How to Evaluate Line Integrals in Cal 4 Without Attending Lectures?

In summary: I can figure it out!0Sa b f[g(t), h(t), k(t)] |v(t)| dtSo I have 0Sa b t + t + t root3 dtI've done the rest of this problem like eight times now. I've gotten 21 root3, 21 root14, and 21 root6. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.In summary, the conversation is about a student seeking help with a problem involving evaluating a continuous function over a curve. They provide their attempt at a solution and ask for confirmation if it is correct. The conversation then moves on to another problem, where the student makes multiple attempts and ultimately receives guidance on the correct
  • #1
*Please don't just read the first post and leave. I'm adding to the thread with each attempt. I'm not asking someone to do it for me!*

I guess this is a lousy first post, and I apologize, but I am desperate and would appreciate all the help I can get more than anyone could imagine! This is the first problem of the section. I've been sick and haven't made it to any lectures covering this particular material and my final is TOMORROW! Please please help me if you can!

Homework Statement

Evaluate Sc (x + y) ds where C is the straight line segment x=t, y=(1-t), z=0, from (0,1,1) to (1,0,0).

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Kind of both of those together. My text say to integrate a continuous function f(x,y,z) over a curve C:

1. Find a smooth parametrization of C
r(t) = g(t)i + h(t)j + k(t)k, t in the interval [a,b]

2. Evaluate the integral as
Sc f(x,y,z) ds = bSa f (g(t),h(t),k(t))|v(t)| dt

Can someone at least help me get started and try to figure it out myself?

The italicized S's are supposed to be integral signs!
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  • #2
Okay, I know from the back of the book the answer is root2. This is what I did, and it got me the right answer, but if someone could check to make sure I did it right, that'd be awesome. Thank you!

I set the interval from [0,1] because the lowest x and lowest y are 0 and the highest of each is 1. So I have 0S1 (x + y) ds

C says x is equal to t and y = 1-t so I plugged those in and got t + (1 - t) which is just 1.

For r(t), I said it was ti + tj because there are no powers to the t's and that's as simple as it gets. Then, |v(t)| = |i + j| which is root2

I wound up with 0S1 f(t,t) root2 dt

0S1 (t + t) (root2) dt

Pull root2 out (constant) and get root2 0S1 2t dt

Then integrate and get root2 [ t2 ] evaluated from 1 to 0

root2 [12 - 02] is root2 * 1 = root2

and that's what I was supposed to get. Did I do it right though?
  • #3
The next problem is evaluate CS (xy + y + z) ds along the curve r(t)=2ti+tj+(2-2t)k, t in [0,1].

I got |v(t)| = |2i + j - 2k| = 3

0S1 2t + t + 2 - 2t 3 dt

0S1 t + 2 3 dt

3 0S1 t + 2 dt

3[ (t2)/2 + 2t] eval. from 1 to 0

3[ 1/2 + 2] = 3[ 5/2] = 15/2

I did something wrong though, I think, because the book says the solution is 13/2
  • #4
I tried that last problem again and substituted x,y,z with 2t, t, and (2-2t), respectively. My integral was then

0S1 2t2 - t + 2 3 dt

3 0S1 2t2 - t + 2 dt

3[ (2t3)/3 -t2/2 +2t ] from 0 to 1

3[ 2/3 - 1/2 + 2 -0] = 13/2

I got it right, but again, did I do it right?
  • #5
Next problem.

Find the line integral of f(x,y,z) = x + y + z over the straight line segment from (1,2,3) to (0,-1,1). Solution is 3*root14

I got a root14 by finding the distance between the two points and I set my t interval from 0 to root14, but I'm thinking that was wrong.

I had 0Sroot14 t + t + t root3 dt

I set r(t) = ti + tj+ tk and |v(t)| = root3

I worked it out and got (21 times root3)/2

... what gives?
  • #6
hottytoddy said:
The next problem is evaluate CS (xy + y + z) ds along the curve r(t)=2ti+tj+(2-2t)k, t in [0,1].

