How to Derive Equations of Motion for Colliding Masses in a Central Field?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving two masses, m1 and m2, and the force of Newton's gravity. The goal is to find the equations of motion for r1(t) and r2(t) as the masses collide. The equation for U is given, and the attempt at a solution involves integrating a complicated equation and making a substitution. The conversation ends with a suggestion to try a different approach, as there may not be a closed form result for r(t).
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have two masses of finite width, m_1 and m_2. The force is Newton's gravity, so U = k/r. I want to work out their relevant equations of motions r_1(t) and r_2(t) as they start off from rest and collide. I don't want to consider any rotational motion.

Homework Equations

[itex]U = \frac{k}{r}[/itex]
[itex]r = r_{1}(t) - r_{2}(t)[/itex]

0.5μ[itex]\dot{r}^2 = E_{tot} - \frac{k}{r}[/itex]

dt = [itex]\frac{μ}{2}[/itex]∫[itex]\frac{dr}{\sqrt{E_{tot} - \frac{k}{r}}}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I try to integrate the above equation it gives me something very complicated (I end up integrating cosec^3 after making the substitution [itex] \frac{1}{r} = \sin^{2}(\theta) [/itex]) which gives me t = t(r), but I can't invert this to give me r = r(t).

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way of doing it that doesn't involve lagrangian or hamiltonian dynamics (which I haven't studied).

Another way would be to solve the the 2nd order differential equation directly:

[itex]\frac{dr^{2}}{dt^{2}} = \frac{k}{r^{2}}[/itex]

but I can't seem to do this (I fee I'm missing something very simple here). I know that if I let [itex] r = At^{\frac{2}{3}}[/itex] this is a solution but it doesn't have enough constants.

Any pointers?


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  • #3
PhysStudent81 said:
I try to integrate the above equation it gives me something very complicated (I end up integrating cosec^3 after making the substitution [itex] \frac{1}{r} = \sin^{2}(\theta) [/itex]) which gives me t = t(r), but I can't invert this to give me r = r(t).

Am I doing something wrong?

I think what you are doing is correct. Did you allow for the fact that both k and Etot are negative numbers? Anyway, as you say, you can get an expression for t(r). I agree that the result looks too complicated to invert for r(t).
  • #5
So strange that for such seemingly simple problem there is no closed form result for r(t). t(r) is actually all I wanted so that's ok!

FAQ: How to Derive Equations of Motion for Colliding Masses in a Central Field?

1. What is linear motion in central field?

Linear motion in central field refers to the movement of an object in a straight line towards or away from a central point, while under the influence of a central force, such as gravity or electrostatic force.

2. What is the equation for linear motion in central field?

The equation for linear motion in central field is given by F = ma = GMm/r^2, where F is the force acting on the object, m is the mass of the object, M is the mass of the central body, r is the distance between the object and the central body, and G is the gravitational constant.

3. How does the central force affect the motion of the object?

The central force acts in the direction of the central point and causes the object to accelerate towards or away from the central point, depending on the direction of the force. As the distance between the object and the central point changes, the force and acceleration also change, resulting in a curved path known as an orbit.

4. What is the difference between circular and elliptical orbits?

In circular orbits, the distance between the object and the central point remains constant, resulting in a constant speed and a circular path. In elliptical orbits, the distance between the object and the central point varies, causing the speed and path of the object to also vary. The shape of the ellipse depends on the eccentricity of the orbit.

5. What are some real-life examples of linear motion in central field?

Some real-life examples include the motion of planets around the sun, satellites orbiting the earth, and electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom. Projectile motion, such as the motion of a ball thrown in the air and falling back to the ground, can also be considered linear motion in central field if the effects of air resistance are negligible.

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