How to Find Magnetic Field and Vector Potential of a Rotating Charged Disk?

In summary, the student is trying to find the vector potential and field for a rotating disk. The student found a page that says the vector potential can be reduced to an elliptic integral. The student is trying to find the formula to find the field at all points in space for a rotating disk.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Disk of radius S has uniform charge Q on surface. Roates with angular velocity w = w z(^) about symmerty axis Z. I am asked to find magnetic field (I believe I have that answer though it's messy and maybe wrong) vector potential (of which I have no idea) and the torque on a magnet with magnetic dipole m = m s(^) place in the equitorial plane at a distance s from the center of the disk.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The first part I have NO idea on.
For the second part, torque = mXB
m = Iarea = I*pi*S^2

But where does the distance s go? Thank you!
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  • #2
I interpret the problem to mean that the location of the magnetic dipole is in the plane of the spinning disk at a distance s fom its center. If (s^) means a unit vector in the direction of the vector s, then I think that means radially outward from the center of the disk.

Did you find the field at all points in space? If you were able to do that, you can probably do the integral required to find the vector potential
  • #3
Yes, that was the unit vector I didn't know how to type it.

What formula would I use to find the field at all points? My prof never covered rotation in class yet assigned it for home so I am really confused :( We did go over the information on the page you linked, but I need to get the field first and then I can find the potential?
  • #4
mochi_melon said:
Yes, that was the unit vector I didn't know how to type it.

What formula would I use to find the field at all points? My prof never covered rotation in class yet assigned it for home so I am really confused :( We did go over the information on the page you linked, but I need to get the field first and then I can find the potential?

The rotation of a charged disk is just another way of producing a current density. You can treat your problem as a set of nested current loops. Finding the field or the vector potential at all points in space for even one current loop is not a trivial calculation. I was a bit surprised when you said you had worked out the field because I don't think it is all that easy to do, but it can be done.

The vector potential for one current loop is done here.

showing that the vector potential can be reduced to an elliptic integral. Then approximations are made to finish the problem. For your disk, the solution to the loop problem could serve as the starting point for an integral over nested loops, but only if the approximations are valid in your case.

Maybe your problem is only expecting you to treat the rotating disk as a magnetic dipole. If so, finding the dipole moment of the disk as nested current loops is not too difficult, and the field and vector potential of the dipole are known. See for example
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FAQ: How to Find Magnetic Field and Vector Potential of a Rotating Charged Disk?

What is magnetic torque?

Magnetic torque refers to the twisting or rotational force that is exerted on a magnetic object when it is placed in a magnetic field. It is caused by the interaction between the object's magnetic moment and the magnetic field.

How is magnetic torque calculated?

The magnetic torque on an object can be calculated by multiplying the object's magnetic moment by the strength of the magnetic field and the sine of the angle between the two.

What is vector potential in relation to magnetic torque?

The vector potential is a mathematical concept used to describe the magnetic field around a current-carrying wire or a magnet. It is related to magnetic torque because it helps to determine the direction and strength of the magnetic field.

How is the vector potential of a magnetic field calculated?

The vector potential of a magnetic field can be calculated using the Biot-Savart law, which takes into account the current, distance, and direction of the magnetic field. It can also be calculated using Maxwell's equations.

What are some real-world applications of magnetic torque and vector potential?

Magnetic torque and vector potential have several applications in everyday life, such as in electric motors, generators, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. They are also important in the study of electromagnetism and can be used to understand the behavior of particles in a magnetic field.
