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- TL;DR Summary
- I propose a relatively simple way to test whether or not orthogonal polarizers marking which-path information alone destroys the interference pattern or actually measuring the polarization states destroys the interference pattern.
Consider a simple quantum eraser setup using polarizers: An incident beam polarized at 45º is sent towards a double slit. After slit A there is a horizontal polarizer and after slit B there is a vertical polarizer. At the back screen, if we run this experiment, we will see a particle pattern and no interference pattern. However, if we add a 45º diagonal polarizer before the back screen, the interference pattern reappears! As confirmed here: https://sciencedemonstrations.fas.h...-demonstrations/files/single_photon_paper.pdf
The generally accepted interpretation of what is going on is represented by what is stated in that paper, here:
This interpretation states that the orthogonal polarizers at the slits determine the which-path information and thus destroy the interference pattern. It is not necessary that we actually measure the polarization states to know which path they went through. Placing the diagonal polarizer before the screen "unmarks" the which-path information, such that it is now impossible to determine which slit the photons came through to get to the back screen, and thus the interference pattern reappears.
One thing this experiment definitively seems to confirm is that wave function collapse* is not a permanent irreversible process, otherwise an interference pattern could not be recovered by the presence of the diagonal polarizer at the back screen.
However, it is not so clear to me that the above interpretation is confirmed by this experiment. The above interpretation suggests that "One does not need to actually measure the photon's polarization state to determine which path it took to reach the detector. The mere fact that the which-path information is available is enough to destroy the interference pattern." Interpretations, such as the Wigner and Von Neumann interpretations, which suggest that it is necessary to actually measure the photon's polarization state to determine which path it took to reach the detector in order to cause collapse, seems to be refuted.
Yet, as it turns out, (in the case with no diagonal polarizer before the screen) even if the orthogonal polarizers marking the which-path information does NOT cause "collapse", we STILL do not see an interference pattern!
Assuming that the orthogonal polarizers do not cause collapse, the total wave function Ψ at the screen is a superposition of the wave functions from both slits. The one from slit A is horizontal polarized ψA∣H⟩ and the one from slit B is vertically polarized ψB∣V⟩ giving us Ψ=ψA∣H⟩+ψB∣V⟩ at the back screen. The interference pattern is given by the intensity distribution, which is the square of the amplitude of the wave function: I=∣Ψ∣²=∣ψA∣H⟩+ψB∣V⟩∣². However, since ∣H⟩ and ∣V⟩ are orthogonal (⟨H∣V⟩=0), the cross terms vanish. Therefore, I=∣ψA∣²+∣ψB∣².
There is no interference pattern even if the orthogonal polarizers do not cause a collapse. Therefore, we still do not know for sure if we need to actually measure the photon's polarization states to determine which path it took to reach the screen in order to cause collapse or not.
One way of solving the question once and for all would be to introduce a BBO crystal before the setup, creating an entangled pair of photons that are H/V polarized. Send an incident beam into a BBO crystal, resulting in an entangled pair consisting of a signal photon heading to the double slit apparatus, and an idler photon heading to an absorber. (the idler's path to the absorber is shorter than the signal's path to the double slit).
Now what we have is, instead of a 45º polarized incident beam being sent to the double slit, a beam of photons which are in a superposition of being both horizontally and vertically polarized being sent to the double slit.
What we should see in this new scenario is that when there is no diagonal polarizer before the screen, there is no interference pattern. But when there is a diagonal polarizer before the screen, we see the interference pattern reappear. This is because the wave function includes the photon as passing through both slits simultaneously, since it is in a superposition of being both horizontally and vertically polarized.
Even if we assume that the orthogonal polarizers do cause collapse, we should still see an interference pattern at the back screen because the diagonal polarizer before the back screen erases the which-path information.
Now, if this is correct, and we should see the interference pattern with the diagonal polarizer in place just as before, we can now test to see if measuring the photon's polarization state to determine the path it took to the slide actually makes a difference or not, using the entangled idler photon.
On the idler's path, we can now remove the absorber and instead place a calcite crystal, which directs the photon into an upper path if it is horizontally polarized and a lower path if it is vertically polarized. On the upper path we place a detector D1 and on the lower path we place another detector D2. If we get a detection at D1 we know that the entangled signal photon was vertically polarized and therefore went through slit B to get to the back screen, and vice versa for D2. (again, the idler path to D1 or D2 is shorter than the signal path to the screen)
Now, what we should see at the back screen is quite shocking: Even though the diagonal polarizer is still in front of the back screen, we no longer see an interference pattern. We cannot see an interference pattern, because we know which path the photon took to reach the back screen, such that it could not have taken both paths and interfered with itself. We thus confirm that it is not the polarizers marking the path that causes the collapse, but is actually measuring the polarizations that causes collapse.
Where did I go wrong?
* I am using the term "collapse" here out of convenience even though I am well aware that "collapse" is now a controversial term and there is much disagreement over it. Let's not argue of this usage. You know what I mean. if there is a better word that is just as easy to use, please let me know.
