How to Determine Velocity from a Force-Time Graph?

In summary: It is the sum of two areas: the area under the "1.8 m/s constant" section of the graph and the area under the "2 m/s ramp" section. As Doc Al said, this works because m is constant.For C) I just removed this value from my answer from B)What is the correct way I should have done this? I can't seem to work out the result any other way :SAny help is appreciated.It would be correct to first calculate the change in velocity for the two parts separately, then add them.For the first part (C) you have the area under the graph for the first 2 seconds, which, as you noted, is 1.8 m
  • #1
Hey all, I've been attempting this all week and can't get my head around what the proper way to calculate the answers for this query is so...

1. Homework Statement
The force shown in the force-time diagram acts on a 3.4 kg object.


(a) Find the impulse of the force.
(b) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially at rest.
(c) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially moving along the x-axis with a velocity of -1.8 m/s.

2. Homework Equations


Possibly kinematics

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I got the correct answers already:
A) 8 (area under the line in the graph, (3*2) + (2*2/2)
B) 2.34m/s
C) 0.548

The thing is I accidentally found the answers for this, I decided to start with the acceleration via:

On a whim I added these together and submitted (practice server) and it was correct, I repeated this a few times and it was always correct.

For C) I just removed this value from my answer from B)

What is the correct way I should have done this? I can't seem to work out the result any other way :S

Any help is appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
You shouldn't use F=ma (you can, but it's not what you want). How would you be able to derive the velocity from the impulse? To think about this, how else can you write a formula for impulse?
  • #3
Cake said:
You shouldn't use F=ma (you can, but it's not what you want). How would you be able to derive the velocity from the impulse? To think about this, how else can you write a formula for impulse?
Hmmm v=u+a*t ? since I have U and T but then that falls back on acquiring A via A=f/m which isn't quite right either?

Sorry, this particular h/w question has me stumped
  • #4
Hello Stasis, welcome to PF :smile: !

First about a). You know about F = ma, but how did you know that the impulse of the force is the area under the graph ?

Impulse (or momentum) is ##\vec p = m\vec v## . And acceleration is the change in ##\vec v## per unit time. ##\vec a = {d\vec v\over dt}##, to be precise. For small time steps, if the acceleration can be considered nearly constant, we write ##\Delta \vec v = \vec a \Delta t## and (in fact, even better): ##\Delta p = \vec F \Delta t##. Here we have everything in one single direction, so we can drop the vector thingy. And the area under the curve is the sum of all these little ##\Delta p = F \Delta t## contributions. In other words, $$\quad p(5) - p(0) = \int_0^5 F dt
This is more or less the same as what you do: you take the (constant) acceleration 2/3.4 and for constant acceleration v = at so you get v = (2/3.4) * 3 which is the same as 2*3 /3.4, i.e. the area under the line / mass. And for the last two seconds you take the average acceleration (2-0)/2 = 1 to get 1/3.4 * 2 = 0.59 m/s. And (2-0)/2 * 2 is also the area under the line.

Answer b) follows from a) if you divide by m. Since p(0) = 0 you get v(5) from this area directly.

And answer c) follows if you substitute the proper p(0). And since m is constant, you can indeed also just subtract the 1.8 (i.e. add the -1.8 m/s).
  • #5
Stasis said:
Hey all, I've been attempting this all week and can't get my head around what the proper way to calculate the answers for this query is so...

1. Homework Statement

The force shown in the force-time diagram acts on a 3.4 kg object.

(a) Find the impulse of the force.
(b) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially at rest.
(c) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially moving along the x-axis with a velocity of -1.8 m/s.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I got the correct answers already:
A) 8 (area under the line in the graph, (3*2) + (2*2/2)
B) 2.34m/s
C) 0.548

The thing is I accidentally found the answers for this, I decided to start with the acceleration via:

On a whim I added these together and submitted (practice server) and it was correct, I repeated this a few times and it was always correct.

For C) I just removed this value from my answer from B)

What is the correct way I should have done this? I can't seem to work out the result any other way :S

Any help is appreciated.
Impulse is the area under the graph of Force versus time . Generally calculated (using Calculus) as ##\displaystyle\ \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \vec{F}\cdot\,dt\ ## .
So, what you did for part (A) is absolutely correct.

For part (B):
Use the Impulse - Momentum Theorem, which says that the change in momentum of an object from time t1 to time t2 is equal to the Impulse of the net Force on the object from time t1 to time t2 .

For part (C):
What you did does give the correct answer.
The Impulse is the same for (C) and (B), so the change in momentum is the same for both parts. Therefore, the change in velocity is the same for both parts.
Your method gives the same change in velocity for both parts (B) and (C).
  • #6
Wow you're all so helpful, thank you all for the responses! I believe I understand better now :)
  • #7
Stasis said:
The thing is I accidentally found the answers for this, I decided to start with the acceleration via:
A=F/Me overall speed change.
In case it is not clear from the other replies, the reason this worked is that you have calculated changes in speed, not accelerations.
I.e., you did not use a=F/M. 1.764 is an impulse (∫F.dt) not a force (F), so the formula you really used was Δv = ∫F.dt/m. Adding the two speed changes gives the overall speed change.

FAQ: How to Determine Velocity from a Force-Time Graph?

1. What is the relationship between velocity and force from a force/time graph?

The slope of a force/time graph represents the acceleration of an object. If the force is constant, the acceleration will also be constant. However, if the force changes over time, the acceleration will also change, resulting in a curved force/time graph. The velocity of an object can be calculated by finding the area under the force/time graph using the formula: velocity = force x time.

2. How can velocity be determined from a force/time graph?

To determine the velocity from a force/time graph, the area under the graph must be calculated. This can be done by dividing the graph into smaller shapes (rectangles, triangles, etc.) and using their respective area formulas. Once the total area is calculated, it can be divided by the total time to find the average velocity.

3. Can velocity be negative on a force/time graph?

Yes, velocity can be negative on a force/time graph. This indicates that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the force being applied. For example, if a car is slowing down while a constant force is applied in the forward direction, the velocity will be negative.

4. How does the shape of a force/time graph affect the velocity?

The shape of a force/time graph can affect the velocity by showing how the force is changing over time. A straight line indicates a constant force and therefore a constant velocity. A curved line indicates a changing force, which results in a changing velocity. For example, a steeper slope on a force/time graph would indicate a higher velocity.

5. Are there any limitations to determining velocity from a force/time graph?

Yes, there are limitations to determining velocity from a force/time graph. This method assumes that the force is constant and there are no external factors affecting the object's motion. In real-world situations, there may be multiple forces acting on an object, causing the velocity to be different from what is calculated from the force/time graph. Additionally, this method is only accurate for objects with a constant mass and does not take into account changes in mass due to factors such as fuel consumption or air resistance.
