How to derive Maxwell stress-energy tensor

In summary, the conversation is about deriving the Maxwell stress-energy tensor in a vacuum using the Lorentz force as the only source of work between mechanical systems and electricity and magnetism. The person is asked to show their progress so far and the other person suggests reading the relevant chapters in a book for help.
  • #1
The problem statement is:

Assuming that we are in vacuum, and that the only work done between mechanical systems and
electricity and magnetism comes from the Lorentz force, give a full, relativistic derivation of the
Maxwell stress-energy tensor.
Physics news on
  • #2
Can you show us what you know and what you've done so far?
  • #3


i know the answer should be this

But the question is "how to derive that", our class have finished Griffiths Electrodynamics chapter 12 (relativity in electrodynamics) and now doing chapter 8 (conservation law). I really don't know where to get started.

  • #4
Well, my hint to you would be read the chapter... there you'll find a lot of help.
  • #5

The Maxwell stress-energy tensor is a mathematical representation of the energy and momentum associated with electromagnetic fields. It is derived from the fundamental equations of electromagnetism, namely Maxwell's equations, and takes into account the effects of relativity. In order to derive the Maxwell stress-energy tensor, we must first define the Lorentz force and understand its relationship to energy and momentum.

The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle in an electric and magnetic field. It is given by the equation:

F = q(E + v x B)

where q is the charge of the particle, E is the electric field, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field. This force is responsible for the interactions between electromagnetic fields and mechanical systems.

In vacuum, the only work done between mechanical systems and electricity and magnetism comes from the Lorentz force. This means that the total energy and momentum of the system is conserved, and we can use this to derive the Maxwell stress-energy tensor. To do so, we will use the principle of energy-momentum conservation, which states that the total energy and momentum of a system must remain constant.

We start by considering a small volume element of space, dV, which contains an electric charge q. The electric and magnetic fields within this volume element can be written as:

E = E(x,y,z,t)
B = B(x,y,z,t)

Using the Lorentz force equation, we can calculate the force experienced by the charge q in this volume element as:

dF = q(E + v x B) dV

Since the total energy and momentum of the system is conserved, we can equate this force to the rate of change of energy and momentum within the volume element:

dF = dP/dt + dE/dt

where dP/dt is the rate of change of momentum and dE/dt is the rate of change of energy. We can then use the definitions of energy and momentum in terms of the electric and magnetic fields to write:

dF = (d/dt)(ε0E^2/2 + B^2/2μ0) dV + (1/c)(d/dt)(E x B) dV

where ε0 is the permittivity of free space and μ0 is the permeability of free space. This equation represents the energy and momentum density within the volume element.

To obtain the total energy and momentum

Related to How to derive Maxwell stress-energy tensor

1. What is the Maxwell stress-energy tensor?

The Maxwell stress-energy tensor is a mathematical quantity used in classical electromagnetism to describe the distribution of energy and momentum in an electromagnetic field. It is a 4x4 matrix that contains information about the electric and magnetic fields, as well as the energy and momentum densities.

2. How is the Maxwell stress-energy tensor derived?

The Maxwell stress-energy tensor is derived from Maxwell's equations, which are a set of four equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space. It involves manipulating these equations using vector calculus and applying the Lorentz force law to calculate the energy and momentum densities at a given point in an electromagnetic field.

3. What is the physical significance of the Maxwell stress-energy tensor?

The Maxwell stress-energy tensor is significant because it provides a mathematical description of how energy and momentum are distributed in an electromagnetic field. It is used to calculate the forces and stresses that arise from the interaction between electric and magnetic fields, and it is crucial for understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves and the production of radiation.

4. Can the Maxwell stress-energy tensor be generalized to other forms of energy and momentum?

Yes, the Maxwell stress-energy tensor can be generalized to include other forms of energy and momentum, such as gravitational and quantum mechanical. This leads to the development of more comprehensive theories, such as general relativity and quantum field theory, which can describe the behavior of all known fundamental forces in the universe.

5. What are some practical applications of the Maxwell stress-energy tensor?

The Maxwell stress-energy tensor has numerous practical applications in modern technology. It is used in the design and analysis of electromagnetic devices, such as antennas, circuits, and sensors. It is also essential in the development of technologies that utilize electromagnetic fields, such as wireless communication, electricity generation, and medical imaging.

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