How to Determine the Hamiltonian for a Two-Level System with Tunneling?

  • Thread starter Juan Carlos
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a two-level system, where a box is divided by a thin membrane and contains one particle. The probability amplitude of the particle being on the left and right side is represented by Ψ1 and Ψ2, and the particle can tunnel through the partition. The condition ihΨ2=K*Ψ1 is used to determine the most general Hamiltonian of the system, which should be a 2x2 matrix. The individual matrix elements are to be determined using the Schordinger's equation and the given condition.
  • #1
Juan Carlos
I'm having problems with this simple problem:

Consider two level system: a box divided by a thin membrane. Let
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  • #2
I'm having problems with this simple problem:

Consider two level system: a box containing one particle, the box is divided by a thin membrane. Let Ψ1 and Ψ2 the probability amplitude (time-dependent only) of being on the left and right side. The particle can tunnel through the partition: so the next condition holds:

ihΨ2=K*Ψ1 where =Temporal partial derivate

Using this condition I have to write the most general hamiltonian of the system.

Of course the wave function is:
Ψ(t)=Ψ1⎪L〉+ Ψ1⎪R〉

And the hamiltonian should be a 2x2 matrix. So I think that the actual problem is determine the matrix elements.

I've tried to use the Schordinger's equation directly:

ih Ψ(t) = ih Ψ1⎪L〉+ ih Ψ1⎪R〉= H Ψ1⎪L〉+H Ψ1⎪R〉 (Using linearity)
And using the condition:

ih Ψ1⎪L〉+ K*Ψ1⎪R〉= H Ψ1⎪L〉+H Ψ1⎪R〉

And then?

Help Please!

Note: I know the general matrix form for the Hamiltonian, but… that is what I'm trying to look for…

FAQ: How to Determine the Hamiltonian for a Two-Level System with Tunneling?

What is a two level system?

A two level system is a physical system that can exist in two distinct states, often referred to as the ground state and the excited state. Examples of two level systems include a spin-1/2 particle, an atom with two energy levels, or a qubit in quantum computing.

What is the tunnel effect in a two level system?

The tunnel effect, also known as quantum tunneling, is a phenomenon in which a particle can pass through a potential barrier even though it does not have enough energy to overcome the barrier. In a two level system, this means that a particle can transition from the ground state to the excited state or vice versa without having enough energy to cross the energy gap between the two states.

How does the tunnel effect occur in a two level system?

In a two level system, the tunnel effect occurs due to the wave-like nature of particles at the quantum level. The wave function of the particle extends beyond the boundaries of the potential barrier, allowing it to have a non-zero probability of being found on the other side of the barrier.

What are the applications of the tunnel effect in a two level system?

The tunnel effect in a two level system has important applications in various fields, such as quantum computing, solid-state physics, and molecular dynamics. It allows for the manipulation and control of quantum states, as well as the detection and measurement of very small energy differences.

How is the tunnel effect experimentally observed in a two level system?

The tunnel effect in a two level system can be observed through various experimental techniques, such as spectroscopy, electron tunneling microscopy, and Josephson junctions. These techniques allow for the measurement of the energy levels and transitions in a two level system, providing evidence for the occurrence of the tunnel effect.