I got |v(t)| = |2i + j - 2k| = 3
0S1 2t + t + 2 - 2t 3 dt
Your integrand expression is incorrect.

hottytoddy said:
I tried that last problem again and substituted x,y,z with 2t, t, and (2-2t), respectively. My integral was then

0S1 2t2 - t + 2 3 dt
Now it is right.
  • #7
hottytoddy said:
I got a root14 by finding the distance between the two points and I set my t interval from 0 to root14, but I'm thinking that was wrong.
That root14 corresponds to [tex]\left| \frac{d\textbf{r}}{dt} \right|[/tex] in the formula for a scalar line integral.

I had 0Sroot14 t + t + t root3 dt
That's not correct. What is the formula for evaluating a scalar line integral?

I set r(t) = ti + tj+ tk and |v(t)| = root3
The expression for r(t) as you have given would correspond to a point passing through the origin. Does the line through (1,2,3) to (0,-1,1) pass through the origin?
  • #8
Defennder said:
That root14 corresponds to [tex]\left| \frac{d\textbf{r}}{dt} \right|[/tex] in the formula for a scalar line integral.

That's not correct. What is the formula for evaluating a scalar line integral?

The expression for r(t) as you have given would correspond to a point passing through the origin. Does the line through (1,2,3) to (0,-1,1) pass through the origin?

Honestly, I have no clue. I wish you were still online, though. I've pretty much given up and I was planning on not studying anymore for this exam since I need a 95 on it to get a C. Your reply has given me hope!

I can't see what you posted after "that root14 corresponds to"... I get a red x.

The line does not go through the origin. I still don't understand how to get the interval. I'm teaching myself over here, and quickly losing faith in my abilities.

The formula for evaluating a scalar line integral... again, no clue.

I know I need A LOT of help over here, but I'm willing to pull an all nighter if someone (or several someones) will help me. My exam is scheduled for 8.5 hours from now.
  • #9
Okay. I have a theory on that last one. At least, I get the right answer. Again, is my technique correct?

f(x,y,z)= x+y+z

r(t) = ti + 3tj + 2tk (the distance between corresponding coordinates in the points given.)

v(t) = i + 3j + 2k |v(t)| = root14 (YAY)

I'm assuming t between 0 and 1 because it works. Not sure why those numbers, but they work so I used them.

0S1 t + 3t + 2t root14 dt

root14 0S1 6t dt

root14 [3t2] from 0 to 1, which comes out to 3root14

What I need to know though, is why 0 to 1? The test problems are taking directly from the book, so I essentially just need to memorize the problems, but working through something is so much easier when you understand it! This is the third problem in the first section of new material. There are 28 more problems that I need to get through tonight. And they keep getting harder!
  • #10
What do your notes and textbook say about evaluating scalar line integrals? Keep in mind that you're looking for the part on line integrals of scalar functions. Look it up in the book index and read that relevant section if necessary. I've done last minute studying before and I would say it's always better to do last minute preparation than none at all, although it's undoubtedly better to be prepared beforehand.
  • #11
hottytoddy said:
Okay. I have a theory on that last one. At least, I get the right answer. Again, is my technique correct?

f(x,y,z)= x+y+z

r(t) = ti + 3tj + 2tk (the distance between corresponding coordinates in the points given.)

v(t) = i + 3j + 2k |v(t)| = root14 (YAY)

I'm assuming t between 0 and 1 because it works. Not sure why those numbers, but they work so I used them.

0S1 t + 3t + 2t root14 dt

root14 0S1 6t dt

root14 [3t2] from 0 to 1, which comes out to 3root14
You did get the right answer, but I don't think your expression for r(t) is correct. Bear in mind that r(t) is the vector equation of the line through those 2 points specified by the question. What is the vector equation of the line through any 2 given points?
  • #12
All is says that makes any sense whatsoever is the snippet I put in the first post.

