How to develop the rocket equation?

In summary, the conversation discusses chapter 3.2 in John Taylor's textbook Classical Mechanics where he develops an equation of motion for a rocket and considers the change in momentum of the rocket and the expelled fuel. The conversation addresses a question regarding the change in momentum of the expelled fuel and clarifies that it is not possible to determine an instantaneous momentum for the fuel. The conversation also discusses the calculation of momentum and the derivation of equation 3.6 without considering the ejected mass.
  • #36
erobz said:
Do you feel any better about the following where we let the final velocity of the rocket be ##v##?

$$ \begin{aligned} \sum F ~dt &=( p + dp )- p \\ \quad \\
& = ( M_r + M _f ) v + dm (v-u) - \left( M_r + M_f + dm \right)\left( v - dv \right) \\ \quad \\
&= \cancel{( M_r + M _f ) v} + \cancel{dm v} - dm u - \cancel{( M_r + M _f ) v} + ( M_r + M _f ) dv -\cancel{dm v} + \cancel{dm~dv}^0 \\ \quad \\
&= -dm u + ( M_r + M _f ) dv \end{aligned}$$

$$ \sum F = -\frac{dm}{dt}u + ( M_r + M _f )\frac{dv}{dt} $$

And with ## \frac{dm}{dt} = -\frac{dM_f}{dt}## we have:

$$ \sum F = \frac{dM_f}{dt} u +( M_r + M _f )\frac{dv}{dt} $$

$$ \text{"The Rocket Equation"}$$
Now you confuse me with the ##v-dv##. I mean, it seems to make sense. If the final velocity is ##v##, then the initial velocity should be ##v-dv##. But to me it also seemed to make sense to write ##m## for the initial mass and ##m-dm## for the final mass. If ##m-dm## is wrong, why is ##v-dv## correct?

You have ##v(t+dt)=v## and ##v(t)=v-dv##. If you switch to ##v(t)=v##, you get ##v(t+dt)=v+dv##. This looks perfectly okay.

But if I do the same with the mass, I run into a problem. If I use ##m(t+dt)=m## and ##m(t)=m+dm##, and I switch to ##m(t)=m##, then I get ##m(t+dt)=m-dm##. And this is not what I want to get.
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  • #37
I want to come back to what I wrote in #32. It was inspired by Shankar’s solution in Fundamentals of Physics. But Shankar does not use ##\Delta m##, instead he uses ##\delta##. I had wondered why he did that. Perhaps I am beginning to see the reason now. When I write ##m(t+dt)=m-\Delta m##, this ##\Delta m## suggests that it can be made randomly small and will eventually end up as ##dm##. If instead I write ##m(t+dt)=m-\delta##, things look better. ##\delta## is meant to represent a fixed quantity, not a changing quantity. I have to think some more about this, perhaps this is enough to convince myself.

All this certainly looks terribly pedantic, but I think you must be pedantic in physics, or else you end up in strange places.
  • #38
Rick16 said:
All this certainly looks terribly pedantic, but I think you must be pedantic in physics, or else you end up in strange places.
It's not pedantic to insist that ##\Delta m## is postive. It's simply wrong.
  • #39
PeroK said:
It's not pedantic to insist that ##\Delta m## is postive. It's simply wrong.
##\Delta m## is a mass, it is a certain amount of mass. How can it not be positive?
  • #40
For me Delta means difference between final and initial value (that is "final minus initial"). If final mass is less than initial then Delta m will be negative.
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  • #41
weirdoguy said:
For me Delta means difference between final and initial value (that is "final minus initial"). If final mass is less than initial then Delta m will be negative.
It means the same for me, but when I write ##m-\Delta m## and the result is less than the initial value, then ##\Delta m## is positive. If ##\Delta m## were negative, then I would subtract a negative value, which would mean that the result would be bigger than the initial value.
  • #42
I think, this overcomplicates the issue more and more rather than to clarify it. It's simply a question of definition which sign you give your quantities. The physics is independent of this. To derive the rocket equation you simply write down the momentum balance of the rocket (=body of the rocket + fuel contained with mass ##m(t)## in it) and exhaust (fuel being exhausted from the rocket) within an infinitesimal time ##\delta t##. If you assume that ##\dd m_e>0## is the mass of the exhausted fueld during this time the balance reads and the velocity of the exhausted fuel relative to the rocket is ##v_e>0##, then the momentum balance reads
$$m(t) v(t)=m(t+\mathrm{d} t) v(t+\mathrm{d} t) +\mathrm{d} m_e (v-v_e),$$
i.e., expanding up to order ##\mathrm{d} t##
[EDIT: corrected in view of #47]
$$m(t) v(t) = m(t) v(t) + [\dot{m} \mathrm{d} t] v(t) + m(t) \dot{v}(t) \mathrm{d} t+ \mathrm{d} m_e(v-v_e)+m g \dd t.$$
From mass conservation you have
$$\mathrm{d}m_e=-\mathrm{d} t \dot{m}$$
and thus finally
$$m \dot{v} + \dot{m} v_e=-m g.$$
So you need ##m(t)## and ##v_e(t)## and have an equation of motion for ##v##.
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  • #43
Rick16 said:
Now you confuse me with the ##v-dv##. I mean, it seems to make sense. If the final velocity is ##v##, then the initial velocity should be ##v-dv##. But to me it also seemed to make sense to write ##m## for the initial mass and ##m-dm## for the final mass. If ##m-dm## is wrong, why is ##v-dv## correct?

You have ##v(t+dt)=v## and ##v(t)=v-dv##. If you switch to ##v(t)=v##, you get ##v(t+dt)=v+dv##. This looks perfectly okay.

