How to determine efficiencies of electric heating systems?

In summary, when considering heating options for a house, it is important to take into account the efficiency of the system, as well as the thermal properties and insulation of the building. In mild to moderate climates, radiant heating may be adequate, but in harsher climates, forced air heating may be more comfortable. Electric heaters can be useful in harsher climates, but they are often more expensive to operate compared to other options like propane or heat pumps. Ultimately, the most cost-effective and efficient heating option will depend on the specific needs and characteristics of the house being built.
  • #1
Kevvin McNulty
I am building a house and would like to understand how to perform an energy balance/efficiency calculation on various electrical heating systems
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  • #2
They all convert 100% of input energy to thermal energy. If they are forced air there is a tiny amount used for air circulation. But even the waste heat of the blower motor adds to the heating.

If you are in a mild to moderate climate, radiant heating, is adequate. This is often done with relatively low temperature baseboard heaters with a thermostat in each room. In harsher climates (think snow country with many feet of snow per season), radiant heating bothers some people because they are warmed but are often breathing somewhat colder air; at least in older houses. A new build with lots of insulation and double- or triple-pane windows would make this less of an issue.

In the harsher climates, forced air heating (usually central) may be more comfortable than radiant.

Electric heaters that operate at higher temperatures (i.e. portable electric heaters) can be useful in harsher climates because their higher temperature moves hot air around by convection.

Be aware that electric heat is often the second most expensive option, with propane costing even more. Also consider the reliability of the electric supply.

Oh, I just looked at your profile page. Looks like you are in one of those "harsher climates."
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  • #4
While all electric resistance heaters are 100% efficient, heat pumps are in effect much more than 100% efficient (up to 4x)...though the efficiency depend on the temperature of the source reservoir (air or water).
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  • #5
Tom.G said:
They all convert 100% of input energy to thermal energy. If they are forced air there is a tiny amount used for air circulation. But even the waste heat of the blower motor adds to the heating.

If you are in a mild to moderate climate, radiant heating, is adequate. This is often done with relatively low temperature baseboard heaters with a thermostat in each room. In harsher climates (think snow country with many feet of snow per season), radiant heating bothers some people because they are warmed but are often breathing somewhat colder air; at least in older houses. A new build with lots of insulation and double- or triple-pane windows would make this less of an issue.

In the harsher climates, forced air heating (usually central) may be more comfortable than radiant.

Electric heaters that operate at higher temperatures (i.e. portable electric heaters) can be useful in harsher climates because their higher temperature moves hot air around by convection.

Be aware that electric heat is often the second most expensive option, with propane costing even more. Also consider the reliability of the electric supply.

Oh, I just looked at your profile page. Looks like you are in one of those "harsher climates."[edit: quote fixed]

Thanks for your reply - it is most helpful in determining the appropriate heating technology for my geography.
I assume that there is a formula (s) to determine efficiency of the system, based on input energy vs output heat?[/QUOTE]
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  • #8
Tom.G said:
Be aware that electric heat is often the second most expensive option, with propane costing even more.

Presumably that's Propane in cylinders? Here in the UK you can get LPG (bulk Propane) delivered by tanker and it works out at around 6.13p/kWH compared to Electricity at around 18p/kWH and heating oil/kerosene at 4.11p/kWH. By the same measure electric heat pumps deliver heat at around 5-7p/kWH.

So "raw" electricity is around three times more expensive than most alternatives for us unless you use a heat pump.

See "Pence per kWh (after boiler efficiency)"
  • #9
A heat pump will give a factor of three advantage over a resistive heater. The problem is finding dry air or liquid ground water to extract heat from. When the cooling air is near freezing point the heat exchanger will ice up and force an inefficient defrost cycle.
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  • #10
Fortunately here in the UK the air is usually drier in winter than summer.

