How to determine streamlines for two-dimensional steady flow of a fluid?

  • Thread starter hvthvt
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In summary, the given two-dimensional steady flow of a fluid with density ρ is incompressible and can be represented by circular streamlines. The acceleration of the fluid can be found by computing the divergence of the velocity vector, which is zero. To determine and sketch the streamlines, one can use the equation dx/dy = vx/vy, where vx and vy are the x and y components of the velocity vector. The streamlines can be determined by selecting points on a circle and drawing the resultant velocity vectors at those points. Additionally, the equation 1/2(x^2+y^2) = constant can be used to depict the velocity at a specific point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The two-dimensional steady flow of a fluid with density ρ is given by

v=K(-yex + xey) / (x2 + y2) where K is a constant
(a) Can this flow corespond to the flow of anincompressible fluid?
(b) Determine and sketch the streamlines of this flow.
(c) Determine and sketch the aceleration of this field
(d) Determine the pressure difference between two points that are a distance r1 and r2 away from the origin. (r2 > r1) ?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I see that there is x^2+y^2, this makes me think that there is a circle based streamline flow?? I do not understand how I can visualize this in my head, such an equation. How can I know whether its incompresssible? The acceleration should be the derivative of those streamlines I guess.. Can anybody help me out with these questions PLEASE?


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  • #2
There is a condition involving the divergence of velocity...
  • #3
You're correct. The streamlines are circles. Under those circumstances, what is the acceleration of a particle traveling around the circumference of a circle?
  • #4
The acceleration is a=v^2/r ?
  • #5
Incompressibilty implies the divergence of velocity is zero...
  • #6
hvthvt said:
Incompressibilty implies the divergence of velocity is zero...

Good. Can you check that?
  • #7
(-ex + x)/ (x^2 + y^2) + (-ex + x)/(x^2 + y^2) does NOT equal zero
So its not an incompressible fluid? What to do with the derivative to x and to y of (x^2 + y^2)
  • #8
I am not sure what you did, but that does not look like you computed divergence. Do you understand what it is?
  • #9
Not really.. I am pretty stuck at this moment to be honest. Can you help me out?
  • #10
I need to check whether ∇.v = 0
So whether d/dx(formula) + d/dy(formula) = 0 right? But I'm having difficulty with deriving the x^2+y^2 part
  • #11
No, it is not d/dx(formula) + d/dy(formula).

Divergence applies to a vector, which can be written as two compoents $$

f(x, y) \hat \imath + g(x, y) \hat \jmath , $$ where ##f(x, y)## is the x-component of the vector, and ##g(x, y)## is the y-component of the vector. The divergence then is $$

\frac {\partial f} {\partial x} + \frac {\partial g} {\partial y}. $$

This is what you need to compute and check whether it is zero.
  • #12
Oooh really, thanks! I understand that it can be written as two components: but what is the x component, f(x,y) in this formula?
Is that
-yex / (x2 + y2) ??
  • #13
hvthvt said:
The acceleration is a=v^2/r ?
Yes. Do you know how to get v^2 when v is a vector expressed in component form?
  • #14
hvthvt said:
Oooh really, thanks! I understand that it can be written as two components: but what is the x component, f(x,y) in this formula?
Is that
-yex / (x2 + y2) ??

Yes it is. But without the ##e_x## part, it is there to denote that it is the x component.
  • #15
I found:
∂f/∂x= (2xye - y^3 - x^2y)/(x^2+y^2)^2
∂g/∂x=(-2xye+x^3 + xy^2)/(x^2 + y^2)^2

Computing ∂f∂x+∂g∂y = (x^3 - y^3 + xy^2 - x^2y)/(x^2+y^2)^2

This is not zero. So the fluid is imcompressible. Is this correct?
  • #16
Ooooh, without the e_x part, I get it! Then it gets much easier!
df/dx = 2xy/(x^2 + y^2)^2
df/dx-dg/dx = 0 so the flow corresponds to the flow of an incompressible fluid! right?
  • #17
Your final result is correct, but you there is a typo: it is not df/dx - dg/dy, but df/dx + dg/dy. If it were df/dx - dg/dy, you would not have obtained zero.

So, the flow is incompressible.
  • #18
Yes, sorry, that was my mistake. I typed it incorrectly, but I understand it right now. Thank you.
So now I am asked in (b) to determine and sketch the streamlines of the flow.
How should I determine them?
First of all, the flow is incompressible, so what kind of information does this supply?? Does that influence the way in which the streamlines flow?

How to determine the streamlines?
dx/vx = dy/vy --> dx/dy=vx/vy ??
  • #19
I think you have already determined - or, at least, guessed - that the streamlines are circular.

So what you can do is this. Choose some radius. Select a few points on a circle of that radius. Compute the velocity vector at those points. Draw the resultant vector as arrows on paper. Repeat.
  • #20
I figured out that 1/2(x^2+y^2) = constant. Does this have any significance for answering (b)?
  • #21
How can I compute the velocity vector at a specific point? Should i, for example, if i want to know what is happening in point (2,2)
Fill it in in the original equation?
f(2,2)i = -0.25
g(2,2)j= 0.25
  • #22
Yes, that is correct. All you need to do is to depict the velocity (-0.25, 0.25) at (2, 2) graphically.
  • #23
Thank you. I know this is very simple, but I haven't done this before. How to depict the velocity at (2,2)?
Does this mean that the arrow at (2,2) goes -0,25 to the left and 0.25 up ?? How can I visualize this?
  • #24
Yes, that would do it. Or you could scale the length of the arrow down or up. Just be consistent everywhere.
  • #25
hvthvt said:
Yes, sorry, that was my mistake. I typed it incorrectly, but I understand it right now. Thank you.
So now I am asked in (b) to determine and sketch the streamlines of the flow.
How should I determine them?
First of all, the flow is incompressible, so what kind of information does this supply?? Does that influence the way in which the streamlines flow?

How to determine the streamlines?
dx/vx = dy/vy --> dx/dy=vx/vy ??
Maybe we should be asking "what are your equations for vx and vy in this problem?" Please state your answers to this question. If you can answer this question, then you should be able to integrate the differential equation to get how x and y vary mutually.


FAQ: How to determine streamlines for two-dimensional steady flow of a fluid?

1. What is a streamline flow?

A streamline flow is a type of fluid flow in which the velocity of the fluid at any point remains constant. This means that the fluid particles follow a smooth, continuous path without any crossing or mixing.

2. How is streamline flow different from turbulent flow?

Unlike streamline flow, turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic, irregular motion of fluid particles. In turbulent flow, there are fluctuations in velocity and pressure, and mixing occurs between different layers of fluid.

3. What are the applications of streamline flow?

Streamline flow has many practical applications, such as in aerodynamics for designing efficient aircraft and in fluid mechanics for studying the flow of liquids and gases. It is also used in industries such as oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation.

4. What factors affect streamline flow?

The factors that affect streamline flow include the fluid's viscosity, density, and velocity, as well as the shape and size of the object through which it is flowing. Other external factors like surface roughness and presence of obstacles can also impact streamline flow.

5. How is streamline flow calculated or measured?

The calculation and measurement of streamline flow can be done using various methods, such as using mathematical equations, conducting experiments in a laboratory setting, or using computer simulations. The specific method used will depend on the specific application and the accuracy required.

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