How to Derive Plasma Characteristics and Calculate Ionization Rates?

  • Thread starter brad sue
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In summary, the problem requires the derivation of an equation for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in terms of electron energy, and the calculation of the rate of ionization of molecular chlorine using both a Maxwellian EEDF and a Druyvesteyn EEDF. For part c), the fraction of electrons capable of performing ionization for a Maxwellian EEDF with a mean energy of 3 eV needs to be calculated.
  • #1
brad sue
Please I would like to have some hints on this problem (from plasma processing course):

a) Starting from Eq. (2.4.7) of the textbook, derive an equation for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in terms of electron energy.

b) Calculate the rate of ionization of molecular chlorine as a function of mean electron energy using a Maxwellian EEDF and a Druyvesteyn EEDF. Plot the results for the energy range of 2-12 eV. (total cross ectiopn given in other document)

c) What fraction of electrons is capable of performing ionization of molecular chlorine for a Maxwellian EEDF with a mean energy of 3 eV ?

I just need to have some hints first (for question b and c )because, my background is not chemistry and I had to take an advance chemistry class. With some hints I will start working and come back with more work done.

So far I cannot find formula for ionization rate related to cross section.

Thank you
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  • #2
!For part b), you need to calculate the ionization rate of molecular chlorine using both a Maxwellian EEDF and a Druyvesteyn EEDF. To do this, you will need to use the total cross section for ionization of molecular chlorine (given in the other document) to calculate the ionization rate at each energy level. The equation for the ionization rate is given by: Rate = σ(E) * n(E) * Vwhere σ(E) is the total cross section, n(E) is the electron density and V is the volume. In order to calculate n(E), you will need to use the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution or the Druyvesteyn distribution, depending on which one you are using. Once you have calculated the ionization rate for each energy level, you can plot the results for the energy range of 2-12 eV. For part c), you can use the same equation for the ionization rate as in part b). All you need to do is to calculate the ionization rate for a Maxwellian EEDF with a mean energy of 3 eV. Then, you can calculate the fraction of electrons capable of performing ionization by dividing the ionization rate by the total number of electrons.

FAQ: How to Derive Plasma Characteristics and Calculate Ionization Rates?

What is the "plasma characteristics problem"?

The plasma characteristics problem refers to the challenge of accurately describing and predicting the behavior of plasma, which is a state of matter consisting of highly energized gas particles. This is a complex problem due to the wide range of temperatures and densities that plasma can exist in, as well as its interactions with electromagnetic fields and other particles.

What are the key characteristics of plasma?

Plasma is characterized by its high temperature, high energy, and electrical conductivity. It also has the ability to generate magnetic fields and is often considered a "fourth state of matter" alongside solid, liquid, and gas.

Why is the study of plasma important?

Plasma plays a crucial role in many natural and technological processes, such as in the formation of stars, the operation of fusion reactors, and the behavior of solar winds. Understanding and controlling plasma is key to advancements in energy, space exploration, and other fields.

What are some challenges in studying plasma characteristics?

One of the main challenges is that plasma is difficult to contain and manipulate, as it can easily interact with its surrounding environment. Additionally, the complex interactions between particles and electromagnetic fields make it challenging to accurately model and predict plasma behavior.

What techniques are used to study plasma characteristics?

Scientists use a variety of experimental and theoretical techniques to study plasma, including magnetic confinement devices, laser-induced plasma, and computer simulations. They also utilize diagnostic tools such as spectroscopy and particle detectors to measure plasma properties.
