How to determine the mass of a planet using redshift?

In summary: If you are just looking at the spectral line, z will be a number between 0 and 1. So if you are looking at a line with a wavelength of 656.3nm, and the planet is at a redshift of z=0.5, then the force due to the planets gravitational field will be:F=\frac{Gm}{c^2}
  • #1
The size of the shift (Redshift or Blue shift) combined with measurement of the period of orbit tells us how massive an object is. How? How can we know the mass of a planet using redshift or blue shift?
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  • #2
It depends on first of all being able to estimate the mass of the STAR that the planet is orbiting
The mass of a normal star can be estimated by it spectrum (its colors of light). More massive stars burn HOTTER and bluer (shorter wavelengths).

Logically you might first ask how people discovered and calibrated this relation between color and mass. they used binary pairs of stars, that orbit their common center of mass. if you know the mass of one star (say it is the same color as the sun, which we know the mass of) and you can watch them go around each other, then you can tell the mass of the other. then you measure the color of the other and that gives another data point. Information about how color and mass are related builds up.

Once you know the mass of the star you can figure out the mass of the planet by how much it causes the star to wobble too and fro. the more massive star takes a more massive planet to make it wobble a certain amount.

The wobble method is just one of several methods to detect planets. Let's focus on that. In that case you don't even have to SEE the planet. You just see the star approaching, say at 10 meters per second (max), and after a while you see it slow down and start receding, at 10 meters per second (max). And then approach, and then recede, and so on. Let's assume for simplicity that we are looking at the orbit plane edge on, so we see all the to and fro speed.

Maybe someone else will take over and explain this in more detail, with Kepler's law etc. It's after midnight here and I'm too sleepy to continue.

anyway, good question! The PERIOD of the wobble gives away the distance between the two bodies (Kepler). If you know the distance, you can relate the speeds to the masses. Gotta sleep.
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  • #3
What if we use the formula F=ma or m=F/a to figure out the mass of this planet? If we observe the wobble can we estimate the gravitational force F? Also if me observe the orbit speed we could get to know the acceleration?
  • #4
avito009 said:
What if we use the formula F=ma or m=F/a to figure out the mass of this planet? If we observe the wobble can we estimate the gravitational force F? Also if me observe the orbit speed we could get to know the acceleration?
Calculating the force is an unnecessary detour if you are interested in the mass, but it is possible.
  • #5
If you are just using redshift then you could rearrange the following equation relative to m-


where [itex]M=Gm/c^2[/itex] and z is the fractional shift in a spectral wavelength [itex]z=(\lambda_o-\lambda_e)/\lambda_e)[/itex] ([itex]\lambda_o[/itex] is wavelength observed and [itex]\lambda_e[/itex] is wavelength emitted).

There will be other redshifts to contend with, redshift related to velocity as the planet orbits the star (the planet moving away and towards you), the additional gravitational redshift of the star (the stars own gravity well that the planet sits in) and any cosmological redshift that might apply to the system based on how far away it was from us.

FAQ: How to determine the mass of a planet using redshift?

1. How does redshift help in determining the mass of a planet?

Redshift is a phenomenon in which light from an object appears to be shifted towards longer wavelengths due to the object's motion away from the observer. By analyzing the redshift of light from a planet, scientists can determine its velocity and use this information to estimate its mass.

2. Can redshift be measured accurately enough to determine the mass of a planet?

Yes, redshift can be measured with high precision using specialized instruments such as spectrographs. These instruments can detect even the slightest changes in the wavelength of light, allowing for accurate measurements of redshift and subsequently, the mass of a planet.

3. Are there any limitations to using redshift to determine the mass of a planet?

Yes, there are some limitations to this method. Redshift can only provide an estimate of a planet's mass and is not a direct measurement. Other factors, such as the planet's composition and density, can also affect the accuracy of the mass determination using redshift.

4. Can redshift be used for all types of planets?

Yes, redshift can be used to determine the mass of any planet, regardless of its size or location. However, it is most commonly used for planets within our own solar system or those that are relatively close to Earth.

5. How does the mass of a planet affect its redshift?

The mass of a planet directly affects its gravitational pull, which in turn affects the redshift of light coming from it. A more massive planet will have a stronger gravitational pull, resulting in a larger redshift of light compared to a less massive planet.

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