motor is the sum of the individual emfs of the coils, and provides a derivation of K. He also discusses old school videos and their benefits.
  • #1
Oz Alikhan

I have been reading around about back EMF and their derivations for simple DC motors. However for some reason, the step between obtaining the total emf of the motor from summing the individual emf of the coils is not very clear. For example:

Induced emf due to single coil: [itex]e = d∅_c/dt[/itex]

Since the flux linking a coil is: [itex]∅_c = ∅ Sinωt[/itex]

Therefore the induced emf is: [itex] e = ω∅ Cosωt [/itex]

Since there are several coils all around the rotor, each one has a different emf due to its position (i.e each one has a different flux change through it). Therefore, total emf is the sum of the individual emfs.

This means, [itex]E_b = K ∅ ω_m [/itex] <<< How?

First of all, I don't understand how the [itex]Cosωt[/itex] disappears to obtain the final expression. Secondly, what parameters define the constant K? In some place I read, [itex] K = 2 N/\pi [/itex], while in other places it stated [itex] K = 2 N R B L [/itex]. Why is it different for each case and how is it derived in the above proof?

The above derivation is from end of page 5/start of page 6 of the following source:

Warm Regards,
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  • #2
I guess the idea is to have sufficient windings so that no sooner are we past the peak of one sinusoid, then the commutator turns to deliver the upcoming peak of the next coil's sinusoid. So the output becomes a series of peaks, not perfectly flat.

I'll leave your more searching question for someone better placed.
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  • #3
Author skipped over some clever algebra.
I think you'd sum values of a series of sine functions, one for each turn in the armature winding.

First of all, I don't understand how the Cosωt disappears to obtain the final expression.
Commutation makes it disappear.
The brushes pick off a segment of each winding's cycle near the sinewave peak, so voltage at the brushes is not sinusoidal but unipolar..

Nine minutes into this excellent old Army film is a graphical representation of that commutation.

Six minutes in shows from whence comes that velocity term.

I wouldn't attempt at this late hour to derive that formula for the commutated sine wave. I guess that's why your author skipped it.
I don't see how he could call equation 5 the result of integrating equation 4. Book editor should have called him on that shortcut, i'd say.

In my class we determined product term K[itex]\Phi[/itex] empirically by no-load dynamometer tests on a machine.
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  • #4
Hmmm, I see. Very well, that clears a lot; Thanks to both of you :smile:.

P.S. Old school videos are indeed the best :approve:
  • #5

Hello Oz,

Thank you for your question. The derivation of the constant of total back/counter EMF for DC motors can be a bit confusing, but I will try to explain it in a clear and concise manner. The equation you have mentioned, E_b = K ∅ ω_m , is known as the back EMF equation for DC motors. Let me break down this equation and explain each term in detail.

E_b: This represents the total back EMF of the motor, which is the sum of the individual EMFs of all the coils in the motor.

K: This is the constant of proportionality that relates the back EMF to the speed of the motor and the magnetic flux. It is also known as the motor's back EMF constant.

∅: This symbol represents the magnetic flux, which is the measure of the strength of the magnetic field.

ω_m: This is the angular velocity of the motor, which is the speed of the motor measured in radians per second.

Now, let's look at how this equation is derived. The back EMF is generated in a DC motor when the armature (rotor) rotates in the magnetic field created by the stator. As you mentioned, the induced EMF in a single coil can be calculated using the formula e = d∅_c/dt. This is because the magnetic flux through the coil changes as the rotor rotates, and this change in flux induces an EMF in the coil.

Now, when we sum the individual EMFs of all the coils in the motor, we get the total back EMF, which is represented by E_b. Mathematically, this can be written as:

E_b = ∑ (d∅_c/dt)

Since the magnetic flux through each coil is different due to their positions, the total back EMF is the sum of all these individual EMFs. Now, let's look at how the constant K is derived.

The constant K is dependent on the number of turns in the coil (N), the radius of the coil (R), the magnetic field strength (B), and the length of the coil (L). These parameters are used to calculate the magnetic flux through the coil. The value of K can vary depending on the specific motor being used, which is why you may have seen different values for K in different sources.

To simplify the equation, the constant K is often written as K = 2 N/\pi .

Related to How to Derive constant of total back/counter EMF for DC motors?

1. What is the constant of total back/counter EMF in a DC motor?

The constant of total back/counter EMF in a DC motor is a measure of the voltage generated by the motor's armature as it rotates. It is also known as the back electromotive force (EMF) or counter EMF. This voltage is generated due to the interaction between the magnetic field of the stator and the magnetic field of the rotor, and it opposes the supply voltage, hence the name "back" or "counter" EMF.

2. Why is it important to derive the constant of total back/counter EMF in DC motors?

Deriving the constant of total back/counter EMF in DC motors is important because it helps in understanding the motor's performance and efficiency. It is also necessary for designing and controlling the motor's speed and torque, as well as for predicting the motor's behavior under different load conditions.

3. How do you derive the constant of total back/counter EMF for a DC motor?

To derive the constant of total back/counter EMF for a DC motor, you need to measure the motor's speed and current at different load conditions. Then, using the equation E = V - I*R, where E is the back/counter EMF, V is the supply voltage, I is the motor's current, and R is the motor's resistance, you can calculate the back/counter EMF for each load condition. Finally, by plotting the back/counter EMF values against the corresponding speeds, you can determine the constant of total back/counter EMF.

4. What factors can affect the constant of total back/counter EMF in a DC motor?

The constant of total back/counter EMF in a DC motor is affected by several factors, including the motor's speed, load, and temperature. A higher speed or heavier load can result in a higher back/counter EMF, while a lower temperature can decrease the back/counter EMF. Additionally, the motor's design, such as the number of windings and the size of the armature, can also affect the back/counter EMF.

5. Can the constant of total back/counter EMF change over time in a DC motor?

Yes, the constant of total back/counter EMF in a DC motor can change over time due to various factors such as wear and tear, changes in the motor's environment, or alterations in the motor's design. It is important to regularly monitor and calibrate the motor to ensure accurate and consistent readings of the back/counter EMF.