Most modern GSHP are also closed loop/sealed and don't rely on ground water. This also has the advantage of reducing corrosion as the loop can be dosed with corrosion inhibitor.
  • #11
Any evaluation of heating methods and efficiencies really needs to take into account the thermal properties of the building that is being heated .

In an old style house design with poor insulation the efficiency of heating devices matters a lot because you need a lot of heating .

In more modern houses which are much better insulated the efficiency of heating devices matters less because you need much less heating .

In the limit some houses which have been built in the uk in recent times are so well insulated that very little heat is needed at all and efficiency of heating devices no longer matters .

Any evaluation of heating costs really needs to be done on a long term basis and take into account the trade off between cost of running heating devices and the cost of making the house (on initial build or by retrofit work) need less heating .
  • #12
  • #13
Hope the moderators won't mind but there is a good forum for self builders in the UK. Google Buildhub.
  • #14
Kevvin McNulty said:
I am building a house and would like to understand how to perform an energy balance/efficiency calculation on various electrical heating systems
Given your proximity, is it safe to assume you've looked into the "Drake Landing" community system?

per Wikipedia; "In 2012 the installation achieved a world record solar fraction of 97%; that is, providing that amount of the community's heating requirements with solar energy over a one-year time span."

I checked it out this summer. Here's something I sent my brother in June, via an email:

[Drake Landing]
Total system cost: $7,000,000
Number of homes: 52
$/home: $135,000


What I spent for heating in the last 12 months: $1040
[baseboard heat]

How long I would have to live at that rate to get my money back: 130 years

But I have a feeling I could do it cheaper. A “do it yourself” 4000 watt solar collector cost me $100.
I get 3 hours of sunlight on a good day. (Stinkin’ trees!)
Maybe 90 days of sunny weather in the summer.
3 hours/day * 90 days * 4 kw = 1080 kwh
kwh I used for heating last year: 8600 kwh
Number of panels I would need: 8
Cost of panels: $800
Well cost: $5000 (I googled)
Hardware and crap: $1000
Total system cost: $6800
Time to payoff: 6.5 years

Sometimes it pays NOT to let the government get involved.
But prototypes are expensive, and proof of concept is paramount, so I’d say the Knuck Bucks were well spent.
It works! I would have guessed such a system was impossible.

These are of course, just back of napkin type numbers.

I have a "sand and gravel" company about a mile from my house. Their pit is about 35 meters deep, and shows no sign of hitting bedrock. I'm not familiar with the dirt depths in Edmonton. Might be something to look into. I would imagine digging a hole in dirt is a lot cheaper than digging one through bedrock.

FAQ: How to determine efficiencies of electric heating systems?

1. What is the most accurate method for determining the efficiency of an electric heating system?

The most accurate method for determining the efficiency of an electric heating system is to perform a heat loss calculation. This involves taking into account factors such as the size of the space being heated, insulation levels, and outdoor temperatures.

2. Can you use the manufacturer's stated efficiency rating to determine the efficiency of an electric heating system?

While the manufacturer's stated efficiency rating can give you a general idea of the system's efficiency, it may not accurately reflect the efficiency in your specific situation. Factors like installation quality and maintenance can also affect the actual efficiency of the system.

3. How can I determine the efficiency of an electric heating system if I don't have access to its energy consumption data?

If you do not have access to the energy consumption data of the system, you can estimate the efficiency by comparing your energy bills before and after installing the system. This will give you an idea of how much energy the system is using to heat your space.

4. Are there any online tools or calculators available to determine the efficiency of an electric heating system?

Yes, there are several online tools and calculators that can help you determine the efficiency of an electric heating system. These tools take into account factors like the type of heating system, location, and energy consumption to provide an estimate of the efficiency.

5. What are some common factors that can affect the efficiency of an electric heating system?

Some common factors that can affect the efficiency of an electric heating system include improper installation, lack of maintenance, and poor insulation in the space being heated. It is important to address these factors in order to maximize the efficiency of the system.
