How to do Magnus expansion for time-dependent companion matrix?

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Magnus expansion of companion matrix time-dependent or solve by substitution how?
For example, consider the following system of 2 first order ODEs:
x_1^{\prime}=2 t x_1+t^2 x_2 \\
x_2^{\prime}=t^3 x_1+4 t x_2

This is a linear homogeneous system of 2 first order ODEs with $$A(t)=\left[\begin{array}{ll}2 t & t^2 \\ t^3 & 4 t\end{array}\right]$$.

"Secondly, the substitution method works in the same manner as usual. Indeed, the first line of the system leads to $$y = t^{-2}\dot{x} + 2t^{-1}x$$, which can be differentiated in order to find $\dot{y}$ in terms of $$x$$ and $$t$$. Next, plugging these expressions into the second line, you will end up with a second-order linear ODE with non-constant coefficients for $$x$$, which itself might not be easy to solve in the present case."

Firstly, you mentioned diagonalization; however, in that case, the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors will be themselves time-dependent. If $$S$$ denotes the change of basis allowing the diagonalization of $$A$$ as $$D$$, i.e. $$ D= SAS^{-1}$$, then the system of equations $$\dot{u} = Au$$, where $$u = (x,y)$$, becomes
\dot{v} = \partial_t(Su) = S\dot{u} + \dot{S}u = \left(SA + \dot{S}\right)u = \left(SAS^{-1} + \dot{S}S^{-1}\right)Su = \left(D + \dot{S}S^{-1}\right)v
for $$v = Su$$. This new system might be even harder to solve yet, because of the extra (non-diagonal) term $$\dot{S}S^{-1}$$."
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  • #2
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  • #3
So is it basically ##\dot{x}(t)=A(t)x(t)##?
One sort of solution is by ##x(t)=e^{\int^t A(s)ds}x(0)##.

I think so, am I wrong?
  • #4
billtodd said:
I think so, am I wrong?
You are correct only if ##x,A## are scalars (1-dimensional). Otherwise, if ##x(t)## is an n-dimensional vector and ##A(t)## is a ##n\times n## matrix then the correct solution involves the ordered-exponential involving nested integrals over products of ##A(t)##. This will reduce to your usual exponential for special matrices that commute at different times, like a constant matrix.
  • #5
renormalize said:
You are correct only if ##x,A## are scalars (1-dimensional). Otherwise, if ##x(t)## is an n-dimensional vector and ##A(t)## is a ##n\times n## matrix then the correct solution involves the ordered-exponential involving nested integrals over products of ##A(t)##. This will reduce to your usual exponential for special matrices that commute at different times, like a constant matrix.
I was refering to the vector case.
Obviously using ##e^A=\sum_{n=0}^\infty A^n/n!##.
And here (in the OP) you first integrate ##A##, and then plug it to the sum. Though I am not sure if there's a closed form solution here.
  • #6
billtodd said:
I was refering to the vector case.
Obviously using ##e^A=\sum_{n=0}^\infty A^n/n!##.
And here (in the OP) you first integrate ##A##, and then plug it to the sum. Though I am not sure if there's a closed form solution here.
Sorry, that doesn't work to solve your vector ODE for a general matrix ##A(t)##. Just try it out: start from your proposed "solution" ##x\left(t\right)=\exp\left[\intop_{0}^{t}A\left(t^{\prime}\right)dt^{\prime}\right]x\left(0\right)## with the exponential expanded as a series. Now differentiate the series term-by-term to see if ##x(t)## satisfies ##\dot{x}\left(t\right)=A\left(t\right)x\left(t\right)##. (Hint: it won't unless ##A(t_1)## commutes with ##A(t_2)## for all pairs ##t_1,t_2## (i.e., it's a constant matrix) so that ##A## can be moved completely to the left of the exponential.
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  • #7
Hi @billtodd. If you write ##x(t) = M(t) x(0)## then ##\dot{x} (t) = \dot{M} (t) x(0)= A(t) x(t) = A(t) M(t)x(0)##. Implying you need to solve:

\frac{d}{dt} M(t) = A(t) M(t)

subject to ##M(0)= \mathbb{1}##. I derived the formal solution to this for the general case of a time dependent matrix ##A(t)## here:

and it involves the time-ordered product of matrices ##A(t_1),A(t_2), \dots##. This solution reduces to ##M(t) = \exp (\int_0^t A (t') dt')## in the case where ##A(t)## is a constant matrix.
  • #8
renormalize said:
Sorry, that doesn't work to solve your vector ODE for a general matrix ##A(t)##. Just try it out: start from your proposed "solution" ##x\left(t\right)=\exp\left[\intop_{0}^{t}A\left(t^{\prime}\right)dt^{\prime}\right]x\left(0\right)## with the exponential expanded as a series. Now differentiate the series term-by-term to see if ##x(t)## satisfies ##\dot{x}\left(t\right)=A\left(t\right)x\left(t\right)##. (Hint: it won't unless ##A(t_1)## commutes with ##A(t_2)## for all pairs ##t_1,t_2## (i.e., it's a constant matrix) so that ##A## can be moved completely to the left of the exponential.
So how would you solve it?
One can try power series for both ##x_1(t),x_2(t)##. But then you translate the differential equations to recurrence equations, which doesn't necessarily make the problem any easier.
OK, now I understand what is that ordered exponential.
First time I had seen it was in QM2.
But one can only solve this numerically with the ordered exponential.