How to do the extended euclidean algorithm

In summary, the extended euclidean algorithm takes a and b and computes r, s, and t such that r=gcd(a,b) and, sa + tb = r. For coprime a and b, r_1-1 mod r_0=t_m mod r_0.
  • #1
Here's the definition I have:
Extended Euclidean algorithm
Takes a and b
Computes r, s, t such that
r=gcd(a, b) and, sa + tb = r
(only the last two terms in each of these sequences at any point in the algorithm)
Corollary. Suppose gcd(r0, r1)=1. Then
r_1-1 mod r_0=t_m mod r_0.

The example is in the attached image.

I don't understand the steps used to obtain all the values in the table or how to get the inverse which I'm assuming is -8 in that example?
If someone could guide me though it that would be very helpful, I've been struggling with it for hours now.

Thank you!


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  • #2
The goal here is to find the multiplicative inverse of 28, (1/28), modulo 75 so that

(t x 28) mod (75) = 1

it will also turn out that

(s x 75) mod (28) = 1

The algorithm iterates until it finds

(s x 75) + (t x 28) = 1

where s and t will have opposite signs. This only works if a and b are coprime, gcd(a,b) = 1. (Otherwise the algorithm iterates to 0 and the previous remainder will not be 1). Note that there is no inverse for 15 mod (75), since gcd(15, 75) = 5. For finite field math modulo(a), a should be a prime number.

Wiki article:

SpiffyEh said:
inverse which I'm assuming is -8 in that example?
Modulo(x) should have the same sign as x, in this case the range of (...) mod (75) are positive integers in the set {0 ... 74}.

(-8) mod (75) = 67, resulting in

(67 x 28) mod (75) = 1
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  • #3
I still don't understand it. I need someone to literally walk me through it so that I understand each step. I get what the algorithm is for but I don't understand that example I posted.

So the inverse is 67 in this case?
  • #4
SpiffyEh said:
So the inverse is 67 in this case?
Yes 67 x 28 = 1876, and the nearest multiple of 75 less than 1876 is 25 x 75 = 1875, so (67 x 28) mod (75) = 1. Divide (67 x 28) / 75 = 1876/75, quotient = 25, remainder = 1. You could also use (-8 x 28) / 75, = -224/75, quotient = -3, remainder = 1.

SpiffyEh said:
literally walk me through it.
The article linked to below includes a better explanation of the extended euclidean algorithm, but without the requirement that the gcd(a,b) = 1.


It would help me to futher explain extended euclid algorithm if I knew what class your are taking, a math class, a programming class, something related to finite field math? If this is for finite field math, then 75 was a bad example because it's not a prime number. If a prime number was used instead, such as 79, then all integers from 1 to 78 would have an inverse modulo 79. This isn't true for 75, since any number that is a multiple of 3 or 5 will not have an inverse modulo 75.
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  • #5

The extended Euclidean algorithm is a method used to find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers, as well as the values of r, s, and t such that sa + tb = r. This algorithm is based on the Euclidean algorithm, which is used to find the gcd of two numbers by repeatedly dividing the larger number by the smaller number until the remainder is 0. The extended Euclidean algorithm adds the additional step of keeping track of the values of s and t as the algorithm progresses.

To begin, we start with the two numbers a and b. The algorithm works by repeatedly finding the remainder when a is divided by b, and then updating the values of a and b for the next iteration. This is shown in the attached image, where the values of a and b are updated in each row of the table. The algorithm continues until the remainder is 0, at which point the gcd is equal to the last non-zero remainder.

In the example given, the gcd of 240 and 46 is 2. The algorithm finds this by first dividing 240 by 46, with a remainder of 2. The values of a and b are then updated to 46 and 2, respectively. This process continues until a remainder of 0 is reached. At this point, the gcd is equal to the last non-zero remainder, which is 2 in this case.

The values of s and t are found by working backwards from the last row of the table. In this example, the last two rows correspond to the equation sa + tb = r, where r is the gcd. By substituting in the values of a and b from the last row, we can solve for s and t. In this case, we get s = -8 and t = 41.

To obtain the inverse of a number, we can use the extended Euclidean algorithm to find the values of s and t that satisfy sa + tb = 1. In the example given, we can see that sa + tb = gcd(a, b) = 2. Therefore, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the inverse of 2, which is 1/2. This gives us (s/2)a + (t/2)b = 1. So, the inverse of a can be found by multiplying s/2 by a. In the example, this gives us -4 x 240 = -960, which is the inverse

Related to How to do the extended euclidean algorithm

1. What is the extended Euclidean algorithm?

The extended Euclidean algorithm is a method used to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, as well as the coefficients that can be used to express the GCD as a linear combination of the two integers. It is an extension of the basic Euclidean algorithm, which only finds the GCD.

2. How do I perform the extended Euclidean algorithm?

To perform the extended Euclidean algorithm, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Write down the two integers whose GCD you want to find.
  2. Using the basic Euclidean algorithm, find the GCD of the two integers.
  3. Set up a table with three columns: the first column contains the quotients obtained during the basic Euclidean algorithm, the second column contains the remainders obtained during the basic Euclidean algorithm, and the third column contains the coefficients that will be used in the linear combination.
  4. Using the remainders, work backwards to find the coefficients in the third column.
  5. The GCD of the two integers is the last non-zero remainder in the second column, and the coefficients in the third column can be used to express the GCD as a linear combination of the two integers.

3. What is the purpose of the extended Euclidean algorithm?

The extended Euclidean algorithm has several purposes, including finding the GCD of two integers, solving linear Diophantine equations, and finding modular inverses. It can also be used in cryptography, particularly in the RSA algorithm.

4. Can the extended Euclidean algorithm be used for more than two integers?

Yes, the extended Euclidean algorithm can be extended to find the GCD and linear combination of more than two integers. This is known as the generalized extended Euclidean algorithm.

5. Are there any limitations to the extended Euclidean algorithm?

The extended Euclidean algorithm can only be used for integers, not for other types of numbers such as fractions or decimals. Additionally, the algorithm may not work for very large integers due to computational limitations. In these cases, other methods may need to be used to find the GCD and linear combination.

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