How to Derive the Standard Normal CDF in Option Pricing Analysis?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the derivative of a normal cumulative distribution function with respect to a boundary parameter. The standard normal distribution is typically expressed in terms of two parameters, but the given expression only has one parameter. The conversation also mentions using Mathematica and the fundamental theorem of calculus, but ultimately concludes that the cdf of the normal distribution cannot be expressed analytically and must be obtained from a table. The derivative with respect to r is given and it is suggested to use the chain rule to find the derivative with respect to other parameters.
  • #1
I was wondering how I can find the derivative of a normal cdf with respect to a boundary parameter?
I can get an answer with Mathematica or something but I have no idea how to actually do this. I don't know how fundamental theorem of calculus can be applied. (if it can be)

[itex]\Phi[/itex]((log(S/K)+(r+σ^2)T)/(σ sqrt(T)))

where phi is the std normal cdf.

I'm doing option pricing analysis but I can't really figure out how to derive this with respect to r or sigma or any other parameter. I would appreciate any help.
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  • #2
The standard normal distribution is usually expressed in terms of 2 parameters, the mean and variance. Your expression has one parameter, so I can't tell what you mean.
  • #3
standard normal has a mean 0 and variance 1.
  • #4
So basically I need to derive
∫[itex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}[/itex]exp([itex]\frac{-x^2}{2}[/itex]) dx

with upper bound
(log(S/K)+(r+σ^2)T)/(σ sqrt(T))
lower bound -inf

with respect to r, Sigma or any parameter so I can learn how to do this.
  • #5
The cdf of the normal distribution cannot be expressed analytically. To use it you need to calculate the upper bound explicitly and get the answer from a table.
  • #6
How do you think those values were found?
The derivative with respect to r is this... according to Mathematica. But I don't know how.

[itex]\frac{\sqrt{T}}{\sqrt{2\pi}σ}[/itex]exp(-([itex]\frac{(T (r + σ^2) + Log[S/K] )}{\sqrt{2 T σ}}[/itex])^2)

with changing a few things ==

T * Normal PDF(-log(S/K),Tσ^2) at point T*(r+^2)

Technically this is suppose to be 0 as normal pdf is 0 at any point since it is continuous but something different can be acquired with deriving with respect to something else.
  • #7
Just use the chain rule. e.g., for r

[tex]\frac{d\Phi(f(r))}{dr} = \frac{d\Phi(y)}{dy} \frac{dy(r)}{dr},[/tex]

where y = f(r) is the argument of your cdf. Since it's a standard normal distribution, [itex]d\Phi(y)/dy = \exp(-y^2/2)/\sqrt{2\pi}[/itex], and then plug in y = f(r), of course.

You can do a similar thing treating the argument of the cdf as a function of [itex]\sigma[/itex].
  • #8
Thank you. That was of great help!

Related to How to Derive the Standard Normal CDF in Option Pricing Analysis?

1. What is a derivative of a standard normal cumulative distribution function (CDF)?

The derivative of a standard normal CDF is the probability density function (PDF) of the normal distribution. It represents the rate of change of the CDF at a specific point on the curve.

2. How is the derivative of a standard normal CDF calculated?

The derivative of a standard normal CDF can be calculated using the formula:
f(x) = (1/√(2π)) * e^(-x^2/2), where x is the point on the curve at which the derivative is being calculated.

3. What does the derivative of a standard normal CDF tell us?

The derivative of a standard normal CDF tells us the probability of a random variable falling within a certain range of values. It is used to calculate the area under the normal curve, which is a measure of the likelihood of a certain event occurring.

4. Why is the derivative of a standard normal CDF important in statistics?

The derivative of a standard normal CDF is important in statistics because it allows us to calculate the probability of a random variable falling within a certain range of values. This is crucial in many statistical calculations, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

5. Can the derivative of a standard normal CDF be negative?

Yes, the derivative of a standard normal CDF can be negative. This indicates that the probability density is decreasing at that point on the curve. However, the total area under the curve will always be positive, as the normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
