How to determine energy required to hold an object in air

In summary, the biological concept of expending energy is due to the body's effort to hold an object in the air. There is no work being done when an object is just suspended in the air, and the only way to calculate how much energy it costs is by knowing how much power is being put into the system and how much is being drawn out.
  • #1
For me to hold a heavy object stationary in air is tough and eventually I will get tired. So it seems I am expending energy. But then how much? I discovered it was quite hard (for me anyway) to calculate how much energy it costs to hold the object when there is no work.

The only thing I could come up with requires knowledge about the system that is creating the force that opposes gravity. I suppose if you can determine how much power is going into the system and how much is going out then the difference is what it costs (J/s) to create the force to hold the object per unit of time.

Is this really the only way to do it? It seems like there should be a better way because this is more like an efficiency calculation and I know different system would require different amounts of energy (per unit of time) to create the same force.

I have a hunch I am missing something fundamental or making a mistake in my reasoning. Am I right?
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  • #2
The matter of the fact is that there is _no_ work being done when an object is just being suspended in mid-air. The feeling of expending energy is purely a biological concept, because in order to lift something we must displace our own bodies from its "equilibrium" (e.g. to stay upright and such). So yes, there is energy being expended, but none of that energy is really being transferred anywhere (not into the weights your carrying as their speed and gravitational potential remain the same), other than into heat as you sweat holding those weights up.

Would you expend more energy holding weights arms straight in front of you or just by tying them over your shoulders? If there's a discrepancy, would you owe it to the laws of physics or the mechanics/biology/anatomy of your body?
  • #3
Human muscles work not like machines. Let say a crane holds a mass in the air, it does no work, no energy lost. But if a man hold something off the ground, he creates work, the work turns into heat. The muscle works by continuous contraction of many many small cells that requires energy (probably chemical energy) and exhausts heat.
Sorry I do not know exactly how the muscle cells work.

FAQ: How to determine energy required to hold an object in air

1. How is energy required to hold an object in air calculated?

The energy required to hold an object in air is calculated using the formula E = mgh, where E represents energy, m represents the mass of the object, g represents the acceleration due to gravity, and h represents the height at which the object is held.

2. What factors affect the amount of energy required to hold an object in air?

The amount of energy required to hold an object in air is affected by the mass of the object, the height at which it is held, and the strength of the gravitational force in that location.

3. How does the mass of the object affect the energy needed to hold it in air?

The greater the mass of the object, the more energy is required to hold it in air. This is because a heavier object has a greater gravitational force acting on it, and therefore more energy is needed to counteract that force.

4. Does the height at which the object is held affect the energy required to hold it in air?

Yes, the higher the object is held, the more energy is required to hold it in air. This is because the potential energy of an object increases with height, and therefore more energy is needed to maintain the object at that height.

5. How does the strength of the gravitational force affect the energy needed to hold an object in air?

The stronger the gravitational force in a particular location, the more energy is needed to hold an object in air. This is because the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the object, so a stronger force requires more energy to counteract it.