1. Find a smooth parametrization of C
r(t) = g(t)i + h(t)j + k(t)k, t in the interval [a,b]

2. Evaluate the integral as
Sc f(x,y,z) ds = bSa f (g(t),h(t),k(t))|v(t)| dt
  • #13
Is it as simple as (x1-x0)ti + (y1-y0)ti + (z1-z0)ti? So, (0-1) for x, (-1-2) for y, and (1-3) for z? Or am I backwards? I've been awake for nearly 24 hours already. My brain isn't functioning fully
  • #14
Logically, I want to say r(t) = ti + 2tj + 3tk because one of the points is (1,2,3), but there's no way it's that simple... It has to have 1,2, and 3 for coefficients, because that gives root14.
  • #15
The next one is even worse. I'm going to post it before I work on it to give you some time to look at it also. You are helping me so much! I wish there was some way I could repay you!

Integrate f(x,y,z) = (x + y + z)/(x2 + y2 + z2) over the path r(t) = ti + tj + tk, 0< a<= t <= b.
  • #16
Okay, that last one wasn't so bad once I got into it.

r(t) is given. From that |v(t)| = root3

Interval is given: [a,b]

Sub t into each x, y, and z. Reduce the equation and you get:

root3 aSb (t-1) dt

root3 [ln b - ln a] = root3 ln(b/a) which is the answer.

Is my technique right?
  • #17
Next problem. Three more and then next section.

Integrate f over the given curve:

f (x,y) = x3/y
C: y = x2/2
0<= x <= 2

I don't even know where to start! There's no example like this in the text. I have nothing to follow.
  • #18
hottytoddy said:
Is it as simple as (x1-x0)ti + (y1-y0)ti + (z1-z0)ti? So, (0-1) for x, (-1-2) for y, and (1-3) for z? Or am I backwards? I've been awake for nearly 24 hours already. My brain isn't functioning fully

hottytoddy said:
Logically, I want to say r(t) = ti + 2tj + 3tk because one of the points is (1,2,3), but there's no way it's that simple... It has to have 1,2, and 3 for coefficients, because that gives root14.

No, as said earlier, the parametrisation you need is the vector equation of a line. What does a path paramatrisation represent? It maps values of a parameter, say t to a vector which extends from the origin to that point of the path it corresponds to. So far example, the line y=2x+c may be paramatrised as [tex]\textbf{r}(t) = t\textbf{i} + (2t+c) \textbf{j} [/tex]. There are special parametric representations as well without using either x or y as the varying parameter. To take an example, the parametrisation of a circle x^2 + y^2 = r^2 would could be [tex]\textbf{r}(t) = r \cos t \textbf{i} + r \sin t \textbf{j} \ \mbox{where} \ t \in [0,2\pi][/tex]

hottytoddy said:
The next one is even worse. I'm going to post it before I work on it to give you some time to look at it also. You are helping me so much! I wish there was some way I could repay you!

Integrate f(x,y,z) = (x + y + z)/(x2 + y2 + z2) over the path r(t) = ti + tj + tk, 0< a<= t <= b.
Okay, that last one wasn't so bad once I got into it.

r(t) is given. From that |v(t)| = root3

Interval is given: [a,b]

Sub t into each x, y, and z. Reduce the equation and you get:

root3 aSb (t-1) dt

root3 [ln b - ln a] = root3 ln(b/a) which is the answer.

Is my technique right?
Yes it looks correct. In this case it appears you know how to evaluate a line integral. Your problem it appears thus far is understanding how to do a parametrisation of a path. Just look that up in any textbook.

hottytoddy said:
Next problem. Three more and then next section.

Integrate f over the given curve:

f (x,y) = x3/y
C: y = x2/2
0<= x <= 2

I don't even know where to start! There's no example like this in the text. I have nothing to follow.
Well, as before start by first coming up with a parametrisation of the curve y=x^2/2. It should be a vector function of the form r(t). The statement of the question also gives you a hint as to what you should use as a parameter.
  • #19
Okay. I think I have r(t), but it isn't pretty.

r(t)= (1-t)i + (2-3t)j + (3-2t)k
v(t)= -1i -3j -2k
|v| = root(1+9+4) = root14 (AHA!)

Is that right? And t goes from 0 to 1 because if you plug in 0 you get one endpoint of the segment and if you plug in 1 you get the other endpoint.
  • #20
Yes that's right.
  • #21
I just realized that completely changes my integral, but I still got the right answer!

