How to Determine Maximum Spring Stretch for a Box on an Inclined Plane?

In summary, a 2.0kg box on an inclined plank with an angle of 65 degrees is attached to a spring with a force constant of 360 N/m. The max static friction and the normal force can be used to determine the force required to move the box. With this information, the maximum amount the spring can be stretched can be calculated, which is equal to the force required to move the box divided by the spring rate.
  • #1
A 2.0kg box rests on a plank that is inclined at a angle of 65 degrees above the horizontal. The upper end of the box is attached to a spring with a force constant of 360 N/m. If the coefficient of the static friction between the box and the plank is 0.22, what is the maximum amount the spring can be stretched and the box remain at rest?

I'm lost at how to go about at the problem. I started with figuring out the max static friction but I can't figure out how that would relate to the springs force constant.
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  • #2
If you have the max static friction you can then calculate the load required to start the box moving using the normal force, etc. This force will be in some amount of Newtons, say 200N (not correct answer). It's then a simple matter of looking at the spring and saying, "How far can I stretch the spring (or, how much load can I apply to the spring) before the box will move?"

If the required force to move was 200N and the spring rate is 360 N/m then you could stretch the spring a maximum of 200N/(360N/m) = .556m

Got it?
  • #3
So how or what equation does the max static friction force go into the equation to figure out the normal force?

FAQ: How to Determine Maximum Spring Stretch for a Box on an Inclined Plane?

1. What is spring static friction?

Spring static friction is the resistance force that occurs between two objects in contact when one of the objects is stationary and the other is moving with a constant velocity.

2. How is spring static friction different from regular static friction?

Spring static friction involves the use of a spring to measure the force of friction, whereas regular static friction is measured by directly applying a force to an object. Additionally, spring static friction is typically used for smaller forces and more precise measurements.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of spring static friction?

The magnitude of spring static friction is affected by the coefficient of static friction between the two objects, the normal force exerted on the objects, and the stiffness of the spring.

4. How is the coefficient of static friction determined in a spring static friction problem?

The coefficient of static friction can be determined by dividing the maximum force of static friction by the normal force. In a spring static friction problem, this can be found by measuring the displacement of the spring and using Hooke's law to calculate the force exerted by the spring.

5. Can spring static friction be greater than regular static friction?

Yes, in some cases, the use of a spring can allow for a more accurate and precise measurement of the force of friction, resulting in a greater value for spring static friction compared to regular static friction.
