How to Derive the Theta Function for a Free Particle on a Spherical Surface?

In summary, the student attempted to find a solution for the equation for
  • #1
Matt atkinson

Homework Statement

By finding the Lagrangian and using the metric:
show that:
[tex]\theta (t)=arccos(\sqrt{1-\frac{A^2}{\omega^2}}cos(\omega t +\theta_o))[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I got the lagrangian to be [itex] L=R^2 \dot{\theta^2} +R^2sin^2(\theta)\dot{\phi^2}[/itex] and then used the E-L equation to find the equations of motion and the fact that [itex] 2R^2sin^2(\theta) \dot{\phi}=const=p [/itex].
Using this and substituting into the equation i get for [itex]\theta[/itex] I get:
which I then integrate using the substitution [itex]dt=d\theta / \dot{\theta}[/itex] to get:
Where c is the integration constant. Now if I separate variables to attempt to get a solution for [itex]\theta[/itex] i get:
[tex]\int _{\theta_o}^{\theta} \frac{d\theta}{\sqrt{c-\frac{1}{2}sin^{-2}}}=\frac{tp}{2R^2}[/tex]
But i have absolutely no idea how to solve that integral. Please any pointers would be appreciated.
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  • #3
Ah okay, I did just try [itex]u=cos(\theta)[/itex] but it gives:
[tex] \int \frac{du}{\sqrt{c(1-u^2)-1/2}}[/tex]
It didn't prove to be any easier to solve.
Also tired doing [itex]u=cos(\theta)[/itex] from the beginning just now as you suggested in the other post (although this could be the wrong substitution) and I must be doing something wrong because I get a complex square root on the LHS of the differential equation for [itex] \dot{u} [/itex].
  • #4
Matt atkinson said:
Ah okay, I did just try [itex]u=cos(\theta)[/itex] but it gives:
[tex] \int \frac{du}{\sqrt{c(1-u^2)-1/2}}[/tex]
It didn't prove to be any easier to solve.
This is a quite standard integral. It is of the form
\int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{1 - x^2}}.
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Likes Matt atkinson
  • #5
Thankyou so much! I managed to get the answer now, i think it was just the fact i hadn't noticed that it was a standard integral.

FAQ: How to Derive the Theta Function for a Free Particle on a Spherical Surface?

1. What is a free particle on a spherical surface?

A free particle on a spherical surface refers to a theoretical model in physics where a point particle is confined to move on the surface of a sphere without any external forces acting on it.

2. How is the motion of a free particle on a spherical surface described?

The motion of a free particle on a spherical surface can be described using spherical coordinates, where the position of the particle is given by its radial distance, polar angle, and azimuthal angle. The particle's motion can also be described using its velocity and acceleration vectors in terms of these coordinates.

3. What are the boundary conditions for a free particle on a spherical surface?

The boundary conditions for a free particle on a spherical surface state that the particle's radial distance must remain constant, while its polar and azimuthal angles can vary. This means that the particle must always remain on the surface of the sphere and cannot move in or out of it.

4. How does the energy of a free particle on a spherical surface relate to its motion?

The energy of a free particle on a spherical surface is directly proportional to its motion. This means that as the particle's kinetic energy increases, its speed and momentum on the surface also increase. The energy of the particle also determines the shape of its trajectory, which can be a great circle, spiral, or closed loop.

5. What real-life applications are there for studying free particles on spherical surfaces?

Studying free particles on spherical surfaces can help us understand the motion of celestial objects such as planets, moons, and satellites, which can be modeled as free particles on a spherical surface. This concept is also important in fields such as geology, where the Earth's rotation and movement can be approximated using free particles on a spherical surface.