INT 1-t+2-3t+3-2t root14 dt
root14 INT 6(1-t) dt
6root14 INT 1-t dt
6root14 [t-.5t2] from 1 to 0
6root14 * .5 = 3root14
  • #22
For the most recent problem,

Integrate f over the given curve:

f (x,y) = x3/y
C: y = x2/2
0<= x <= 2

is r(t) = 2ti + 2tj correct? Then |v| = 2root2. I believe t is in the interval [0,2]. My line segment goes from (0,0) to (2,2) if I plug x=0,2 into the y= (x^2)/2.

The answer should be (10root5 - 2)/3 , but that's not what ^these^ numbers give me!
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  • #23
You can't sub in the equation for C into f(x,y), can you? That would make it so much easier.
  • #24
I am skipping that problem and one very similar to it. Hopefully he will not put them on the exam, but I cannot afford to look at this problem any longer. It's been over an hour, and I'm down to 5 hours before my exam.

Now I am working on:

Find the mass of a wire that lies along the curve r(t)= (t2 - 1)j + 2tk, 0 <=t <= 1 if the density is d=(3/2)t. I haven't looked at it in the book yet.
  • #25
hottytoddy said:
I just realized that completely changes my integral, but I still got the right answer!

INT 1-t+2-3t+3-2t root14 dt
root14 INT 6(1-t) dt
6root14 INT 1-t dt
6root14 [t-.5t2] from 1 to 0
6root14 * .5 = 3root14
Yes that is the correct way to do it.

hottytoddy said:
Integrate f over the given curve:

f (x,y) = x3/y
C: y = x2/2
0<= x <= 2

is r(t) = 2ti + 2tj correct? Then |v| = 2root2. I believe t is in the interval [0,2]. My line segment goes from (0,0) to (2,2) if I plug x=0,2 into the y = (x^2)/2.
No r(t) is a parametric form of C: [tex] y = \frac{1}{2} x^2[/tex]. What can you use as the parameter t here? t is in the interval you stated, so what does that make t in the parametrisation?
hottytoddy said:
You can't sub in the equation for C into f(x,y), can you? That would make it so much easier.
You're supposed to actually. It's just that you have express f(x,y) in the parameters of the parametrisation of C.
  • #26
I have M= CINT d(x,y,z) ds

v(t) = 2tj + 2k ; |v| = 2root(t2 + 1)

M = 0S1 (3/2)t 2root(t2 + 1) dt

Use u substitution- u=(t2 + 1) du= 2t dt

(3/2) INT U1/2 du

(3/2) (1/{2root(t2 + 1)}) from 1 to 0
and i got (3root2 - 6)/8 but I should have gotten 2root2 - 1
  • #27
hottytoddy said:
I have M= CINT d(x,y,z) ds

v(t) = 2tj + 2k ; |v| = 2root(t2 + 1)
How did you get this?
What is r(t)?

Related to How to Evaluate Line Integrals in Cal 4 Without Attending Lectures?

1. What is a line integral in Cal 4?

A line integral in Cal 4 is a mathematical concept that involves calculating the total value of a function along a specific curve or path. It takes into account both the shape of the curve and the values of the function at each point on the curve.

2. How is a line integral different from a regular integral?

A regular integral involves finding the area under a curve on a two-dimensional plane. A line integral, on the other hand, involves finding the value of a function along a specific curve in three-dimensional space. It takes into account the direction and length of the curve in addition to the function values.

3. What are the uses of line integrals in Cal 4?

Line integrals have many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They can be used to calculate work done by a force, electric or magnetic fields, and fluid flow along a curved path. They are also used in advanced calculus and differential geometry for solving complex problems.

4. What are the different types of line integrals?

There are two types of line integrals: path integrals and surface integrals. A path integral involves calculating the value of a function along a continuous curve, while a surface integral involves calculating the value of a function over a two-dimensional surface.

5. How do you calculate a line integral in Cal 4?

To calculate a line integral in Cal 4, you need to first parameterize the curve or path and then use the appropriate formula depending on the type of line integral. For a path integral, you can use the fundamental theorem of line integrals, and for a surface integral, you can use the double or triple integral formulas.

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