But if I do the same with the mass, I run into a problem. If I use ##m(t+dt)=m## and ##m(t)=m+dm##, and I switch to ##m(t)=m##, then I get ##m(t+dt)=m-dm##. And this is not what I want to get.
If you don't use ##v-dv## it doesn't seem to work out. That was my only motivation. I understand your frustration with the ##\Delta##'s though.

Thats why I like #12. It doesn't use them. As a trade off, you have the integration that is immediately nullified by the derivative.
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  • #44
erobz said:
If you don't use ##v-dv## it doesn't seem to work out. That was my only motivation. I understand your frustration with the ##\Delta##'s though.

Thats why I like #12. It doesn't use them. As a trade off, you have the integration that is immediately nullified by the derivative.
Finally somebody understands my frustration. Thank you!
  • #45
I'm going to give it one last try though. I think it solves the problem you (we) are having?

$$ \begin{aligned} \sum F~dt &= ( p + dp) - p \\ \quad \\

&=\overbrace{ ( M_r + M + dM )( v + dv ) + dm(v-u)}^{p+ dp} - \overbrace{( M_r + M)v }^{p} \\ \quad \\

&= \cancel{(M_r + M)v }+ (M_r + M)dv + dM~v + \cancel{dM~dv}^0 + dm~v - dm~u -\cancel{( M_r + M)v} \\ \quad \\

&= (M_r + M)dv +[ dM~v + dm~v ]- dm~u \end{aligned}$$

The change in mass of the rocket is opposite the change in mass of the ejecta, hence the bracketed term:

## dM~v + dm~v \equiv 0 ##

Subbing that in and dividing through by ##dt##:

$$ \sum F = -\frac{dm}{dt} ~u + (M_r+M)\frac{dv}{dt} $$

Changing from mass of the ejecta to mass of the fuel:

$$ \sum F = \frac{dM}{dt} ~u + (M_r+M)\frac{dv}{dt} $$

we are left with the Rocket Equation...No subtracting of negative differential masses or velocities that I can see.
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  • #46
erobz said:
I'm going to give it one last try though. I think it solves the problem you (we) are having?

$$ \begin{aligned} \sum F~dt &= ( p + dp) - p \\ \quad \\

&=\overbrace{ ( M_r + M + dM )( v + dv ) + dm(v-u)}^{p+ dp} - \overbrace{( M_r + M)v }^{p} \\ \quad \\

&= \cancel{(M_r + M)v }+ (M_r + M)dv + dM~v + \cancel{dM~dv}^0 + dm~v - dm~u -\cancel{( M_r + M)v} \\ \quad \\

&= (M_r + M)dv +[ dM~v + dm~v ]- dm~u \end{aligned}$$

The change in mass of the rocket is opposite the change in mass of the ejecta, hence the bracketed term:

## dM~v + dm~v \equiv 0 ##

Subbing that in and dividing through by ##dt##:

$$ \sum F = -\frac{dm}{dt} ~u + (M_r+M)\frac{dv}{dt} $$

Changing from mass of the ejecta to mass of the fuel:

$$ \sum F = \frac{dM}{dt} ~u + (M_r+M)\frac{dv}{dt} $$

we are left with the Rocket Equation...No subtracting of negative differential masses or velocities that I can see.
This is pretty great. At first sight your solution seems to be the same as Taylor’s, with the only difference that instead of writing ##dm## for the change in the rocket mass and ##-dm## for the change in the mass of the ejecta, you write ##dM## for the rocket and ##dm## for the ejecta, where ##dM=-dm##. But your method has one major advantage: you completely eliminate the need to decide where to put the minus sign. The mass of the rocket changes, the mass of the ejecta changes, one of them decreases, the other one increases. The big question for me was how to decide which one to mark as negative in my equation. With your method you don’t have to take this decision, all you need to know is that one is the negative of the other one. You did not directly solve my dilemma, instead you made it disappear. Thanks a lot.
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  • #47
vanhees71 said:
I think, this overcomplicates the issue more and more rather than to clarify it. It's simply a question of definition which sign you give your quantities. The physics is independent of this. To derive the rocket equation you simply write down the momentum balance of the rocket (=body of the rocket + fuel contained with mass ##m(t)## in it) and exhaust (fuel being exhausted from the rocket) within an infinitesimal time ##\delta t##. If you assume that ##\dd m_e>0## is the mass of the exhausted fueld during this time the balance reads and the velocity of the exhausted fuel relative to the rocket is ##v_e>0##, then the momentum balance reads
$$m(t) v(t)=m(t+\mathrm{d} t) v(t+\mathrm{d} t) +\mathrm{d} m_e (v-v_e),$$
i.e., expanding up to order ##\mathrm{d} t##
$$m(t) v(t) = m(t) v(t) + [m(t)+\dot{m} \mathrm{d} t] v(t) + m(t) \dot{v}(t) + \mathrm{d} m_e(v-v_e)+m g \dd t.$$
From mass conservation you have
$$\mathrm{d}m_e=-\mathrm{d} t \dot{m}$$
and thus finally
$$m \dot{v} + \dot{m} v_e=-m g.$$
So you need ##m(t)## and ##v_e(t)## and have an equation of motion for ##v##.
Thank you very much. This is basically the same approach as in #45. If I understand correctly, ##dm## in #45 corresponds to your ##dm_e## and ##dM## in #45 corresponds to your ##\dot{m}dt##. What I find confusing in your equation is the term ##m(t)## in ##[m(t)+\dot{m}dt]v(t)##. Shouldn’t this just be ##\dot{m}dt v(t)##? In any case, the main idea is not having to worry about where to put a minus sign, and this is what I needed.
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  • #48
You are right, this is a typo. I've corrected it in the posting.