The generally accepted interpretation of what is going on is represented by what is stated in that paper, here:
For single photons, the double-slit interference pattern can be made to disappear by using a marker. [...]the marker consists of two, mutually perpendicular, polarizing filters placed in front of the double-slit. Each filter covers only one slit and “marks” the photon passing through that slit with its polarization. A single-slit pattern is all that remains. One does not need to actually measure the photon’s polarization state to determine which path it took to reach the detector. The mere fact that the which-path information is available is enough to destroy the interference pattern. By placing a third polarizer, oriented at 45º with respect to the other two polarizers, before the camera, the double-slit interference pattern is once more restored! All photons emerging from the third polarizer have the same polarization state and thus the which-path information is erased; the third polarizer is the quantum eraser.
This interpretation states that the orthogonal polarizers at the slits determine the which-path information and thus destroy the interference pattern. It is not necessary that we actually measure the polarization states to know which path they went through. Placing the diagonal polarizer before the screen "unmarks" the which-path information, such that it is now impossible to determine which slit the photons came through to get to the back screen, and thus the interference pattern reappears.
One thing this experiment definitively seems to confirm is that wave function collapse* is not a permanent irreversible process, otherwise an interference pattern could not be recovered by the presence of the diagonal polarizer at the back screen.
However, it is not so clear to me that the above interpretation is confirmed by this experiment. The above interpretation suggests that "One does not need to actually measure the photon's polarization state to determine which path it took to reach the detector. The mere fact that the which-path information is available is enough to destroy the interference pattern." Interpretations, such as the Wigner and Von Neumann interpretations, which suggest that it is necessary to actually measure the photon's polarization state to determine which path it took to reach the detector in order to cause collapse, seems to be refuted.
Yet, as it turns out, (in the case with no diagonal polarizer before the screen) even if the orthogonal polarizers marking the which-path information does NOT cause "collapse", we STILL do not see an interference pattern!
Assuming that the orthogonal polarizers do not cause collapse, the total wave function Ψ at the screen is a superposition of the wave functions from both slits. The one from slit A is horizontal polarized ψA∣H⟩ and the one from slit B is vertically polarized ψB∣V⟩ giving us Ψ=ψA∣H⟩+ψB∣V⟩ at the back screen. The interference pattern is given by the intensity distribution, which is the square of the amplitude of the wave function: I=∣Ψ∣²=∣ψA∣H⟩+ψB∣V⟩∣². However, since ∣H⟩ and ∣V⟩ are orthogonal (⟨H∣V⟩=0), the cross terms vanish. Therefore, I=∣ψA∣²+∣ψB∣².
There is no interference pattern even if the orthogonal polarizers do not cause a collapse. Therefore, we still do not know for sure if we need to actually measure the photon's polarization states to determine which path it took to reach the screen in order to cause collapse or not.
One way of solving the question once and for all would be to introduce a BBO crystal before the setup, creating an entangled pair of photons that are H/V polarized. Send an incident beam into a BBO crystal, resulting in an entangled pair consisting of a signal photon heading to the double slit apparatus, and an idler photon heading to an absorber. (the idler's path to the absorber is shorter than the signal's path to the double slit).
Now what we have is, instead of a 45º polarized incident beam being sent to the double slit, a beam of photons which are in a superposition of being both horizontally and vertically polarized being sent to the double slit.
What we should see in this new scenario is that when there is no diagonal polarizer before the screen, there is no interference pattern. But when there is a diagonal polarizer before the screen, we see the interference pattern reappear. This is because the wave function includes the photon as passing through both slits simultaneously, since it is in a superposition of being both horizontally and vertically polarized.
Even if we assume that the orthogonal polarizers do cause collapse, we should still see an interference pattern at the back screen because the diagonal polarizer before the back screen erases the which-path information.
Now, if this is correct, and we should see the interference pattern with the diagonal polarizer in place just as before, we can now test to see if measuring the photon's polarization state to determine the path it took to the slide actually makes a difference or not, using the entangled idler photon.
On the idler's path, we can now remove the absorber and instead place a calcite crystal, which directs the photon into an upper path if it is horizontally polarized and a lower path if it is vertically polarized. On the upper path we place a detector D1 and on the lower path we place another detector D2. If we get a detection at D1 we know that the entangled signal photon was vertically polarized and therefore went through slit B to get to the back screen, and vice versa for D2. (again, the idler path to D1 or D2 is shorter than the signal path to the screen)
Now, what we should see at the back screen is quite shocking: Even though the diagonal polarizer is still in front of the back screen, we no longer see an interference pattern. We cannot see an interference pattern, because we know which path the photon took to reach the back screen, such that it could not have taken both paths and interfered with itself. We thus confirm that it is not the polarizers marking the path that causes the collapse, but is actually measuring the polarizations that causes collapse.
Where did I go wrong?
* I am using the term "collapse" here out of convenience even though I am well aware that "collapse" is now a controversial term and there is much disagreement over it. Let's not argue of this usage. You know what I mean. if there is a better word that is just as easy to use, please let me know.