How to Determine the Period and Separation of an Eclipsing Binary Star System?

In summary, the problem at hand involves determining the period (P) and separation (a) of an eclipsing binary star system with two main sequence stars. The larger star has an absolute magnitude of -1, a temperature of 17,000 degrees kelvin, a radius of 1.74 solar radii, and a mass of 3.17 solar masses. The smaller star has an absolute magnitude of 3, a luminosity of 6 solar luminosity, and a mass of 1.4 solar masses. The eclipse of the smaller star takes P/7 time. There are additional formulas, such as Kepler's law and the mass ratio formula, that can be used to solve this problem. The links provided
  • #1
This problem deals with two main sequence stars in an eclipsing binary star system. I need to determine the system's peiod and separation (P and a).
Right now i know that the brightest star has an absolute magnitude of -1 (219 solar luminosity), is 17,000 degrees kelvin, has a radius of 1.74 solar radii (1,280,000 km) and is 3.17 solar masses. The smaller star has an absolute magnitude of 3 (6 solar luminosity), and is 1.4 solar masses.
the time it takes for the eclipse of the small star (the smaller dip) is P/7.

Go to this site (#24 +#25) to see the illustration of the problem...

h ttp:// site has the answers... i just don't know how to get them!

h ttp://

i know kepler's law: m1 +m2 = a^3/p^2
2(pi)R= (velocity) x p
There must be other formulas i don't know about...i am going nowhere. i have asked my teachers and they don't know what to do either. This is practice for a science olympiad competion and it will likely be on the test. Help please! i don't have much time!
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Those links don't work.
  • #3
now they do.. just delete the space between the "h" and the "t" in http

FAQ: How to Determine the Period and Separation of an Eclipsing Binary Star System?

1. What is a Science Olympiad Star Question?

A Science Olympiad Star Question is a challenging question that tests students' knowledge and problem-solving skills in a specific scientific topic. These questions are often used in science competitions and olympiads to differentiate between top-performing students.

2. How are Science Olympiad Star Questions different from regular science questions?

Science Olympiad Star Questions are typically more complex and require critical thinking and application of multiple scientific concepts. They may also involve hands-on experiments or data analysis, rather than just simple recall of information.

3. What types of topics are covered in Science Olympiad Star Questions?

Science Olympiad Star Questions can cover a wide range of scientific topics, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, and engineering. They may also focus on interdisciplinary topics, such as environmental issues or technology applications.

4. How can students prepare for Science Olympiad Star Questions?

Students can prepare for Science Olympiad Star Questions by studying a variety of scientific concepts and practicing solving complex problems. It may also be helpful to participate in science clubs or competitions, as well as reviewing past olympiad questions.

5. How are Science Olympiad Star Questions scored?

Science Olympiad Star Questions are typically scored based on the accuracy of the answer, as well as the depth and clarity of the explanation. Some questions may also have bonus points for creative or innovative solutions.

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