How to Determine the Homology Group of the n-Torus?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, POTW #126 is a weekly problem-solving challenge presented by scientific organizations and communities. Its purpose is to engage and challenge scientists, researchers, and students to think critically and creatively. Solutions are evaluated based on accuracy, clarity, and creativity, with anyone being able to participate. Prizes, if offered, vary but the main goal is to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here's this week's problem!


Let $\Bbb T^n$ be the $n$-torus, i.e., the product of $n$ circles. Show that the $k^{\text{th}}$ homology group $H_k(\Bbb T^n ; \Bbb Z)$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb Z^{\binom{n}{k}}$ for all $k \le n$.
_______Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
No one solved this week's problem. You can find my solution below.

Since $S^1$ has a cellular structure of 1 0-cell and 1 1-cell, $T^n$ has a cellular structure of $\binom{n}{k}$ cells in dimension $k$, for all $k \le n$ (the $k$-cells are of the form $e_{i_1} \times \cdots \times e_{i_k}$, where for each $j$, $e_{i_j}$ is a cell of $S^1$). The cellular boundary is $0$ in every dimension, so $H_k(T^n;\Bbb Z) \approx \Bbb Z^{\binom{n}{k}}$ for all $k \le n$.

FAQ: How to Determine the Homology Group of the n-Torus?

What is POTW #126?

POTW #126 stands for "Problem of the Week #126." It is a weekly problem-solving challenge presented by various scientific organizations and communities.

What is the purpose of POTW #126?

The purpose of POTW #126 is to engage and challenge scientists, researchers, and students to think critically and creatively in solving scientific problems.

How are solutions to POTW #126 evaluated?

The evaluation of solutions to POTW #126 varies depending on the organization or community presenting the challenge. Typically, solutions are evaluated based on their accuracy, clarity, and creativity.

Can anyone participate in solving POTW #126?

Yes, anyone with an interest in science and problem-solving can participate in solving POTW #126. Some organizations may have specific eligibility requirements, but most challenges are open to everyone.

Are there any prizes for solving POTW #126?

Prizes for solving POTW #126 also vary depending on the organization or community presenting the challenge. Some may offer cash prizes, while others may offer recognition or other rewards. The main goal of POTW #126 is to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, so the satisfaction of solving the challenge is often the main reward.
